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Thread: Bleach 54 Discussion

  1. #121
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    I'm also one of those who liked the music when Ichigo came to save Rukia. Having adrenaline pumping stuff there would disrupt the "magic" of the moment IMO, and would also be very unfitting since Ichigo's and Rukia's conversation at the time wasn't really heated. As Xan said... not everything needs to be a showstopper. BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!!!

  2. #122
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    please dont say Believe it, I get enough of that when I watch the dub of Naruto [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    R.I.P Captain America.

  3. #123
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    woo Knives caught the reference :S

  4. #124

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    i liked byakuyas entrance in the manga when he had a shot at ichigo, in the anime i showed his footsteps and stuff where as in the manga is was just like he appeared and ichigo saw it coming, cos it was meant to be a flash step but the way the anime handled just took too long in my opinion.

    still though, everything is major ass kickage

    and people complaining about how the seal thing destroyed the execution blade (i can never remember the name in jap :confused[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] that makes perfect sense for it to be that quick and easy cos thats what it was designed to do

  5. #125

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Seems like DB's versions have slightly lower visual quality than the others...well, they're also slightly smaller in size.
    Now then, will Zaraki and Komamura fight in spite of what's going on?

  6. #126
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    I doubt Kenpachi much cares what's going on as long as he has a worthy opponent to fight. And he seemed happy enough when Komamura summoned his Bankai.

  7. #127

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    can anyone say specifically why the shiohuin or whatever family crest is so damn powerful/important?
    its yoruichi-san's family crest innit?

  8. #128

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    It's not really powerful ... it's just doing it's job. Anyhow that whole sealing creast thing has no big role in the story.

    Just wait and see! (I was tempted to say BELIEVE IT! here -_- damn you terra!)

  9. #129

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    anyone else realize that byakuya attacked ichigo when ichigo was busy? He told ichigo the second time they met he isnt worthy for him to attack him while he is distracted.

  10. #130
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: kyubisrage
    anyone else realize that byakuya attacked ichigo when ichigo was busy? He told ichigo the second time they met he isnt worthy for him to attack him while he is distracted.
    You are right, I didn't think about it like that. Byakuya must have shit himself when he realised Ichigos immense strenght, if he attacked him from behind like a fucking pussy. Byakuya is obviously going to lose when he stoops to such dishonorable acts to win a fight.

  11. #131
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: kyubisrage
    anyone else realize that byakuya attacked ichigo when ichigo was busy? He told ichigo the second time they met he isnt worthy for him to attack him while he is distracted.
    I think Byakutya is gay and he likes Ichigo's tight ass. He keeps on sneaking up behind everyone. He abused Renji so badly that Renji got used to it and finally learned to dodge the attack/quicky.

  12. #132

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    lol~~~. poor vice captains got pizzowned~

  13. #133
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    I think Byakutya is gay and he likes Ichigo's tight ass. He keeps on sneaking up behind everyone. He abused Renji so badly that Renji got used to it and finally learned to dodge the attack/quicky.
    So that's why everyone is afraid of him. Now I understand why he recruited Rukia to his family, he's into incest and what not. Wonder if he has mastered the flash-hump yet? I tell ya, that Byakuya is one sick bastard.

  14. #134

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    Originally posted by: kyubisrage
    I think Byakutya is gay and he likes Ichigo's tight ass. He keeps on sneaking up behind everyone. He abused Renji so badly that Renji got used to it and finally learned to dodge the attack/quicky.
    So that's why everyone is afraid of him. Now I understand why he recruited Rukia to his family, he's into incest and what not. Wonder if he has mastered the flash-hump yet? I tell ya, that Byakuya is one sick bastard.
    flash hump.. that'll be nice to see.. hehe

  15. #135

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    I think Byakutya is gay and he likes Ichigo's tight ass. He keeps on sneaking up behind everyone. He abused Renji so badly that Renji got used to it and finally learned to dodge the attack/quicky.
    So that's why everyone is afraid of him. Now I understand why he recruited Rukia to his family, he's into incest and what not. Wonder if he has mastered the flash-hump yet? I tell ya, that Byakuya is one sick bastard.
    what the fuck man..haha..
    maybe he needs ichigo to stick zangetsu up his ass..maybe we'll get to see him twitch an eyebrow or something.
    byakuya looks like he needs a bit of humping. better yet.. forget zangetsu..use the soukyoku [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] see byakuya smile [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  16. #136

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Byakuya is not being dishonorable (well he is but...). He simply being pragmatic. he acknowledge that the opponent is strong and might have a chance (slight or not) of defeating him... so he attacks to silence that threat... Its like killing a tarantula that gets into your house... the odds of it killing you are low, but you just don't take any chance...

  17. #137
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Darknodin
    Byakuya is not being dishonorable (well he is but...). He simply being pragmatic. he acknowledge that the opponent is strong and might have a chance (slight or not) of defeating him... so he attacks to silence that threat... Its like killing a tarantula that gets into your house... the odds of it killing you are low, but you just don't take any chance...
    The reason you kill a tarantula from behind(?) is beacuse there is no other way, animals are retarded, deal with it. That's like the worst analogy ever you should have used a snake or something . I don't know what pragmatic means but I assume it's something like pregnant pussy. If so, you are totally right. Byakuya is a pregnant pussy.

    This is what I said:
    Byakuya must have shit himself when he realised Ichigos immense strenght, if he attacked him from behind like a fucking pussy. Byakuya is obviously going to lose when he stoops to such dishonorable acts to win a fight.
    Thats basically the same thing that you wrote.

  18. #138
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    I saw that coming from teh looks he was giving Ichigo when he showed up.

    Ichigo has become a damn nuisance to him; he used the first chance he got to try and put him away for good. I wouldn't call it dishonorable - he's just fed up. Though I don't think he counted on Ichigo being stronger. It's like Renji said, Byakuya takes no notice of anyone else, so Ichigo's little power boost is really gonna take him by surprise.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  19. #139
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Xan is pretty close to it, I feel. I also thought Byakuya was being a pretty devious bastard by going at Ichigo when his back was turned. I don't think Byakuya thought of it as dishonorable, because he doesn't have any respect for non-nobility. He probably doesn't even think he should fight fairly with Ichigo because that would be acknowledging his power, which Byakuya sees as illegitamate.

    Byakuya has pride, more than anything else. It would be lowering himself to fight Ichigo as an equal, in his opinion. I don't think it was desperation or fear or treachery that made him attack from behind, it was simply lack of respect and complete contempt for Ichigo.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #140

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Byakuya is proud, but I don't think he's stupid. I think he realized that Ichigo has grown more powerful, and the attack can be seen as actually a mark of respect. When they previously met he didn't want to attack Ichigo while he was distracted. This wasn't about honor, really, but more contempt of Ichigo's skills, saying that he didn't need an edge, because even fully prepared Ichigo wasn't close to a match for him. Now he takes that advanatage, because Ichigo's improved and he might actually need it. Either way, should be a good fight.

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