I don't really like crippling myself when I have better options available in any game. I have played with many other characters and combinations (excluding any and all male characters), but I've gotten tired of those too, especially since I have much better tools in my arsenal.

I don't think Genshin Impact is bad or boring by any stretch of the imagination. I just usually reach a point in any game I play where I instantly lose all interest and just move on. It feels a little sad this happened to Genshin Impact, but it's a cycle I live with, and all in all it lasted longer than most games. The same happened with FGO, Azur Lane, Danmachi, Konosuba, etc. All my SSR characters and extra currencies seem wasted, but I simply couldn't get back into them once I've reached this point.

My only complaint is that I wish there was actual difficult coop content with meaningful and renewable rewards, something similar to the 11 and 12 Spire but designed for coop. I have 2 other friends who still actively play, but coop with them is more of a handicap since Ganyu and Hu Tao will easily clean off all enemies faster solo.

I never really needed to coop any content in the game, excluding coop designed events where you need more bodies to collect stuff during a time limit. The vast majority of content was just much faster to do solo.

I might come back when there are new areas to explore or new 5 star waifus to draw, but I'm taking time off until then.