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Thread: Bleach 58 Discussion

  1. #21
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    Why are you guys believing rumors from a shitty group like DB?
    Why are DB suddenly a "shitty group"? They do great subs and they are extremely fast. Also they were right about the Naruto fillers.

  2. #22
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    A very good episode. el_boss did have some points, but I'm not as concerned about them, and I'm willing to wait for the next episodes to explain things. Ichigo is certainly even ready to die to prove something - to somebody; himself or Byakuya?

    It would also be nice to finally hear what is the main reason why Byakuya so badly wants Rukia to die. Is it just for the honour of the House Kuchiki, or something totally different.

    Well, at last we got this extremely well balanced pair (of shinigamis, of course) back:

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    This fight is really, REALLY similar to Lee vs. Gaara. I mean, if you turn the petals into sand its pretty much exactly the same, a flowing wall vs. extreme speed.
    I thought the exact same thing. Especially at this part:

    Byakuya was also controlling his bankai with his hands, which made it seem very similar to me. Only the "sand" is fluorescent pink. That being said, Ichigo's bankai is great. I love how he's dressed as Zangetsu. The coat suits him really well, very coo'. I like the logic of condensing the power into a small form. It's also completely black - which is awesome.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  4. #24

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kraco
    A very good episode. el_boss did have some points, but I'm not as concerned about them, and I'm willing to wait for the next episodes to explain things. Ichigo is certainly even ready to die to prove something - to somebody; himself or Byakuya?

    It would also be nice to finally hear what is the main reason why Byakuya so badly wants Rukia to die. Is it just for the honour of the House Kuchiki, or something totally different.

    Well, at last we got this extremely well balanced pair (of shinigamis, of course) back:
    Oh, the Valley of the Gods!
    ::is reminded of Baywatch::

    &gt;_&lt; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yes, and I rather like Ichigos Bankai but remember theres still one or few bankais from the Intro we haven seen in an episode yet ^^

  5. #25

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    Why are you guys believing rumors from a shitty group like DB?
    Why are DB suddenly a "shitty group"? They do great subs and they are extremely fast. Also they were right about the Naruto fillers.
    They don't translate accurately... and the group members are assholes... so no reason to believe them...

  6. #26

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    @ Budweineken
    did u got banned by them. cause they're subs are even better than Luner's. u should be thankful to them for making the subs so leechers like me and u could watch them.

  7. #27

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    You think I care about getting banned? And no I wasn't...

    And their subs are far from better than Lunar's... and that's alot coming from me when I hate Lunar...

  8. #28

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Naruto_RNG
    @ Budweineken
    did u got banned by them. cause they're subs are even better than Luner's. u should be thankful to them for making the subs so leechers like me and u could watch them.
    LOL, Better than Lunars, yeah right! The episode was amazing though! And the name of zangetsus ability(the blast from the shikai) was cool [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Moon's fangs slice heaven! And the bankai too! Heavenly Chains Slicing the Moon [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  9. #29
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Is anyone even watching the Lunar subs anymore? I don't see any reason for doing so since DB are faster and there is no other noticable difference. I don't know Japanase like you do Budweineken so I have never noticed that DB are inaccurate, also their grammar is correct and there are few spelling errors. I don't really care about their attitude, it's understandable since there are many annoying people out there that ask and do stupid stuff.

  10. #30
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Yeah. Although I don't know anything about the subject, but since DB is a big Naruto subber, it seems likely they receive lots of idiotic messaging from the most wretched kind of fanboys (and girls possibly). So, it wouldn't be a miracle if they had built some walls.

    I get Lunar subs for archiving, but DB for the first view because I don't have the patience to wait for Lunar... There was recently a thread about this, wasn't there? I think a few people are dling also the Lunar versions. I suppose the biggest difference is the fact that Lunar has translated terms like Death god, Soul slayer, spirit force, etc... whereas DB mostly keeps the Japanese words in place. Although I have noticed Lunar hasn't been always adding so many of those additional translations on top of the screen.

  11. #31
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    lunar is superior to DB in every way.

  12. #32

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    My opinion on DB has nothing to do with how they treat noobs and such in their channel... It's just how they are in general, just a bunch of kids and jackasses...

    So all I wanted to say is that they made the comment about the fillers to mess with all of you, and you guys can't realize that they've been fucking with you...

    So, as you can see... it's not a matter of caring about their attitudes or not... It's a matter of knowing who they are and noticing that they've been messing with you, and you guys come here being all paranoid about it...

  13. #33

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    i really got a kick out of all the times byakuya is like: "i am teh ownage and i will kill you with my power" and then ichigo just stomps all over it. i kind of hope that the filler isnt true, but meh, we'll see. i still want to see the fight with the two captains vs the leader, as its been three(four?) weeks since they showed any of it.

  14. #34
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Ichigo's bankai is pretty awesome, its so concise and simple. Not some BIG thing! Actually a unique sword

  15. #35
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    well I saw the pic of his bankai and I have to say that Im disappointed for KT to give us an entire ch. in color this just didnt really live up to the hype like in the manga.

    Since Frogking wanted to see the differences I'll post the pics:

    this was alot better looking then the pic I saw for the ep:

    I told you guys(the ones that remember me saying this) that I liked it being the color white:

    R.I.P Captain America.

  16. #36

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    One thing about Bankai, up on till now, we've thought that Bankai was sortof a summoning of the spirit of the soul slayer...

    But with Ichigo we don't see nothing like that, other than he seems to have become somewhat like Zangetsu himself...

    Can we say that our theory on Bankai is flawed in believing that it's the summoning of the spirit of the soul slayer? Or can we say that Ichigo summoned Zangetsu in himself (hence somwhat becoming him)?

  17. #37
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    ichigo's bankai in the manga is slightly curved like a katana but its completely straight in the anime

  18. #38
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    I concur, DB's a bunch of pompous assholes....I've tried talking to them once......

    Just as others have said, this is indeed like the Lee vs Gaara fight. Which is cool. Gotta admit though, I'm a little dissappointed if ichigo's bankai is just more speed and power. I can see that happening, since its an ability that the creator of the series can easily tweak as the story progresses (as opposed to say, Mayuri, byakuya, and the blind guy's bankais, where its either there, or it isnt). The concept was pretty clever, but it WAS a little anticlimactic, I agree.

    I think I understand the trend between altered appearances after calling the bankai with the different characters now. Each character's bankai creates an outward manifestion of their zankpatoh in one form or another. For some characters, like Mayuri and the 4th captain, the manifestation is the sword literally taking the form of the entity. While with characters like ichigo, the manifestation is the character's own appearance with respect to the entity. Then you've got variations in between, like Renji, where his outfit reflects the monkey and his sword reflects the snake.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #39

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    Byakuya just watched when Ichigo loaded his bankai for an hour or so and all the time he was thinking "is it really a bankai... no thats impossible... but I could be wrong... no I'm never wrong... but that one time... no I was just young... and inexperienced... and drunk... he said he loved me... he said he would come back (sob sob sob)". This is the guy that has attacked Ichigo from behind several times, so this situation was just silly.
    Byakuya is staying in character, there is no way he would simply attack with out understanding what is happening, that is how he is. Also, if you read the dialogue, he is very full of him self and thinks a ryoka would have no chance against a captain of noble blood. There would be no reason he would feel threatened enough to make an attack at this point.

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    Ichigo had a clean shot at slicing Byakuyas throat and this is what happened.
    -Byakuya: You didn't cut my throat... is that ok?
    -Ichigo: As a matter of fact... it isn't. (Or something like that, I don't really remember.)
    Nice paraphrase, anyways, what was going on is Ichigo told him that he didn't kill him there so that he could stomp on the pride Byakuya keeps talking about. He in no way made it impossible to kill Byakuya at that point, but rather he is now going to show Byakuya that he is not above everyone else. Though this was already stated earlier, I wanted to give my input.

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    Ichigo's new sword was kind of neat, I don't get the logic though. First the sword is small (pre shikai which we don't get to see but I'm assuming if it wasn't in auto shikai it would be normal sized). Then it gets big and then it becomes small again. It would have made more sence if it got smaller all the time and the bankai would be so thin that it would be near invisible. And also the bankai and the shikai have no connection. If you look at Byakuya his shikai is one "petal cloud" and his bankai is a thousand "petal clouds". Ichigo on the other hand, his shikai a big ass sword that shoots laser beams and his bankai a normal sized katana that makes him faster.
    And? Remember the other captains? One shikai puts the enemy to sleep while the Bankai removes the senses. One paralyzes certain portions of the body while the Bankai is a huge bug that has a deadly poison cloud. Etc.

    On top of that, this is assuming that Ichigo's Bankai does nothing else.

    Also, the messages that DB puts at the start are always just to mess with people or be a joke, try looking at their other subs. Then again, that might be a bad idea if you believe everything they put in there.

  20. #40
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    Can we say that our theory on Bankai is flawed in believing that it's the summoning of the spirit of the soul slayer? Or can we say that Ichigo summoned Zangetsu in himself (hence somwhat becoming him)?
    I'd say that last point is probably closest to the reality. Ichigo has "summoned" Zangetsu's spirit and it (Zangetsu) is manefested in Ichigo himself (changing the appearance of the sword at the same time).

    Edit: Assertn made this point already, didn't see it.
    For some characters, like Mayuri and the 4th captain, the manifestation is the sword literally taking the form of the entity. While with characters like ichigo, the manifestation is the character's own appearance with respect to the entity.
    Also, looking at the manga scans, I would have to agree with Knives. The anime makes the appearance of Ichigo's Bankai pretty anticlimactic. It looks better in the manga to me (for once). The music was also inappropriate I think. The soft peice used at Rukia's execution just didn't work in this scene.

    Edit 2:
    First the sword is small (pre shikai which we don't get to see but I'm assuming if it wasn't in auto shikai it would be normal sized). Then it gets big and then it becomes small again.
    The sealed state of Ichigo's sword is the sword he had at the beginning of the series (the one that was broken by Byakuya). And that sword was NOT small, even if it was only just a "big fluffy thing in the shape of a sword." So it goes: Big and fluffy (not much power) --&gt; Big and powerful --&gt; Small and extremely powerful

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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