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Thread: Bleach 54 Discussion

  1. #1

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    DB Bleach 54


  2. #2

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Edit: pictures midloaded I'ma try again soon ^^ sorry.
    Just wanted to say I think they could of made the Ichigo returning scene more dramatic with just changing the music. heh the "I'm wup the 3 lutenients with my bare fist" rocked =D.

  3. #3

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    awesome. that's all I can say. ichigo looks so tight, and the lil fight at the end just made my mouth drop. Ichigo rocks! The rukia throwing thing was pretty funny; great comical relief. Man, I just had to watch the fight scene at the end twice...that was just so cool. hopefully the story (and fights) will continue soon (stupid fillers =_=)
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  4. #4

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Ichigo's outfit is so damn cool! A bit bad video quality though, but I think the translations were of normal quality..

  5. #5

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Roko
    ... Ichigo rocks! The rukia throwing thing was pretty funny; great comical relief ...

    Yes that was comedy hahah. I also liked how it showed the release of three vice-captains soul slayers.

    BTW his picture doesnt show this but he acutally says "Drill, Gonryoumaru!" when releasing his blade.

    I also liked Ichigo using that white ichigo thats inside him techinique (the spinning the blade by the wrap on the handle), also Rukia seemed really nice in tihs episode (nice as in dramatic in a good way and cute).

    Old man sure knows how to strike a pose too =D

    And finally, Proof Naruto and Bleach are intertwining!!!!


    Horse, Snake, Tiger mudda fruggass! Release!

  6. #6
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion!

    No doubt we'll get to see how Ichigo completed his Bankai training during a flashback when he actually goes to release it. I love it when they do that, better dramatic tension.

    Gah, so much awsome shit in this episode.

    I can't believe he beat those captains with his bare hands, man, he's just rediculous now.

    I can't believe the big bad halberd that was central to the bad guys plot got blown up so easily though, I mean wtf.

    Soul Society must be going apeshit right now. Like a third of their captains are down, and another third are in revolt, and they got some invader who's like stronger than anyone. I can't imagine what the first captain is thinking right now.

    By the time this is all over, I wonder if there's count to be anyone left to defend the Court.

    I'm only sad we didn't get to see Ken's fight finish yet. And the little chick is on the way to save Ichigo!

    I've heard people say that they next episode is more Kanon filler, but I don't think it is. They showed clips from the next episode, then the thing after it I think is just a little funny clip they through in.

    I mean seriously, to do a filler now would be insane. The first set of clips is whats in the next episode.

  7. #7

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    I think the end of the filler was just comic relief....I hope.

    Other then that, the ep kicked ass. I loved the look on Ichigo's face when he blocked Bayakua's soul cutter, it was just screaming, "What bitch! You aint shit."

  8. #8

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    OMFG that is going to be some f**** great fighting sene

    i cant wait till ep55 is out

    he just toke out 3 vice in 3 secs

    omg i WANT to see how ichigo is going to kick that capt's ass

  9. #9
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    I've heard people say that they next episode is more Kanon filler, but I don't think it is. They showed clips from the next episode, then the thing after it I think is just a little funny clip they through in.

    I mean seriously, to do a filler now would be insane. The first set of clips is whats in the next episode.
    The episodes before the previous filler showed clips from the original story as well, right? And also there has been preview clips before that did not show up in the actual episode. But it would be evil of them to put in a filler after such an awesome episode.
    I actually got goosebumbs for a while. I alwasy love when the backup arrives and It happened like all the time in this episode. First Ichigo stops the phoenix, then the captains kill it, then Renji shows up and finally Ichigo kicks the shit out of the liutenants. Ichigos new outfit is awesome. I mean cool bandages and a cape, what is there to not like.

  10. #10
    Student Ren's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    LOL. Too funny...

  11. #11

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Damn that was a cool episode, can someone explain why icho could fly?? Thats one thing I got amazed by.. Thats a little to much for me...

  12. #12

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Now Ichigo ... Own Byakuya with some badass moves.

  13. #13

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    ^^ I don't think it will show any more of Ichigo's trainning. We'll just gonna have to wait and see how it paid off (semi obvious in that he just single handily [literaly] pwned 3 vice-captains). What I would love to see is him finally doing some DEMON arts. I mean comeon, hes a shimigami, I wanna see him use destruction art #69!

    Originally posted by: Inazuma
    Now Ichigo ... Own Byakuya with some badass moves.
    Remember, Byakuya is a Captain, his strength and skill is much greater than those three vice-captains. I mean Renji could activate his Bankai (which non of those 3 vice could do from what we know) and he still lost vs Byakuya. Lets just both Byakuya and Ichigo are gonna pull out all the stops to win.

    I suspect major events happening soon, you think you know but you don't ... NONE OF US DO >_<. ::cues dramatic music::

    Edit: Punctuation mistakes ^^;;

  14. #14
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Great Episode.

    Ichigo Rules. He now owns everybody in the Soul Society.

    Bleach is better than Naruto. Even its fillers are better than Naruto fillers. (IMO)

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    No doubt we'll get to see how Ichigo completed his Bankai training during a flashback when he actually goes to release it. I love it when they do that, better dramatic tension.
    Thats a much better way to do it. Ichigo is wearing some kind of tag round his neck. Is it called mantle?

    Soul Society has been divided in two sides.

    I want to see Byakuya fight Ichigo so badly.

    The next episode is not a filler.

    BTW Rukia seems so samll compared to Ichigo and Renji.

  15. #15

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    Great Episode.
    The next episode is not a filler.
    Damn straight, and yes the next episode is in fact non filler. They say at the end of the one hour combo (Episode 52-53) that next time (which would be episode 54) the encylopidea will be SUPER CHARGED! That means they are going to do something different at the end of each episode. I guess no more previews maybe?

    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    BTW Rukia seems so samll compared to Ichigo and Renji.
    Yup ...

    Based on this picture, she'd go about up to his waist or top of his thigh ... Pedophile.

    Edit: maybe all that time in that one tower shrunk her spiritial power which shrunk her height?

    Also anyone crack up about the little vice captain's super speed? =P.

  16. #16
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Fucking awesome. Ichigo reminds me of Cloud's look in Kingdom Hearts.
    Ukitake <3

    Next episode will RULE. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    I think that stuff in the ending is supposed to be some kind of weekly replacement for Kon's radioshow thingy. That would be neat.
    Like a ministory at the end of each ep.

  17. #17
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: isso
    Damn that was a cool episode, can someone explain why icho could fly?? Thats one thing I got amazed by.. Thats a little to much for me...
    I tought it looked like he was sort of levitating bacause of the power from the phoenix.

    Originally posted by: Kensee
    Remember, Byakuya is a Captain, his strength and skill is much greater than those three vice-captains. I mean Renji could activate his Bankai (which non of those 3 vice could do from what we know) and he still lost vs Byakuya. Lets just both Byakuya and Ichigo are gonna pull out all the stops to win.
    But Byakuya can also release his Bankai, just cause Renji had his Bankai doesn't mean that he would have had a chance. As Byakuya said, because it is so big it would take Renji 14 years to master it.

    Wonder who will fight against Ichimaru Gin, he didn't appear at all in this episode. I bet he is up to no good, that bastard.

  18. #18

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: el_boss

    But Byakuya can also release his Bankai, just cause Renji had his Bankai doesn't mean that he would have had a chance. As Byakuya said, because it is so big it would take Renji 14 years to master it.

    Wonder who will fight against Ichimaru Gin, he didn't appear at all in this episode. I bet he is up to no good, that bastard.
    Ah what I was saying is those three vice-captains compared to Byakuya are kinda weak, and Byakuya has a lot more power than he's shown.

    Yes Gin is a bastard =P. That smile is wicked though you gotta admit that.

  19. #19

    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: isso
    Damn that was a cool episode, can someone explain why icho could fly?? Thats one thing I got amazed by.. Thats a little to much for me...
    he explained it in the preview it was another artifact from yoruichi he borrowed.

  20. #20
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 54 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Masamune
    Originally posted by: isso
    Damn that was a cool episode, can someone explain why icho could fly?? Thats one thing I got amazed by.. Thats a little to much for me...
    he explained it in the preview it was another artifact from yoruichi he borrowed.
    But he got a giant demon wing the last time he used the artifact.

    Mayby it's the cape, it has some sort of seal around the neck.

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