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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #41
    The last part was awesome! Suzaku looks like the main villain now..heh
    Show has a mastermind ( Zero ) but no real villain. And if Suzaku is the one supposed to be the bad guy I am going to saw this show's bulllocks off.
    I mean Gates from FMP:R2 is a villain - Vicious and Vincent Volaju from Cowboy Bebop are villains ...

    But come on, Suzaku ? You gotta be shittin me

  2. #42

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  3. #43
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I only want GG to be this fast the whole season...

    My computer doesn't run HD of any kind... thankfully I have the laptop from work XD

    Lucifus is indeed missing... guess he has not noticed. Or maybe he is re-playing all CC's scenes.

    I just want Suzaku to have scenes because it would mean to see the girl that was besides him, in front of the emperor. I wont say her name, since it was not mentioned on the episodes (those that readed the previews from magazines know it)

    just for the sake of adding another group...

    T-K (whoever they may be) has posted episodes 1 as well

    Avix-man (another unknown)

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    I only want GG to be this fast the whole season...
    If you check out their website, they explain what happened over the past little while. They had some internal disputes and got back together only to sub Code Geass. If you want reliability and speed, then it's probably better to stick with Eclipse. They've never let anyone down. I'm downloading the Eclipse version right now to see how it stacks up against gg.

    Btw, what's with the filesizes of the 720p versions? 350 MB for one episode is pretty shitty. Hopefully I won't have to re-encode some episodes to fit the whole series on one DVD9. x264 encoding is a huge pain in the ass.

  5. #45
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I can't believe I'm at uni while this is happening!!!!!!! Anyway, I'm low on quota, so can anyone who's watched both releases give a recommendation? I can't afford to get both. Not until my month rolls over....I want to watch this so badly.....

  6. #46
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I have returned (to make substantial comments, at least).

    I waited until practically everyone has commented on this episode, just to avoid spoiling anyone, which I may or may not have done with my comments last season as Ryll has said.

    I'm pretty sure it was V2 that sealed Lelouch's memories and his geass. No other person could have done it otherwise. Britannia most likely knows of Zero's identity and monitored him, as they said, to lure C.C. out.

    The ending was a copy of the first season, but since it was intentional rather than due to the lack of creative storytelling, it is more than acceptable. The violet flames also gave an incredible effect for Zero's revival.

    "I am not the one mistaken, the world is." - Finally, finally, this line. I've had it in my sig since the end of last season, and I had to wait for this season for it to make sense, at least to those who aren't geass addicts.

    The thing I'm waiting for right now is Kallen and Lelouch's meeting. How will they react? How does Kallen view Lelouch/Zero? Its quite amazing she simply decided to swallow everything C.C. said, considering the enmity between them since last season. I guess the events in some sound episodes really helped in this area.

    C.C. is hot in her new outfit, but that isn't really surprising. It is sort of a mix between a china dress and the black knights uniform.

    The face Suzaku made when the fucking bastard shot Lelouch was disgusting. It couldnt look more villainous even if he tried. Oh wait, it did, after he said the line "we're friends aren't we?". He definitely has to die now.

    I agree with Ryll about Rollo being a despicable character, but I doubt his mystery lies in any plotting on his part. If anything, he might even be used by Britannia or brainwashed himself. Or maybe I was just fooled by his really good yaoi-like acting towards his "brother". I guess they had to put someone like Rollo beside Lelouch to replace Nunally, otherwise that gap will be too noticeable and Lelouch might break out of the seal himself.

    Will Lelouch's geass be permanent again? It seemed like he activated it in the preview, which shouldn't be the case if it is constantly working.

    Salvation from boredom and mediocrity after about a year. Finally it has begun.
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  7. #47
    Well I guess Suzaku can give up all the false pretenses of working on the inside to change Britainnia for the better. He's a cold Britainnian pawn now, the look on his face when he spoke to the emperor tells all. I guess the poor sod snapped when Euphie bit the dust.

    And I agree with the earlier statements, I had thought Rollo was really Lelouch's long lost brother, but I'm guessing he's connected to the emperor somehow, and the geass as well, since he must have knowledge of it if they chose him to babysit lelouch.

    Interesting to see how Zero will act next, considering his army has all but been destroyed. I also wonder what happened to the psycho girl nina lol.

  8. #48
    That Chinese Federation dude with the sword looks to be a huge badass.

  9. #49
    I want to shout this from the mountain tops, if you're choosing between Neo-gg and Eclipse CHOOSE ECLIPSE!

    I have enough juice to watch both HD releases at once and the Eclipse subs consistently made more sense with what was going on in the story. Plus, in my encoding novice but veteran HD anime watching opinion the Eclipse subs looked 'better'. The lines seemed sharper and the colors just felt more 'right' as well, however it was really hard for me to tell them apart at first and I doubt a casual observer would find much to complain about with Neo-gg's visual quality, but it's the subs that put the nail in Neo-gg's coffin for me. Speed is good, but Eclipse is known for consistency and if they're going to lag gg by 6-8 hours I think I can stand to just wait for them.

  10. #50
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    comparative screenshots will be nice Yuki

  11. #51
    Yukimura is right. That HD version Eclipse did does this show so much justice. I just streamed it to my HD TV and let me tell you it looks way better. I love Eclipse. They do the most awsome jobs.

  12. #52
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Guess I'll redownload and watch for myself (tomorrow)

  13. #53
    I downloaded gg's, but I'll give eclipse a try as well. I prefer avi anyway, and I didn't care too much for the subs of gg's. I wonder if anyone else will try subbing?

    What an awesome way to start the season. I doubt that Britannia did anything to screw with Lelouch's memories, because I don't think they could do that. As was mentioned, it was likely V2 or some other force that did that. Obviously Britannia must know otherwise they couldn't monitor Lelouch. Which makes me wonder, just who in Britannia knows Lelouch's identity, or even that Lelouch is alive? Just the higher ups and the emperor? That should be interesting to find out.

  14. #54
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Yes the C2 Outfit was hot. But the main hot maiden in this episode is none other than KALLEN! oh yeah bunny!

  15. #55
    Too late, too tired, maybe tomorrow. Anyway, one thing that no one seems to want to talk about but would be big news...the Emperor has a Geass! V.V. being his contracted alien seems a given but what might his power be? I'm not sure what exactly would be befitting of him, maybe inspiring eternal loyalty and devotion instead of following a single specific command. That would be interesting.

  16. #56
    Dam you Yuki I was gonna comment on the Emperor's geass. I wonder what power his geass has.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  17. #57
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    ...probably something to make Lelouch think he has a little douchebag of a brother.

    I highly doubt Kallen will be going back to school, since she's been labeled as Japanese now. Guess there's no more Kallen Stadtfeld, she's a Kouzuki for sure now.

    I know that it is a sideplot of a sideplot, but I can't wait until they spring all the captured Black Knights and Viletta meets Ougi again. I'm sure it's no coincidence that Viletta ended up being a teacher of all things, just like Ougi used to be.

  18. #58
    By the way, Britannians got a serious power boost with new KMs and elite Knights and all ...

    How the remnants of the OBK is going to even put up a fight against that ?

  19. #59
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by narutosharingan
    . I wonder if anyone else will try subbing?
    Menclave is. Though, I doubt their quality gain over Eclipse, if any, is enough to justify the wait. They're behind right from the word go, and they're handicapped with a pile of Gundam backlog.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimaru
    I want to shout this from the mountain tops, if you're choosing between Neo-gg and Eclipse CHOOSE ECLIPSE!
    Will do. Download in 3 hrs.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 04-07-2008 at 05:24 AM.

  20. #60
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    btw i don't know why but lelouch had ULTRA BIG hands sometimes... and his movement was kinda gay sometimes
    i can't wait to see him as Zero again, because his face is somehow annoying :/

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