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Thread: IRC (now w/ weddings)

  1. #781
    Banned SK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Amherst, MA
    I got banned. Again.

  2. #782
    Stop bitching it happens all the time.

  3. #783
    Genin Iridani's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    So far from what I've seen in the IRC... ya'll are cracked :P
    ~The imprint is always there... Nothing is ever really forgotten...~
    ~Seduce my mind, and you can have my body
    Find my soul, and I'll be yours forever...~
    ~Signature made by Deadfire~

  4. #784
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Iridani
    So far from what I've seen in the IRC... ya'll are cracked :P
    From what I've seen in the IRC... you can't exclude yourself.

  5. #785
    [18:53:46] <st33v> i used to be like you guys
    [18:53:54] <Enus> you mean straight?

    I Am Enus :P

  6. #786
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I see Anus has made sure to give himself sufficient mad props.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #787
    Genin Iridani's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    From what I've seen in the IRC... you can't exclude yourself.
    Trust me... I don't exclude myself in the least. I KNOW for fact I'm crazy as a fruit bat and twice as nutty.
    Last edited by Iridani; Sun, 07-29-2007 at 09:42 PM.
    ~The imprint is always there... Nothing is ever really forgotten...~
    ~Seduce my mind, and you can have my body
    Find my soul, and I'll be yours forever...~
    ~Signature made by Deadfire~

  8. #788
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Knives you fail at flaming

    [00:24] * Yukimura »» DCC Get #1 «» [¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦] [a.f.k.] Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - 03.avi (174.99 MB) «» Nick: afk|IzumiKonata «» Speed: 167.72 Kb/s «» Recieved: 2.88 MB (1%) «» Elapsed: 16secs «» Left: 17mins 30secs ««
    [00:30] * Arcness »» DCC Get #1 «» [¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦] [a.f.k.] Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - 03.avi (174.99 MB) «» Nick: afk|IzumiKonata «» Speed: 593.11 Kb/s «» Recieved: 68.81 MB (39%) «» Elapsed: 2mins «» Left: 3mins 4secs ««
    [00:32] <Yukimura> stupid arcness stealling my speeds!
    [00:32] <Arcness> finally how does it feel
    [00:32] <Arcness> to have something stolen from YOU

    If no one gets it Yuki is black....

    [00:48] <Knives> when the hell is that gundam show coming out? and when is the code geass finale playing?
    [00:48] * Arcness sets mode: +b *!*
    [00:48] * Knives was kicked by Arcness (No...)
    [00:48] * Arcness sets mode: -b *!*
    [00:48] * Joins: Kazuma (
    [00:49] * Deadfire sets mode: +b *!*
    [00:49] * Kazuma was kicked by Deadfire (no.....again)
    [00:49] * Deadfire sets mode: -b *!*
    [00:49] * Joins: Kazuma (
    [00:50] <Kazuma> df, do you think you can refrain from being a douche for at least one day? which I know would be very hard for you to do given the......circumstances.
    [00:51] <Deadfire> I find it funny that you decide to call me out even when it was Haku that banned you first, and banned you for many other things that I have not
    [00:51] <Deadfire> oh well
    [00:52] * Quits: Kazuma ( ([] Local kill by ^ (MY TURN TO BE AN ASS))
    [00:52] <^> who was that?
    [00:52] <Joker-kun> knives
    [00:52] <Deadfire> Knives
    [00:52] * Iridani gives Wilik a hug for that
    [00:52] * Joins: Knives (
    [00:53] <^> oh
    [00:53] <^> oh well
    [00:53] <^> I dont like him anyways
    [00:53] <^> yea, im talking about you Knives
    Last edited by Deadfire; Sat, 07-28-2007 at 12:57 AM.
    image fail!

  9. #789
    [01:53:12] * Kazuma has quit IRC ([] Local kill by ^ (MY TURN TO BE AN ASS))
    [01:53:17] <Joker-kun> hah
    [01:53:20] <Deadfire> lol
    [01:53:25] <Deadfire> TY wilik
    [01:53:28] <Deadfire> <3
    [01:53:29] <^> who was that?
    [01:53:32] <Joker-kun> knives
    [01:53:33] <Deadfire> Knives
    [01:53:49] * Iridani gives Wilik a hug for that
    [01:53:53] * Knives has joined #gotwoot
    [01:53:59] <^> oh
    [01:54:03] <^> oh well
    [01:54:07] <^> I dont like him anyways
    [01:54:15] <^> yea, im talking about you Knives

  10. #790
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i'm once again banned. hoorah. well, it was good while it lasted, folks. i'll be sure to bring that 14 year old back with me for Nas/Enus.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  11. #791
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Lovin' On the Run
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    i'm once again banned. hoorah. well, it was good while it lasted, folks. i'll be sure to bring that 14 year old back with me for Nas/Enus.

    wish i woulda been around to see the story...but dotn trip too much, nas is like 12, so its ok

    however...IFHTT says:

    [rockmanj > there are a lot of pervs here
    [rockmanj > like old men will flash middle school girls
    [18:26] <tt\sleep> lol
    rockmanj > well 40 year old men
    [rockmanj] > or theyll do it in a car
    [18:26] <tt\sleep> if i lived in korea i probably would too
    [rockmanj] > wtf
    [rockmanj] > why?
    [18:26] <tt\sleep> lol
    Last edited by rockmanj; Sat, 07-28-2007 at 04:29 AM.

  12. #792
    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    wish i woulda been around to see the story...but dotn trip too much, nas is like 12, so its ok
    Since when? Wow, I know why Haku banned you dumbass :P

    I am 16 -_-'

  13. #793
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Lovin' On the Run
    Quote Originally Posted by Nasphreak29
    Since when? Wow, I know why Haku banned you dumbass :P

    I am 16 -_-'
    its called hyperbole...i know how old u are


  14. #794
    [01:53] <Enus> WE HAVE BEEN OVER THISE Assertn -_-
    [01:53] <Assertn> i haven't
    [01:53] <Enus> COLLEGE
    [01:54] <Assertn> OMFG!
    [01:54] <Assertn> I'M A DUMBASS
    [01:54] <Assertn> It's THIS, btw
    [01:54] <Assertn> =]
    [01:54] <Enus> simple typo fucker
    [01:55] <Assertn> Simple type, fucker.
    [01:55] <Assertn> omg >_<


  15. #795
    Holy shit, I can't believe i missed that... Assertn +2

  16. #796
    [13:22] * Joins: SK
    [13:22] * Gotwoot sets mode: +b SK!*@*
    [13:22] * SK was kicked by Gotwoot (HI! I'm a HUGE HOMOSEXUAL PLEASE BAN ME)
    [13:22] <Deadfire> I love that trigger
    Last edited by Assertn; Sun, 07-29-2007 at 06:48 PM.

  17. #797
    Banned SK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Amherst, MA
    Remove that I don't want people to know where I'm from.

  18. #798

  19. #799
    Lol he actually removed it. If SK didn't get banned constantly then anyone who logged onto irc could see the same thing that Assassin removed from his post by just doing a whois. If you don't want people to know your ip address then use a proxy or something.

  20. #800
    Genin Iridani's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    <bitchywhore> you should be honored deadfire
    <Deadfire> why is that?
    <Iridani> my guess is because you're the owner of a cock.
    <^> OH YEA
    <Yukimura> hahahahah
    <DO> entourage time
    <bitchywhore> I wish Iri
    <Yukimura> lol, Iri i'm laughing so hard
    <bitchywhore> (beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep)
    <z> bitchywhore...DF and Iridani are dating
    <Iridani> well they said they wanna honor him... so she wants to kneel and pray o.O;
    <bitchywhore> He should use his then
    <z> just a heads up
    <bitchywhore> Thanks z
    <Deadfire> bitchywhore you seem to have missed the direction of that comment

    Amazing the oddballs that wander into the IRC hmm?
    Last edited by Iridani; Mon, 07-30-2007 at 12:07 AM.
    ~The imprint is always there... Nothing is ever really forgotten...~
    ~Seduce my mind, and you can have my body
    Find my soul, and I'll be yours forever...~
    ~Signature made by Deadfire~

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