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Thread: Bleach 62

  1. #1
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    sorry im not sure how to change it so it dont look like funky code =/
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  2. #2
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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  3. #3

    Bleach 62

    Nice episode...

    So no Bleach till January 10... and it's an 1 hour special...

    Hopefully this small gap will prevent a filler arc from happening.

  4. #4
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    When that fucker took his glasses off and slicked back his hair i fell out my shit, that was pimp lol =)
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  5. #5
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    hmmm wasn't that good of an espisode imo. It was kinda lame how Everyone lived, they cant even kill off one character -.-", also i found it kinda lame how everyone was all happy and getting healed at the end and how Aizen and his group riggedly teleported out of there, but like "NeoBear" said it was pretty pimp how he took of his glasses and slicked his hair lol. anyways overall i just would of preferd a little sadder / more action type of ending [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. anyways gotta wait 2 weeks for more Bleach now T.T.

  6. #6
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    Aizen lives to fight another day

    A lot of things have been explained.

    So finally Byakuya came to save her sister or should it be sister-in-law.

    Nobody died not even Hinamori. I was looking forward to her funeral.

    Aizen did a lot of planning and even joined with Menos. What will he do next?

  7. #7

    Bleach 62

    I much prefred the way the Manga did it .. there were a few changes in the anime that I thought they shouldn't of changed.

    They left out this entire part:

    Uhh ... I didn't like DB's translations, here and there, therew ould be a line or two that didn't really match. They made things a bit more confusing then they really are haha but it okay.
    Just to clarify ... yes Aizen did a lv 90 blast spell without the enchanemtn which is PISS HARD as helll to do, but he is unable to use the spell at it's full power without the enchanemnt. He's not that skillful .. yet ...

    So lil translation buffs here and there .. but I liked the episode, Azien friekn rocked it when he broke his glasses and slicked back his hair. I especially loved his quotes ...

    That's a dramatic pose!
    All in all, good closure a bit ... and HA! I laugh to all you guys who thought bayaka was a son of an itch jerk who was nit picky on the rules. THE MAN HAS HEART and ya'll judged him bahhh~!!!! FOR SHAME!
    He was torned in two, and couldn't shead tears. Would any lesser man done the same? I think so!

    To close, we finally comfrim that .. YES the thing was inside Rukia and not inside Ichigo -_- for the recrod that argument went wayy to far then needed.

    Wooww cool episode, Menos grandes, slicked back aizen, and an hour special comming up. Good times and hope this delay prevents any fillers from comming =D.

  8. #8
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    All in all, good closure a bit ... and HA! I laugh to all you guys who thought bayaka was a son of an itch jerk who was nit picky on the rules. THE MAN HAS HEART and ya'll judged him bahhh~!!!! FOR SHAME!
    He was torned in two, and couldn't shead tears. Would any lesser man done the same? I think so!

    To close, we finally comfrim that .. YES the thing was inside Rukia and not inside Ichigo -_- for the recrod that argument went wayy to far then needed.

    Wooww cool episode, Menos grandes, slicked back aizen, and an hour special comming up. Good times and hope this delay prevents any fillers from comming =D.
    well personly i would of liked Bayaka to stay on his evil side instead of getting all emotional, also i dont really like his background story much -.-, and well um as far as i read *most* people though the orb was still inside Rukia though the powers got transferd to Ichigo. anyways i dont think it'll prevent fillers because its an hour long espisode and it shows in two weeks so i dont get how that could help [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img], anyways hopfully they'll just take a year break but they probally wont T.T.

    /.\/0t3 : also i only read a few pages about the gigai thing so maybe lots of other peep thought it was *In* Ichico [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. and your right about that argument going way to far, it was like half the disscussion actually lol.

    3])iT : oh yah and thanks for the manga images XD, man that kinda pisses me off they wouldn't show that. Anyways im gonna go read more of the bleach manga now, at volume 8 atm >: ).

    and also to NeoBear to make it change from a funky code just click http not https on the message thing then type in the code then click ok, then type in whatever you want it to say [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Bleach 62

    It'll still skip over a week, and manga should continue to be released... So it should affect something...

  10. #10

    Bleach 62

    Hmm for some odd reason that manga pic reminds me of Iori...

    And yes..I did thought of Byakuya as one kick ass bad guy with emphasis on the bad. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Great ep nonetheless...

  11. #11
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    Unbelievably anticlimactic.

    "Owp, got my thingy, lets go." The End.

    They could have just called this "making a superpowerful badguy for 100 episodes from now".

    Aizen is already kicking everyone's ass, and by the time they see him again he's gonna be a Hollow hybrid. Greeeeeat.

    It really just felt like this whole arc just ended on a whimper.

    Oh, and Byakuya is still an ass.

    "It's a good thing you're friend came here and said things that made me change my mind, cause I was totally gonna execute you're ass if he hadn't."

  12. #12

    Bleach 62

    And after this arc, which will end after the 1 hour special, will come a filler arc, since the next arc isnt finished in the manga?....Yay this will be great!

  13. #13
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    It'll still skip over a week, and manga should continue to be released... So it should affect something...
    But if the episode after is a double, then after two weeks, they are in the exact same spot they'd have been in if they hadn't had a skip.

  14. #14

    Bleach 62

    No, because it airs in the third week...

    Have problems in math?

  15. #15
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    Have problems in math?
    Just with reading dates apparently.

    If they're taking two weeks off then yeah, that's a difference of 1 week.

  16. #16

    Bleach 62

    sigh no bleach next week

  17. #17
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    Or the week after.

  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    stop being so dramatic, it's something that happened to you before, and a lot. so, just smile!
    Signature by Lucifus

    She knows what you did last summer..

    ------------私はコピーX 及びSimca が空を征服することを信じる------------

  19. #19
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 62

    This episode was awesome, there's no arguing that. But the ending of the plot they had built up in the last 61 turned out to be pretty bland. Like Koko said, what is up with everyone being jolly after they have witnessed what will become their downfall i.e. Super Aizen. And Terra was right, leaving Unohana alive was just the worst plot-device ever. Just so that no one would die and so that Aizen would get a snappy exit. And the thing about Byakuya was just stupid, like Darthender said, he just needed a complete stranger to tell him what to do instead of listening to his own "sister". It was kind of surprising though that he came to her rescue, but why did he just stand there and take Gin's blade trough the heart instead of flash-stepping the hell out of there.

    One good thing came out of this episode though, we now have some more clues towards solving the mystery of Ichigo's hollow. Apparently Urahara was an expert (or at least adept) at grafting things to souls. Well I guess we indirectly new this already since we knew about how Rukia got the hougyoku. But I think this strenghtens the idea that Urahara wanted Ichigo to become hollowish. It's not impossible that Urahara "planted" a hollow spirit inside Ichigo and used the pit to awaken it.

    @Kensee: That giant fight was rather ignorable. I guess they just tought it wasn't worth it to animate the for a 5 second fight.

    Some random notes:
    Aizen plant arm was cool.
    The lvl 90 spell was sort of similar to Byakuya's shikai/bankai which renders his whole speciality somewhat useless.
    Gin actually didn't smile.
    Aizen really likes to reveal all the details of his plans. Maybe he likes the sound of his own voice.
    Whithout his glasses, Aizen looks like Guts (from berserk).

  20. #20

    Bleach 62

    I dont mind having no bleach for 2 weeks if it means less fillers I guess...

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