I decided to take a look at this series and just finished reading volume 2. It seems like most people aren't reading this one, so I'll also echo Bud and Stoopider and strongly recommend it. I ended up reading all 16 released chapters in one sitting - the manga is that good, it'll draw you in. Berserk fans will definitely like this series, just to give it a point of reference.

It's a bit of a shame that the releases will come slowly. A Question: When MangaScreeners writes that the author switched to the monthly seinen magazine, does that mean one chapter per month and therefore about 8 months per volume release? How much material (approximately) is inserted into a monthly magazine?

-Story stuff- :

I'm really liking Askeladd's "strong guy who jokes around" personality even though it's a formula that's been used many times. The guy's pretty evil, but the charm he has helps the reader root for his group.

Thors has also made an impression on me. He really seems to have the wisdom of an old man coupled with the strength of a top warrior. Thorfinn's inability to understand what his father was all about is what will drive the story. But before he reaches that point, we get to see him kicking ass and decapitating heads =)

Eagerly looking forward to chapter 17 and beyond...