"And I thought -- when you're a half-hour late, and your friends think you're in jail, it's probably a sign you steal too much."

  1. The housing market and you (an open letter to the gotwoot community)

    by , Thu, 08-11-2011 at 01:38 AM ("And I thought -- when you're a half-hour late, and your friends think you're in jail, it's probably a sign you steal too much.")
    Just as the topic states (See above) my verbal skills are excellent.

    Now on to more pressing matters. The housing market is collapsing, and it has affected many people directly or indirectly. This is a very serious issue, and I feel it needs to be addressed. Since I like to think logically, and break down my thoughts to try and reorganize them to create clear structured sentences. I think this will make me getting my point across easier.

    You should join Gotwoot ...

    Updated Thu, 08-11-2011 at 05:27 PM by DO

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