"And I thought -- when you're a half-hour late, and your friends think you're in jail, it's probably a sign you steal too much."

  1. You suck, but I'm here to help.

    by , Tue, 08-09-2011 at 12:46 AM ("And I thought -- when you're a half-hour late, and your friends think you're in jail, it's probably a sign you steal too much.")
    Upon deciding to write this blog post I decided that it was best if I split the post up into three sections. The sections are as follows: The beginning, Average poster, You suck, but I can help.

    The Beginning

    So basically if you are reading this then you are seeking my help. You admit as a person, you are a pretty shitty human being. You aren't very clever nor are you humorous in anyway possible. Your family thinks you should run away to a 3rd world country, ...