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Thread: Bleach 55

  1. #81
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 55

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    That means Hitsugaya won't have anyhting to fight with and will get owned. He sucks. Damn i don't like that kid.
    He reminds me of Hunter X Hunter's Killua for some reason. Personally, I quite like the Hitsugaya character, although it might be he's a bit plain and simple-minded compared to almost all the other captains who seem to have their own more or less hidden plots and ambitions going on. Well, at least he's not buckethead...

    And I wouldn't really expect him to beat the old geezer by himself. But certainly the elemental facts would support him somewhat, like has been said many times.

  2. #82

    Bleach 55

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Hmm....6 fights know what this means.

    1) They're pretty much going to switch from fight to fight at every single cliffhanger known to man
    2) The coolest fights wont be concluded until like, 5 months from now.

    ya, its the only way they can prolong the series without really moving forward much. If this arc ends too quickly we might had a filler arc, and thats never a good thing.

  3. #83

    Bleach 55

    Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
    Your logic is flawless, how long did you stay up to compute this fire melting water/water putting out fire phenomenon Heero?
    at least get it right when ur trying to look smart lol fire melt water [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  4. #84
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Bleach 55

    the next episode will be major pwnage

  5. #85

    Bleach 55

    they got to stop when the old man is gonna be in action >=|

  6. #86
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 55

    It would be cruel to make an old man fight just for our amusement.

  7. #87

    Bleach 55

    Hrm looks like I got flammed a bit. Allright I'll stop doing that ish (thanks for telling me ^^).

    The cold wet sex ice flawless logic confused the hell out of me (i just got back from taking midterms so im out of it =P).

  8. #88

    Bleach 55

    yea, mid terms suck, what kind of mid terms?

    I rather have they show the rest of this arc as it would be in the manga and not prolong it. Which means I rather see all the action quick and at least have some fillers to watch/

  9. #89
    If I could change my name
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    Bleach 55

    I liked this one for alot of reason it's very well put together for the future events (what ever those are?) I don't really mind that they aren't finishing the fights and starting new one... just more action for more of a good eps.....My only wish is that the animaters don't slack off doing them. And for the love of god.... NEW MUSIC!!!!!!!!..... I don't care that i have the OST and all the openings and endings.... these songs get boring if you listen to them to much
    image fail!

  10. #90
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 55

    Though probably not as exciting as the momentous fights we have going on or about to start, I still also wonder what is the place of interest Unohana wanted to visit just before the camera switched to the two captains getting their asses kicked by the old man. I haven't quite figured out or decided what role Unohana wants to play in general. It strongly seems like she is content to heal who ever gets wounded, and not to interfere otherwise at all. Like she was going to watch Rukia get executed, yet earlier she had saved Renji.

  11. #91

    Bleach 55

    Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
    yea, mid terms suck, what kind of mid terms?

    I rather have they show the rest of this arc as it would be in the manga and not prolong it. Which means I rather see all the action quick and at least have some fillers to watch/
    Two math, one ethnic study, one chem, one sociology .. and a few others I forget -_-.

    I really can't wait to see more of old man's attacks. Oh and new music would be nice =D

  12. #92
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 55

    Originally posted by: Kraco
    Though probably not as exciting as the momentous fights we have going on or about to start, I still also wonder what is the place of interest Unohana wanted to visit just before the camera switched to the two captains getting their asses kicked by the old man. I haven't quite figured out or decided what role Unohana wants to play in general. It strongly seems like she is content to heal who ever gets wounded, and not to interfere otherwise at all. Like she was going to watch Rukia get executed, yet earlier she had saved Renji.
    I think this is going to come into play in a pretty cool way as well. She is the one Soul Society Captain that I really can't get a read on. She seems so sweet and nice, but not enough to step in on Rukia's side... She doesn't seem like a stickler for the rules, healing Ryoka and all that... but she was going to watch the execution.

    I have a feeling she'll reemerge when someone is in deep shit and pull out some crazy Healing spell that'll give a full recover to whoever we thought was just about to die. She'll also probably bring Hanatarou with her. This is all just speculation though.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #93

    Bleach 55

    Soifong is better looking than youruichi in this fight scene, will be ashame to see her lose ... =(

  14. #94
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 55

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs

    I have a feeling she'll reemerge when someone is in deep shit and pull out some crazy Healing spell that'll give a full recover to whoever we thought was just about to die. She'll also probably bring Hanatarou with her. This is all just speculation though.
    Haha, Unohana as Dende.

    Soifong is better looking than youruichi in this fight scene, will be ashame to see her lose ... =(
    Soifong better looking than Youruici?

    You sir, are on crack.

  15. #95
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Bleach 55

    Yourichi > Soi Fong in terms of looks. In terms of skill, well, we'll find out [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  16. #96
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 55

    Originally posted by: kooshi
    Yourichi > Soi Fong in terms of looks. In terms of skill, well, we'll find out
    Somehow I think Yourichi isn't above using some dirty tricks, if needed. Of course it's another matter altogether if she needs such againt Soi Fong.

  17. #97

    Bleach 55

    Originally posted by: Kraco
    Originally posted by: kooshi
    Yourichi > Soi Fong in terms of looks. In terms of skill, well, we'll find out
    Somehow I think Yourichi isn't above using some dirty tricks, if needed. Of course it's another matter altogether if she needs such againt Soi Fong.
    I think we can go to the Ladies of Bleach thread to see who looks better than who ... hint: people here seem to like cats o.o

    Anyhow I have a question about Ichigo, is he really flash stepping? Or is he just moving fast enough to match the speed of Flash Step?

    Does the captain in pink robe (sorry i'm horrible with names) also flash step as well? I was under the impression they were just moving really fast where flash step is almost like an instant movement. Just need some clarafication =D.

  18. #98
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 55

    i dont think they were flash stepping. they probably just added that in for the effect.

  19. #99

    Bleach 55

    the idea of flash step is stupid because so many ppl can move at that speed without actually knowing how to flash step.

  20. #100
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Bleach 55

    Read the below


    To know about the flash step.

    Soon, Byakuya should say something to Ichigo indicative that he learned the flash step. So yes, he did.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

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