Quote Originally Posted by Iridani
<bitchywhore> you should be honored deadfire
<Deadfire> why is that?
<Iridani> my guess is because you're the owner of a cock.
<^> OH YEA
<Yukimura> hahahahah
<DO> entourage time
<bitchywhore> I wish Iri
<Yukimura> lol, Iri i'm laughing so hard
<bitchywhore> (beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep)
<z> bitchywhore...DF and Iridani are dating
<Iridani> well they said they wanna honor him... so she wants to kneel and pray o.O;
<bitchywhore> He should use his then
<z> just a heads up
<bitchywhore> Thanks z
<Deadfire> bitchywhore you seem to have missed the direction of that comment

Amazing the oddballs that wander into the IRC hmm?
Indeed there are many oddballs in IRC