Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Well then we classify our modellers differently. I consider serious modellers the ones that go after the models where more skill is needed. Generally the model kits that have a higher number of parts and more complexity to them with all the added details. You just don't really find that in the HG or smaller suits. PG being the models of the most serious and diehard modellers. I only opened my PG after I had done a ton of HG then MG. If I want something cheap to put together I'll go with the HG or lesser. There are a few non grade tho with resin parts and customized parts for the MG that add some cool stuff. Even some of the HG conversions bring an extra level of complexity and fix the crappy detail of the kits. There is a reason why they put that skill level on the english boxes. But as I said what you and I consider modelling and the level of a modeller are different things.
um....did anyone tell you before that the "skill rated" thingy on english boxes are not exactly right? PG is the the highest level....^^|||
yes...more parts are harder...but doesn't mean it takes more skill...just more time....why did i say it takes more skill to make HG/no grades? cuz they are lack in details....you have to make your own parts to make it look good...on the other hand....MG/PG are way too detailed, so you can't really customize them....the real skill is to make a model good looking with your own hand made parts.....
if you did read the dengeki hobby before....you will find a lot of the models/scene re-makes in the first 50pages...
nearly all of them are made out of no grades!!

the modelist rating:
HG>MG>PG>HG>GK>no grades>Creat a GK yourself