Originally posted by: Honoko
Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
I need help! I need a good idea for a valentine's day gift for my girl. She doesn't want jewelry, and I've done the candy/flowers/stuffed animal thing to death. Any ideas would be most appreciated. God, I am screwed!
does she like to eat? take her somewhere nice. does it have to be a tangible gift? flowers and dinner and spending time w/ each other seems like the way to go on v-day =P
I agree. Also, if you don't wanna make a card by hand, you could always do something nifty with photoshop (if you have any graphic skillzzzz, that is - and even then, it won't have to be too impressive for her to appreciate it). Both me and some of my friends have gotten out of buying gifts by spending some time making videos, or even something simple on paint.

I have an unrelated, almost noobish, question: What's the difference between an Admin and a Mod on forums? Like, what are their specific jobs?