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Thread: Gundam 00 Episode 24

  1. #1

    Gundam 00 Episode 24

    oontz! oontz!

    Nyoro is up. Faster they can pump em out, the happier i am!


    and after watching the episode...

    holy frakkin shit.

    is this death toll getting up there Victory Gundam?
    Last edited by Gunslinger_BlaQ; Sun, 03-23-2008 at 06:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Man I like death toll of Gundam 00. Nameless soldier makes turn around in battle. And shot at Teira made me edgy, i seriously thought writers wanted to start with entirely new cast for second half.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  3. #3
    uh... anyone else confused about the fact that lichty was a robot???

  4. #4
    Big robot in space, fighting other big robot in space piloted by either test tube babies or fanatics while third parties work their way to fuck things up and kill an old man in a transparent freezer on the moon ?

    No, not confused at all.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Darknodin
    uh... anyone else confused about the fact that lichty was a robot???
    I actually thought he had a robotic arm or something and not 100% mechanical.

  6. #6
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darknodin
    uh... anyone else confused about the fact that lichty was a robot???
    I noticed that...I dont think it was just an arm; like, his abdomen looked mechanical also. And Holy freaking deathtoll Batman! Like, the UN lost a lot of suits, but the only pilot of consequence they lost was Capt. Fail. Kudos to Allelujah fighting off 3 (!) suits with half a gundam. Looks like they really amped it up for the last three episodes.

  7. #7
    I hope Setsuna just kills Alexandro, his role in this series could have been better, like a political Treize. but instead they degraded him to generic-psycho-wants-to-control-the-world-villain.

    Also, is this series nearing its end? We're seeing the complete destruction of Ptolemos, not to mention Ali Al Sarshes, Almost all the G.N drive gundams and a large chunk of the CB crew. Aside from Graham Acre and the HRL pilots, the allies barely have anyone left in their ranks. (What was the point of Patrick if he was just another cannon fodder soldier?)

  8. #8
    Having Felt survive only makes me believe more that she may be the new pilot of Dynames.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  9. #9
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Maybe there won't be a season of Gundam 00: Endless Fate....

    All joking aside, this was a powerful episode. Lots of deaths, as expected from a unified front against what amounts to terrorists, some excellent mobile suit fights (loved Kyrios slicing the GN-X in half with the scissors), and all around a Feldt-plentiful episode.

    I've got just one problem....

    Where the fuck did Douchbaggy McAsshole (Alejandro) get a gold-painted Outlaw Star?

    It's got a super beam cannon, it's painted Leberachi gold(R), and it has arms. I wasn't making a pointed joke at the Outlaw Star remark. Apparently, Gundam 00 has fallen into another anime from many years ago. Hmm...similarities are growing...

    - Much like the synthetic human Melfina (Kawasumi Ayako's debut role to boot), Libbons is also able to access high tech computers and probably is aiding many of the sequences in the piloting of Alejandro's ship.

    - It has freaking arms!

    - It is also the most overpowered ship in the entire universe. And it came out of nowhere.

    I understand (to a point) that Alejandro has to be powerful because he's clearly a villain. But he can't pilot a Gundam, and he apparently isn't devious enough to outwit a man who has been pseudo-dead for 100 years. But you don't give him an impenetrable fortress of a ship that can shield itself and shoot off a planet-cracker beam. I can understand the Devil/Dark Gundam from G Gundam as it was mentioned from nearly the first episode as this evil looming force, hidden somewhere.

    Where the hell did the Outlaw Star come from?

  11. #11
    not only this but it seems to have been built by the same people who built the GN-X... why the hell did they wait to launch their attack if they had that much firepower? the World Powers were going to surrender to CB... which means they (whoever they are) could have taken the whole world by force without such a convoluted plan...

    btw.. i kinda like that all combat containers have GN Arms....which means that there are two left...

    no matter what... i'm looking forward to the season finale... and season 2

  12. #12
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Cool factor for me this episode was:

    [Soma]: Subject E-57!
    Hallelujah clocks gun in face
    [Hallelujah]: That's me, bitch.

    Too bad the shot didn't go off.

    As Ryll said, GN Armour wtf. Guess having complete access to Veda and the UN gives you ample info and resources to build something like that though. Most emotional impact was stolen by Lockon last ep, but this was still quite heavy. Christina's in particular. The blast only hit the bridge, right? With Haro in Dynames, if he ever comes back, I'll be expecting "Lockon! Lockon! Lockon!" over the com.

  13. #13
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    As Ryll said, GN Armour wtf. Guess having complete access to Veda and the UN gives you ample info and resources to build something like that though.
    In practically a day and a half? Bullshit. One could argue that since Alejandro was supplying Lagna Harvey with the GN-X drives and theoretically that when Nena partially invaded the access node of Veda aboard the Ptolemy months that it gave him the necessary data to build that monstrosity.

    But where the hell did he build it? You can't hide something like that from the UN without the rest of Celestial Being knowing about it. One of the only other places to build was in the asteroids, which is exactly where the crew of the Ptolemy and the military forces of CB were located.

    Maybe he built it under the discretion of the UN? A ship of that size in a matter of weeks. Right...

    Bull. shit.

    (I know you are not disagreeing with me, but there is no reasonable explanation for where the hell this came from, and more specifically, why Alejandro had access to it and is the one piloting it.)

  14. #14
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was certainly a rather poor choice to replace people like Ali with a Corner+super ship combination. Characters like Ali and Graham were fighting succesfully superior odds with inferior equipment relying on their skills, exquisite eye for tactics, combat experience, and other aspects that made their fights interesting and meaningful. As expected, Corner can only rely on some secret ship powered by a dozen fake furnaces and requiring nothing but one finger in any shape to push a button.

    Well, other than that it was an interesting episode to say the least. People like dying like flies, much equipment was lost and the desperation meter rose clearly to red. Looks like a good setting for a second season. Even if it personally disturbs me that only the Union and HRL seem to have anybody decent left anymore (assuming Graham finally gets back to action). I don't know if Ali really could be considered an AEU soldier, but on the other hand dubious characters probably suit the AEU just like extremely controlled fit the HRL, and strong, individualistic aces suit the Union.

  15. #15
    Excellent episode. I can't imagine where that El Darado rip off came from. If I had to guess Alejandro probablt had it built a long time ago as he was planning to take over the world. You can't rule the world without some kind of edge over all those fake suits. Jeez though. That thng has 6 GN-X Drives. I can't wait to see how Setsuna over powers that.

  16. #16
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well now we know if anybody didn't die off completely, they'll be back Lichty style. I'm guessing they might do the same thing they did with Code Geass, have CB on the verge of crumbling, a cliffhanger faceoff with Setsuna and a 1-year later timeskip.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 03-25-2008 at 08:23 AM.

  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A timeskip would certainly give Saji a much more realistic chance to get into a position needed for executing any kind of an act of revenge.

  18. #18
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Anything besides me thinks that the leftovers of Dynames will upgrade Nadleeh?
    That suit is quite wasted, just being a slim suit with long red hair and also it carries less GN Particle fuel. (Do correct me if I am wrong there).
    Just use Dynames capabilities, functions, Haro or something else to compesate what Nadleeh lacks.

    And I am still against that Felt will use Dynames. Maybe not as a Sniping suit but something else.
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
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  19. #19
    If you look back to last Ep. when Lockon fired on Ali in Zwei with the GN Arms cannon, it doesn't look like Zwei was actually completely destroyed... it looks like only the bottom half of the suit was vaporized, thus leaving the cockpit intact... and let's not forget the Gundam death golden rule... no blood in the helmet, no vaporizing in the cockpit shot... not dead... which means, we'll be seeing Ali again.

    as for the rest... whittling CB down to skeletal crew of seven (i think) would be a pretty interesting move to head into season 2... but would make sense for incorporating characters like Saji (mentioned above), Graham (i hope), Billy, etc...

  20. #20
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Well now we know if anybody didn't die off completely, they'll be back Lichty style. I'm guessing they might do the same thing they did with Code Geass, have CB on the verge of crumbling, a cliffhanger faceoff with Setsuna and a 1-year later timeskip.
    Yeah this is the most likely outcome. Watch something so incredibly stupid happen like that Grahm guy showing up or Ali magically coming back and beating the shit out of Exia. That will be the ultimate kick in the balls for anyone wanting CB to win this battle with at least one intact gundam.
    Last edited by Knives122; Tue, 03-25-2008 at 03:12 PM.

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