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Thread: IRC (now w/ weddings)

  1. #421
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    this is fucking hilarious... i must join back irc chat one day but for some reason i was banned... hemmm... thanks for the laughs deadfire and web monkey.... made my night.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  2. #422
    OK, you should be able to join now.

  3. #423
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    it says unable to connect, connection refused.
    when i try to connect to the server
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  4. #424
    try using


    [04:26] <@_kAi_> take pictures of your mother/sister
    [04:26] <@_kAi_> naked
    [04:26] <Ifinghatetonton> yeahhh that sounds like a blast


    [04:27] <@_kAi_> you'd fuck your mother/sister?
    [04:27] <Ifinghatetonton> its all good fun lol
    Last edited by kAi; Wed, 03-29-2006 at 12:33 AM.

  5. #425
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Ah, how we love our network admin

    [00:12:15] KitKat: I can go from deep sleep to walking out the door with all my school stuff in 15 minutes
    [00:12:47] Assassin: Teach me oh mistress of lasers and cookies!
    [00:13:57] Deadfire: my morning routine this week mostly had me standing there wondering what the heck was happening, what the heck I was doing, what the heck am I have in my hands and.. where my pants were
    [00:14:16] DragonOutlaw: when i wake up
    [00:14:38] DragonOutlaw: I move with the swiftness that only i can have
    [00:14:48] Deadfire: your slow right DO
    [00:14:55] Assassin: the swiftness of a dead cow
    [00:15:17] Deadfire: thats been there for a week
    [00:15:22] * DragonOutlaw /kill Assassin DEAD COW

    [00:16:16] DragonOutlaw: I can blink and breath at the sametime
    [00:16:20] * DragonOutlaw wins
    [00:16:23] Assassin: heh
    [00:16:29] * KitKat is amazed
    [00:16:36] Deadfire: I can talk and piss you off at the same time
    [00:16:43] * Deadfire wins
    [00:16:44] DragonOutlaw: no you cant!
    [00:17:00] DragonOutlaw: i bet i could make you mad though
    [00:17:22] Deadfire: ok ok DO you win I can Type and piss you off at the same time
    [00:17:35] Deadfire: of course you can DO
    [00:17:38] DragonOutlaw: I win all
    [00:17:59] Deadfire: how do you win an "all"
    [00:17:59] DragonOutlaw: DragonOutlaw means win in some languages
    [00:20:01] KitKat: In the language of the Asdfghjkl tribe for instance
    [00:20:23] KitKat: Instead of saying 'win', they all speak the name 'DragonOutlaw'
    [00:20:40] DragonOutlaw: DragonOutlaw means OWNAGE
    [00:20:50] KitKat: but it is a name too revered to be used for common usage
    [00:21:06] KitKat: So they use the short form, DO

    [00:23:02] KitKat: DO, you killed my internet!
    [00:23:08] DragonOutlaw: i did not
    [00:23:18] DragonOutlaw: well im so powerful
    [00:23:23] DragonOutlaw: when i sneeze her internet cuts
    image fail!

  6. #426
    [05:09] * Joins: WebUser7925 (~Gotwoot@3E3CE23D.8F9A7677.C11C2BC2.IP)
    [05:12] * WebUser7925 is now known as drne
    [05:12] <drne> can i get help from anyone?
    [05:13] <drne> !list
    [05:13] * Wilik sets mode: +b drne!*@*
    [05:13] * Wilik sets mode: +b *!*~Gotwoot@267179EE.29FF69F3.41BC9D09.IP
    [05:13] * drne was kicked by Wilik (If you weren't so damn stupid I wouldn't have had to ban you from our channel. Next time read the rules!)

  7. #427
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    [20:10:36] *** WebUser4623 has joined #gotwoot.
    [20:10:49] WebUser4623: anyone no where i can get some new hentie movies
    [20:10:59] Deadfire: ....
    [20:11:08] WebUser4623: im trying to sell them.
    [20:11:10] WebUser4623: easy money
    [20:11:19] WebUser4623: many pervs in my school wooooot
    [20:11:35] _kAi_: lol
    [20:11:43] WebUser4623: anyone no?
    [20:11:51] WebUser4623: i can make a quick 200 profit lol.
    [20:12:06] _kAi_: you shouldn't make money off fansubs
    [20:12:10] _kAi_: it's bad
    [20:12:13] WebUser4623: why not
    [20:12:14] WebUser4623: - .
    [20:12:18] WebUser4623: i need the money bad
    [20:12:28] _kAi_: no you don't
    [20:12:34] WebUser4623: yes i do
    [20:12:35] DragonOutlaw: stfu WebUser4623
    [20:12:40] WebUser4623: when ur going to go to a private school next year


    [20:12:43] DragonOutlaw: least talk to us with a real nick
    [20:12:50] WebUser4623: i dont have one...
    [20:12:51] _kAi_: lol
    [20:12:57] DragonOutlaw: get one
    [20:12:59] _kAi_: you need money because you're going to a private school
    [20:13:00] DragonOutlaw: faggot
    [20:13:01] _kAi_: you're an idiot
    [20:13:04] WebUser4623: no.
    [20:13:08] _kAi_: yes,
    [20:13:09] WebUser4623: cause i have a bank account
    [20:13:09] _kAi_: you are
    [20:13:12] WebUser4623: i have a scholorship
    [20:13:16] WebUser4623: but i need to save money
    [20:13:22] Deadfire: this is getting better


    [20:13:25] _kAi_: get a job you bum
    [20:13:27] WebUser4623: how do i get one?
    [20:13:29] WebUser4623: i cant
    [20:13:30] _kAi_: apply
    [20:13:32] WebUser4623: im not old enough
    [20:13:36] WebUser4623: im 14.
    [20:13:42] _kAi_: ask your parents
    [20:13:46] WebUser4623: ?
    [20:13:57] WebUser4623: they own a business
    [20:14:01] _kAi_: are you paying for private school?
    [20:14:03] WebUser4623: thats a 39 min drive
    [20:14:19] _kAi_: your parents will be paying for private school
    [20:14:20] _kAi_: not you
    [20:14:24] WebUser4623: ..
    [20:14:27] WebUser4623: u dont no my parents
    [20:14:28] _kAi_: or does the scholarship pay for it


    [20:14:50] _kAi_: goto government school then
    [20:14:57] WebUser4623: cant
    [20:15:00] WebUser4623: too many gang fights
    [20:15:04] _kAi_: pussy
    [20:15:05] WebUser4623: 2 ppl shot already
    [20:15:09] WebUser4623: for no damn reason
    [20:15:19] _kAi_: and what's wrong with that?
    [20:15:32] WebUser4623: maybe i dont want to die by a gun?
    [20:15:36] _kAi_: pussy
    [20:15:51] _kAi_: you are an idiot anyway
    [20:15:53] _kAi_: leave
    [20:15:58] WebUser4623: nah then i wouldnt be able to get in
    [20:16:03] WebUser4623: to a priv school
    [20:16:12] _kAi_: bullshit
    [20:16:18] _kAi_: you aren't even paying for private school
    [20:16:32] WebUser4623: yes but my parents arent rich


    [20:14:27] DragonOutlaw: dude type /nick
    [20:14:33] DragonOutlaw: and put in your nickname
    [20:14:35] WebUser4623: type/ Chinky
    [20:14:37] WebUser4623: ?
    [20:14:43] * DragonOutlaw /nick Chinky
    [20:14:47] WebUser4623: uh
    [20:14:49] WebUser4623: it says
    [20:14:52] WebUser4623: unknown command
    [20:15:11] DragonOutlaw: wtf are you talking about
    [20:15:13] DragonOutlaw: TYPE IT
    [20:15:16] WebUser4623: I DID
    [20:15:16] DragonOutlaw: dont c/p it
    [20:15:19] WebUser4623: it says unknown command
    [20:16:18] WebUser4623: watd u do
    [20:16:19] WebUser4623: did u do
    [20:16:23] WebUser4623: slash ur wanted nick?
    [20:16:40] *** WebUser4623 is now known as Duh.
    [20:17:16] *** Duh is now known as KaiisanIdiot.
    [20:17:30] *** KaiisanIdiot is now known as Jk.
    [20:17:34] Jk: better name


    [20:17:15] DragonOutlaw: so you came down here for hentai
    [20:17:40] DragonOutlaw: why don't you just download it yourself
    [20:17:50] Jk: cause i cant find any new ones.
    [20:17:56] _kAi_: he doesn't know how
    [20:18:02] DragonOutlaw: one question
    [20:18:04] Jk: and i hate real porn it makes me disgusted
    [20:18:09] Jk: this is jsut for cash
    [20:18:18] _kAi_: he hates porn but he gets hentai
    [20:18:24] Jk: i dont like either


    [20:18:11] DragonOutlaw: what does #gotwoot have to do with hentai?
    [20:18:17] Jk: dont no.
    [20:18:30] Jk: but if im going to sell stuff
    [20:18:32] DragonOutlaw: hentai is porn
    [20:18:34] Jk: it should atleast be fake
    [20:18:39] DragonOutlaw: why
    [20:18:44] Jk: who cares its cartoons
    [20:18:45] DragonOutlaw: your a fag?
    [20:18:48] DragonOutlaw: arent you
    [20:18:52] Jk: ...
    [20:19:02] _kAi_: yeah, i'd say so


    [20:19:04] Jk: i dont get on the comp much im not a comp whiz
    [20:19:16] Jk: i just came back from track meet
    [20:19:20] DragonOutlaw: sure shows


    [20:20:08] Jk: ive saved up 2k so far from the school year
    [20:20:11] DragonOutlaw: how old are you?
    [20:20:14] Jk: thats 1 year of priv. school
    [20:20:18] Jk: im 14
    [20:20:26] DragonOutlaw: you want to go to private school?
    [20:20:29] Jk: no.
    [20:20:31] Jk: im forced to
    [20:20:40] Jk: but i no my parents can barely afford
    [20:20:41] Jk: im not stupid
    [20:20:46] DragonOutlaw: pirvate school hahah
    [20:20:49] DragonOutlaw: don't go
    [20:20:55] Jk: i have a choice?
    [20:21:02] DragonOutlaw: yeah
    [20:21:05] Jk: nah i dont
    [20:21:08] Jk: i have asian parents
    [20:21:12] DragonOutlaw: so
    [20:21:14] Jk: ...
    [20:21:16] DragonOutlaw: they must be short
    [20:21:18] DragonOutlaw: beat there ass
    [20:21:21] Jk: my dads 6 5
    [20:21:24] Jk: but my moms short
    [20:21:27] DragonOutlaw: TALL AZN
    [20:21:33] Jk: yah i dont get it
    [20:21:37] Jk: im like 5 8
    [20:21:45] Jk: nothing compared to my dad
    [20:21:49] Jk: id get my ass wooped
    [20:21:51] DragonOutlaw: Does he know karate
    [20:21:58] Jk: he knows tae kwon doe
    [20:22:01] Jk: used to teach it
    [20:22:14] DragonOutlaw: Yeah you'd get your ass fucked up
    [20:22:22] Jk: yah i no
    [20:22:25] Jk: already happened
    [20:22:27] Jk: a couple of times


    [20:22:37] DragonOutlaw: Did your dad ever throw you threw a tv
    [20:22:43] DragonOutlaw: and do some high kick or something
    [20:23:07] DragonOutlaw: did he yell some asian proverb
    [20:23:08] DragonOutlaw: like
    [20:23:21] DragonOutlaw: Dragons don't come out unless the milk carton is half full


    [20:23:48] Jk: well i need to make some money
    [20:23:55] Jk: i tried makin it out of candy
    [20:23:56] Jk: but to slow
    [20:23:57] DragonOutlaw: sell your body
    [20:24:00] Jk: ...
    [20:24:02] Jk: IM 14
    [20:24:07] DragonOutlaw: point?
    [20:24:08] Jk: and anyways i wouldnt
    [20:24:13] DragonOutlaw: fresh body
    [20:24:17] DragonOutlaw: work the streets sucka
    [20:24:25] Jk: thats where
    [20:24:25] Jk: ppl get anally
    [20:24:26] Jk: raped
    [20:24:30] Deadfire: JK if you say you have morals your lieing out right


    [20:24:35] DragonOutlaw: charge em 100 bucks a raping
    [20:24:42] Jk: u cant charge
    [20:24:43] DragonOutlaw: anal 200
    [20:24:45] Jk: they come out behind u
    [20:24:54] Deadfire: charge them
    [20:25:04] Jk: give me 200 i can fuk anally?
    [20:25:05] DragonOutlaw: behind over and ask them "check, credit card or cash"
    [20:25:07] Jk: hell no they would
    [20:25:12] Jk: kik my ass
    [20:25:15] Jk: and do it anyways


    [20:25:22] DragonOutlaw: sell drugs
    [20:25:28] Jk: sell drugs...
    [20:25:32] Deadfire: and thats worse then asking this channel for hentai how again?
    [20:25:32] Jk: theres police dogs
    [20:25:34] DragonOutlaw: make some opium
    [20:25:35] Jk: in my school
    [20:25:49] DragonOutlaw: kick the dog in the face
    [20:26:02] Jk: get arrested for "animal abusement"
    [20:26:03] DragonOutlaw: carry a knife
    [20:26:04] Assassin: say the police officer molested you
    [20:26:07] Assassin: easy way out
    [20:26:13] DragonOutlaw: and he didnt pay


    [20:26:13] Jk: we have cameras
    [20:26:20] Jk: metal detectors
    [20:26:22] Jk: the whole shyt load
    [20:26:37] DragonOutlaw: get some smoke bombs
    [20:26:51] Jk: but how the hell could i?
    [20:26:57] DragonOutlaw: throw it
    [20:26:58] Jk: plus point is
    [20:27:02] Jk: i need quick cash
    [20:27:02] DragonOutlaw: that blocks the cameras
    [20:27:08] DragonOutlaw: rob a bank
    [20:27:15] Jk: i cant even
    [20:27:16] Jk: buy a gun
    [20:27:17] Jk: ...
    [20:27:18] DragonOutlaw: JK i just gave you like 10 solutions
    [20:27:19] Yale: butt smex?
    [20:27:23] Assassin: ya, go all ninja on ur skool
    [20:27:24] DragonOutlaw: im like a think tank


    [20:27:28] Jk: by selling hentei movies
    [20:27:31] Jk: so funny
    [20:27:36] Jk: so many nerdy rich kids
    [20:27:37] DragonOutlaw: thats so gay
    [20:27:43] Assassin: and sad


    [20:27:46] Jk: i made 2k so far
    [20:27:47] DragonOutlaw: dont sell hentai movies
    [20:27:49] DragonOutlaw: sell apps
    [20:27:50] Jk: thats pretty good
    [20:27:52] Jk: apps?
    [20:27:54] DragonOutlaw: apps you stupid
    [20:28:03] Jk: its quick money eh
    [20:28:04] DragonOutlaw: like programs people need for there computer
    [20:28:05] Assassin: lol
    [20:28:11] DragonOutlaw: photoshop
    [20:28:14] Jk: ppl r more interested
    [20:28:15] DragonOutlaw: stuff like taht
    [20:28:15] Jk: in porn
    [20:28:18] Jk: they dont give a damn about that


    [20:28:27] DragonOutlaw: if they're nerdy
    [20:28:28] Jk: where i can get some
    [20:28:31] DragonOutlaw: they would
    [20:28:34] Jk: there nerdy for porn
    [20:28:35] Assassin: ok this is what you do
    [20:28:36] DragonOutlaw: or
    [20:28:39] DragonOutlaw: this may be CRAZY
    [20:28:44] DragonOutlaw: how about you get a job
    [20:28:49] Jk: im 14...
    [20:28:52] DragonOutlaw: so
    [20:28:57] Assassin: buy a hooker for a nite and charge your friends $100/15 min
    [20:28:58] Jk: i tried working
    [20:29:03] Jk: at barnes and nobles
    [20:29:07] Yale: 14 year olds are allowed to work...
    [20:29:12] Jk: but they said i had to be 16
    [20:29:15] DragonOutlaw: lie
    [20:29:19] Jk: ...
    [20:29:20] Jk: go ask...
    [20:29:22] Assassin: he gave special services to the manager
    [20:29:27] DragonOutlaw: so your 14 huh
    [20:29:29] DragonOutlaw: hang out here
    [20:29:30] Yale: JK get yourself like a work release or something
    [20:29:31] Jk: yah
    [20:29:38] Jk: i got no idea how to do that
    image fail!

  8. #428
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    (Double posting because of limit)


    [20:29:31] DragonOutlaw: i'll train you
    [20:29:43] DragonOutlaw: stfu
    [20:29:49] DragonOutlaw: JK i now own you
    [20:29:55] DragonOutlaw: Im going to make you a touch azn
    [20:30:00] DragonOutlaw: i mean tough
    [20:30:11] Assassin: DO, aren't you white?
    [20:30:14] DragonOutlaw: yes
    [20:30:16] Jk: im azn
    [20:30:23] DragonOutlaw: WHITE + AZN = O_O
    [20:30:26] Assassin: so a white guy is gonna make an azn guy more azn
    [20:30:28] Assassin: awesome
    [20:30:35] DragonOutlaw: make him tough

    [20:30:38] Jk: if a teacher catches u with porn
    [20:30:39] Yale: hentai >>?
    [20:30:40] DragonOutlaw: right now hes a pussy
    [20:30:41] Jk: they care
    [20:30:44] Jk: but hentai movies
    [20:30:50] Jk: they just pass it by


    [20:31:13] Yale: why do you need money/
    [20:31:18] Jk: priv. school
    [20:31:22] Jk: gang fights at publics
    [20:31:23] DragonOutlaw: you jerk fuck JK
    [20:31:24] Jk: and riots
    [20:31:30] DragonOutlaw: join a gang
    [20:31:32] DragonOutlaw: right now
    [20:31:33] Assassin: ya
    [20:31:35] Assassin: the crips
    [20:31:36] Jk: about the illegal immagrant thing
    [20:31:40] DragonOutlaw: bloodz
    [20:31:41] DragonOutlaw: NIGGA
    [20:31:41] Jk: crips r losing
    [20:31:43] DragonOutlaw: bloodz
    [20:31:44] DragonOutlaw: NIGGA
    [20:31:44] Jk: bloodz r winning
    [20:31:47] DragonOutlaw: Join them
    [20:31:49] DragonOutlaw: get a glock
    [20:31:52] DragonOutlaw: wear red
    [20:31:55] Jk: u think they would let a azn in?


    [20:31:57] DragonOutlaw: say FUCK
    [20:32:05] Yale: JK... get yourself commited >> live off the system
    [20:32:05] DragonOutlaw: Fuck nigga im the illest around
    [20:32:07] Jk: u gotta be atleast like fukin 200 pounds when ur 10
    [20:32:09] Assassin: show them some crazy ass kung fu
    [20:32:11] DragonOutlaw: say that stupid
    [20:32:13] DragonOutlaw: Fuck nigga im the illest around
    [20:32:22] Jk: say that dumnass
    [20:32:24] Jk: and get shot
    [20:32:29] DragonOutlaw: get back up
    [20:32:34] DragonOutlaw: be like Yah boi
    [20:32:53] DragonOutlaw: join the bloodz
    [20:32:55] Assassin: call up yo homies and bust a cap in thier collective asses
    [20:33:01] DragonOutlaw: call them all niggas
    [20:33:09] Jk: man if u even call em
    [20:33:11] Jk: an eggroll
    [20:33:14] Jk: u get ur ass kiked


    [20:33:17] Yale: slit your wrists..
    [20:33:21] Yale: then calls the cops
    [20:33:25] Yale: go hospital
    [20:33:30] Yale: then commited
    [20:33:42] Yale: then you wont have to worry about life


    [20:33:34] DragonOutlaw: they will like you
    [20:33:43] Jk: fuked their fat mama?
    [20:33:44] Jk: most of them
    [20:33:46] Jk: dont have moms
    [20:33:48] Jk: ...
    [20:33:50] DragonOutlaw: they do
    [20:33:53] Jk: no the ydont
    [20:33:55] DragonOutlaw: wtf
    [20:33:57] Jk: they live on the streets
    [20:33:58] DragonOutlaw: did they come from space
    [20:33:59] Jk: literally
    [20:34:02] Jk: no they died
    [20:34:05] Jk: or gave them up
    [20:34:08] DragonOutlaw: stop listening to tyour parents
    [20:34:14] DragonOutlaw: THEY HAVE MOMS
    [20:34:15] DragonOutlaw: AND DADS
    [20:34:22] Jk: they have dads
    [20:34:23] Jk: in jail


    [20:34:32] Yale: why dont you sell drugs
    [20:34:37] Jk: because i cant get hold
    [20:34:38] Jk: of drugs
    [20:34:41] Jk: in the first place
    [20:34:54] Yale: My friend sells cocaine.. he seems to be doing well
    [20:35:01] Jk: i cant get hold if it
    [20:35:04] Jk: of
    [20:35:06] Yale: why cant you get a hold of an ounce of bud?
    [20:35:07] Jk: no idea how to
    [20:35:13] Yale: ask around


    [20:35:14] Jk: i tried selling weed
    [20:35:16] Jk: but they dont
    [20:35:19] Jk: buy anymore
    [20:35:27] Yale: well.. you buy weed to start
    [20:35:30] Jk: plus if i get caught with stupid crak
    [20:35:33] Jk: im arrested
    [20:35:39] Jk: but if i have hentie movies
    [20:35:41] Jk: theyd be like
    [20:35:42] Jk: wtf?
    [20:35:43] Jk: and leave
    [20:35:55] Assassin: you're not old enough for that yet
    [20:35:58] Assassin: stick to drugs
    [20:36:03] Assassin: no age limit
    [20:36:05] DragonOutlaw: Jk
    [20:36:07] Jk: drugs>hentai?
    [20:36:11] DragonOutlaw: give up
    [20:36:16] Jk: i thought about that
    [20:36:19] Jk: but nah


    [20:36:40] Jk: anyone tell me where i can get some/
    [20:36:52] Jk: so far i just bought of ebay
    [20:36:55] Jk: and copied and sold
    [20:37:03] Deadfire: google it?
    [20:37:05] Jk: but its getting to damn expensive


    [20:37:06] Assassin: you're choices are simple: 1. prostitution 2. drugs 3. gangs 4. mental institution/jail


    [20:37:06] *** Jk is now known as Bitch.
    [20:37:16] Bitch: ooo bitch?
    [20:37:19] *** Bitch is now known as BigBitch.
    [20:37:24] *** BigBitch has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
    [20:37:30] DragonOutlaw:
    [20:37:33] DragonOutlaw: my job is done


    [20:37:58] DragonOutlaw: [20:37] -OperServ- The nick JK is now being changed to Bitch.
    [20:38:00] DragonOutlaw: -
    [20:38:00] DragonOutlaw: [20:37] *** Global -- from OperServ: DragonOutlaw used SVSNICK to change JK to Bitch
    [20:38:27] DragonOutlaw: bet hes like
    [20:38:31] DragonOutlaw: OMG IM HAxXEDED


    [20:50:44] Deadfire: [20:34:00] Assassin: youre the 2nd stupidest person to ever coem in here jk
    [20:51:05] dragonrage: who was the first assassin?
    [20:51:06] Yale: the first being.... >>
    [20:51:15] Wilik: Twist
    [20:51:23] Assassin: some kid yesterday who said the same thing
    [20:51:35] Yale: lol twist? xD
    image fail!

  9. #429
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i would include my thoughts on this post, but they are a blatant violation of forum regulations.

    Just think:
    Stereotypical Asian foodstuff's first letter + Dave Cheppelle sketch - first letter = My least favorite social/cultural poser type

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #430
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Phantom Zone
    haha some of that stuff is gold XD

  11. #431
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    a white guy toughing up an asian guy? well i'm puzzled. I love how you guys were telling him to go become drug dealers. and this part was gold.

    [20:50:44] Deadfire: [20:34:00] Assassin: youre the 2nd stupidest person to ever coem in here jk
    [20:51:05] dragonrage: who was the first assassin?
    [20:51:06] Yale: the first being.... >>
    [20:51:15] Wilik: Twist

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  12. #432
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Some parts of that were indeed great! Oh, well. It's good that parts of the best conversations are copy-pasted here. Due to time difference, I would never get to see them live. Thanks, Deadfire.

  13. #433
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    No problem, and now more from the IRC players

    <darkshadow> the saleen version prolly costs that much because it has the lable SALEEN
    <DragonOutlaw> getting it to 550 has to cost a bit though
    <darkshadow> i think, if you max out the car
    <darkshadow> every mod possible
    <DragonOutlaw> lol
    <darkshadow> you wind up at something like 250k
    <DragonOutlaw> sure i'd do it
    <DragonOutlaw> just give me money for it
    <DrAgE> question... what are you gonna use the car for with all those mods?
    <DragonOutlaw> DOish stuff
    <DragonOutlaw> duh
    <darkshadow> PWNED


    [20:27:56] WebUser1494: yo how do u download enime from this web site
    [20:28:05] master_me: by gtfoing and stfuing
    [20:28:06] darkshadow: we dont have enime
    [20:28:18] darkshadow: can i interest you in some anime?
    [20:28:22] WebUser1494: ya
    [20:28:23] WebUser1494: anime
    [20:28:28] Deadfire: ...
    [20:28:30] *** Mode change "+m" for channel #gotwoot by KitKat.
    [20:28:32] darkshadow: well we dont have that either
    [20:28:33] darkshadow: sry
    [20:28:35] darkshadow: now get out
    [20:28:47] Deadfire: Web user I promise i willl tell you once you get a nick
    [20:29:01] KitKat: people with real nicknames can talk
    [20:29:10] darkshadow: if it doesnt have a name
    [20:29:14] darkshadow: it doesnt exist
    [20:29:24] Deadfire: countdown starts now
    [20:29:26] Deadfire: 10
    [20:29:28] Deadfire: 9
    [20:29:30] Deadfire: 8
    [20:29:31] Deadfire: 7
    [20:29:45] KitKat: countdown for what, exactly?
    [20:29:50] DrAgE: and the dramatic pause.....
    [20:29:51] *** WebUser1494 has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
    [20:29:59] Deadfire: see I am the master
    [20:30:06] Deadfire: 10 seconds and he droped


    [20:30:35] KitKat: I know DO's name!
    [20:30:40] KitKat: mwahaha
    [20:30:44] * DragonOutlaw gasps
    [20:30:45] Deadfire: I know Kitkat's name
    [20:30:52] KitKat: hehe
    [20:30:59] KitKat: I don't know Deadfire's name though
    [20:31:05] KitKat: I know he's Canadian
    [20:31:11] Deadfire: I don't think anyone does
    [20:31:24] Deadfire: although it's on my profile
    [20:31:30] KitKat: Is it an embarrasing name, like Gerald?
    [20:31:35] KitKat: or Horace?
    [20:31:46] Deadfire: lol...nope it's a simple nmae
    [20:31:49] Deadfire: *name
    [20:31:56] Deadfire: unlike my middle names
    [20:32:01] master_me: What about Gunther?
    [20:32:06] * darkshadow knows deadfires name
    [20:32:08] master_me: I don't like that name.
    [20:32:13] Deadfire: Gunther (in Latin Gundaharius and in Anglicized Old Norse Gunnar) was a king of the Burgundians west of the Rhine from at least 411 to his death in 437. Legendary tales about Gundaharius appear in Latin, medieval German, Old Norse, and Old English texts, especially concerning his relations with Siegfried (in Old Norse Sigurd) and the death of Gunther from treachery in the hall of Attila the Hun.
    [20:32:18] Deadfire: hmm...
    [20:32:21] KitKat: lol
    [20:32:21] Deadfire: not bad
    [20:32:27] master_me: ew, it's worse than I thought
    [20:32:32] KitKat: Beowulf!


    [20:34:16] *** everybodyherisafag has joined #gotwoot.
    [20:34:36] master_me: I think he wants some enime.
    [20:34:38] Deadfire: wants one too
    [20:34:43] darkshadow: WE DONT SERVE THAT
    [20:34:54] *** Mode change "+b *!*" for channel #gotwoot by KitKat.
    [20:34:55] *** everybodyherisafag has been kicked from #gotwoot by KitKat: No reason to be mean like that
    [20:35:04] Deadfire: We don't serve your kind here


    [20:35:58] *** hahaha has joined #gotwoot.
    [20:36:04] darkshadow: its enime!
    [20:36:08] darkshadow: err i mean anime
    [20:36:14] DragonOutlaw: time for some fun i guess
    [20:36:24] KitKat: you go right ahead, DO
    [20:36:33] Deadfire: Stop...It's DO time
    [20:36:37] * darkshadow grabs popcorn
    [20:36:41] *** hahaha is now known as imahugefaggot.
    [20:36:47] * DrAgE sits back and watches
    [20:37:00] *** imahugefaggot is now known as DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck.
    [20:37:41] DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck: what the fuck is this site about
    [20:37:54] Deadfire: what the heck does it look like?
    [20:38:19] *** DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).


    [20:38:31] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck is * Gotwoot IRC Web Client
    [20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck is using modes +iwx
    [20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck is connecting from *
    [20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck on @#gaysexteens #gotwoot
    [20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck using Gotwoot
    [20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck End of /WHOIS list.
    [20:38:39] DragonOutlaw: i kept making him join that channel


    [20:38:53] DragonOutlaw: hes back
    [20:38:57] DragonOutlaw: but with a diffrent name
    [20:39:14] DragonOutlaw: well i dont get why hes changing his name
    [20:39:19] DragonOutlaw: since i havent banned him or anything
    image fail!

  14. #434
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Phantom Zone
    Haha that conversation was funny

  15. #435
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    [21:22:08] Masamuneehs: deadfire: he probably saw the don't use commands in title and was out
    [21:23:00] Deadfire: Masa your stomping on my parade again
    [21:23:08] Deadfire: what did I say about that
    [21:23:19] Masamuneehs: wasnt listening
    [21:23:42] Deadfire: and you never do with me
    [21:24:16] * dragonrage give deadfire a flamethrower.. burn masa
    [21:24:39] dragonrage: start your killing spree early lol
    [21:25:01] Deadfire: Why Masa is all the way over there...and I'm lazy
    [21:25:20] Deadfire: so I will make my minions of evil do it
    [21:25:27] * Masamuneehs takes a step closer, just to taunt
    [21:25:47] dragonrage: yeah kinda hard to burn him when he is on the other side of the world
    [21:26:03] Deadfire: Minion.. I mean Dragonrage... go flame him
    [21:26:29] Deadfire: you other minion... I mean Darkshadow you help him out
    [21:26:54] * darkshadow flames, DEADFIRE!
    [21:26:55] * derzerb stares.
    [21:27:10] dragonrage: masa stay still pin point you with lazer guided missle...
    [21:27:15] * dragonrage fire one
    [21:27:42] dragonrage: did it hit?
    [21:27:45] Deadfire: Derzeb you attack Dark as he can't aim
    [21:28:12] darkshadow: arg how did i miss
    [21:28:30] Deadfire: Thats it... my minions cause much chaos.... *insert evil laugher*
    [21:29:20] Deadfire: thats it dragonrage, battle to the 2 out of 3


    [21:28:40] dragonrage: toy had one to many guiness...
    [21:28:45] dragonrage: you*
    [21:29:03] darkshadow: thats like beer right?
    [21:29:27] dragonrage: no its like soda
    [21:29:29] * darkshadow HATES beer
    [21:30:13] Masamuneehs: darkshadow don't be a pussy and drink your beer
    [21:30:27] * darkshadow HATES beer
    [21:30:37] Masamuneehs: DONT BE A PUSSY AND DRINK YOUR BEER
    [21:30:35] dragonrage: lol no thank i am a pacifist
    [21:30:34] * darkshadow SMASH beer
    [21:30:54] * darkshadow drinks his mineral water
    [21:31:05] dragonrage: masa hows the dark stuff treating you?
    [21:32:12] Masamuneehs: bah
    [21:32:30] dragonrage: that good huh?
    [21:32:25] Masamuneehs: it's so thick some of it, but i've found some good ones
    [21:32:39] dragonrage: cool
    [21:32:50] Masamuneehs: oh it is good, compared to the crap i drank back home


    [21:34:23] *** derzerb has left #gotwoot.
    [21:34:52] Deadfire: ?
    [21:34:57] Deadfire: there go a Noob
    [21:35:29] Deadfire: Us idlers should make up a sport
    [21:35:37] Deadfire: called Nobb watching
    [21:35:40] Deadfire: *noob
    [21:35:43] dragonrage: lol
    [21:35:51] Deadfire: and count how many of them come in a day
    [21:35:56] dragonrage: and what are the rules?
    [21:36:08] Deadfire: extra points if you get them to talk
    [21:36:23] Deadfire: no points is the leave within 10 seconds
    [21:36:33] dragonrage: ok
    [21:36:33] Deadfire: *is if they
    [21:36:53] dragonrage: but if you make them leave in 10 sec or less
    [21:37:02] Deadfire: you lose points
    [21:37:06] dragonrage: ic
    [21:37:11] Deadfire: fair?
    [21:37:46] dragonrage: how many points you get id they start flaming?
    [21:38:11] Deadfire: 1 point per line of flame
    image fail!

  16. #436
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Deadfire

    [20:35:58] *** hahaha has joined #gotwoot.
    [20:36:04] darkshadow: its enime!
    [20:36:08] darkshadow: err i mean anime
    [20:36:14] DragonOutlaw: time for some fun i guess
    [20:36:24] KitKat: you go right ahead, DO
    [20:36:33] Deadfire: Stop...It's DO time
    [20:36:37] * darkshadow grabs popcorn
    [20:36:41] *** hahaha is now known as imahugefaggot.
    [20:36:47] * DrAgE sits back and watches
    [20:37:00] *** imahugefaggot is now known as DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck.
    [20:37:41] DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck: what the fuck is this site about
    [20:37:54] Deadfire: what the heck does it look like?
    [20:38:19] *** DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).


    [20:38:31] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck is * Gotwoot IRC Web Client
    [20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck is using modes +iwx
    [20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck is connecting from *
    [20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck on @#gaysexteens #gotwoot
    [20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck using Gotwoot
    [20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck End of /WHOIS list.
    [20:38:39] DragonOutlaw: i kept making him join that channel


    [20:38:53] DragonOutlaw: hes back
    [20:38:57] DragonOutlaw: but with a diffrent name
    [20:39:14] DragonOutlaw: well i dont get why hes changing his name
    [20:39:19] DragonOutlaw: since i havent banned him or anything
    sigh, DO's endless powers, is there even a real #gaysexteens at gotwoot becuase....well nevermind i guess terra's there.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  17. #437
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Haha I definitely miss you guys in IRC. Good times good times.

    I tried my best...

  18. #438
    omg it's Eura.

    Well, if you miss me so much, why aren't you in the channel?

  19. #439
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
    moderator ex-emerita)
    KitKat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Vancouver, BC
    [20:34:54] *** Mode change "+b *!*" for channel #gotwoot by KitKat.
    [20:34:55] *** everybodyherisafag has been kicked from #gotwoot by KitKat: No reason to be mean like that
    I think this is the first time I've ever banned someone from the channel.

  20. #440
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Did it feel good to ban somebody?

    And very good conversations once again, Deadfire. Good work.

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