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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #101
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash
    Also was it just me or did the lady standing next to Suzaku at the end look a like an older, not blind, version of Nunnaly?
    That girl isn't Nunnaly, but she does remind me of Yin from Darker than Black.

  2. #102
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari

    @David - what do you mean by Lelouch's squint problem due to his geass?
    Well having Geass in one eye only makes his face a bit strange. Maybe I stretched it a little to have the full play on words from the french meaning (squint and suspicious)

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  3. #103
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ah, can anyone explain, why the enemy girl, the one with black skin and silver hair, is on the good side now, and a school mate of Lelouch? I didnt get that part.

  4. #104
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    its not explained yet... she might be a spy or something like that. btw she's a teacher, not a school mate i think.

    i wouldn't mind her beeing my P.E. teacher -^.^-

  5. #105
    I think Viletta has been the one scoping and recording Lelouch's movements. But that theory has one major fault, and that is the fact that she tried to stop him from going to his game where the whole thing was set to take place.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    That girl isn't Nunnaly, but she does remind me of Yin from Darker than Black.
    Well, i didn't necessarily mean that she WAS Nunally. Just that they look a lot a like, as if perhaps she could be of very close relation to Lelouche.

  7. #107
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    @animus - What I meant was that its a different way of drawing the characters altogether. Of course it has to bear some similarity to the original, otherwise the characters wont be recognizable, but the changes that are there are conscious deviations. CLAMP style is definitely more round than geass (ie CCSakura) but of course the bishies are usually sleek faced. From your last post, it seemed that you were implying that they are very similar, and that the changes are simply caused by the use of high quality animation tools and whatnot. Im simply trying to say that isnt the real reason for the difference, but rather the artists chosen style of drawing those images.
    @Shinta: Normally, I wouldn't piddle over details like this, but I don't know how long it has been since you saw the full spread of CLAMP art. It's not that you're wrong per se, just perhaps looking at a much smaller slice.

    CLAMP has 4 distinct styles. That is because the four women that comprise CLAMP take turns doing character design, while the other three do the background art, and act as the assistants (except on the parallel Tsubasa/xxxHolic joint, which I imagine is primarily two and two).

    - Cardcaptors/Tsubasa style (rounded, yet elongated in later work)
    - xxxHolic style (extremely angular, elongated intentionally)
    - Chobits/Angelic Layer style (rounded, shorter characters)
    - Rayearth/X style (angular, very stereotypically "shoujo art")

    The CG R2 ending is very distinctly the xxxHolic style this time around. The final shot of CC looks exactly like Yuuko (another notable witch). Last season, the ED's fit far more with the Cardcaptors style, and the character designs overall fit very much into the Cardcaptors style (with current elongation trends), but with a bit more of the Chobits influence into certain character's facial features. I imagine that the four women each took a bunch of characters and just ran with it.

    Cornelia for example, strikes me as a character directly out of the Rayearth style. Hair is similar, she's very angular, etc. Nunnally on the other hand, looks like she popped right out of Chobits.


    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Ah, can anyone explain, why the enemy girl, the one with black skin and silver hair, is on the good side now, and a school mate of Lelouch? I didnt get that part.

    It seems to me that Viletta was similarly brainwashed along with the entirety of the Academy. She (and Shirley) should both know damn well that Lelouch is Zero and certainly far from "dead" as Britannia is claiming.

  8. #108
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash
    Well, i didn't necessarily mean that she WAS Nunally. Just that they look a lot a like, as if perhaps she could be of very close relation to Lelouche.
    isn't she the same girl who's sitting next to that blonde @ the ED?

    she doesn't look like nunally there if you ask me. i think her hair is actually pink and looks brown because of the darkness in the room

    its probably another girl from that "pink haired princess family" (sry forgot the name ^^)

    but then again her eyesbrows look like nunallys.. you know she has this sleepy look "~_~" but it would be weird for her to pilot a knightmare (opening)

    well that aside.
    since nunally is visible in the opening sitting in her wheelchair with her VERY long BROWN hair.. i think its not her.

    edit: btw what is that amulett @ ~13:00 about? did we see this before? because i don't get it at the moment. whats so important about it that they showed it.

    and i don't get why that guy from the black knights tried to kill lelouch :/

    btw i like the opening.. Lelouch riding that horse is somewhat... different (the camera angle and so on, it somehow fits very well, the song is good too.

    i start to get a feeling that Karen knows the girl we are talking about... because in the opening that girl fires her beam at her and karen started to cry when she finished off that knightmare which got in her way. hmmmm

    edit2: oh rollo is the one who wears that necklace... is it Nunally's?
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 04-07-2008 at 04:48 PM.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Too late, too tired, maybe tomorrow. Anyway, one thing that no one seems to want to talk about but would be big news...the Emperor has a Geass! V.V. being his contracted alien seems a given but what might his power be? I'm not sure what exactly would be befitting of him, maybe inspiring eternal loyalty and devotion instead of following a single specific command. That would be interesting.

    Ok, so I don't see this. I went to the end where they showed the emperor, but I didn't see a geass in his eye. Where does it show that the emperor has a geass?

  10. #110

  11. #111
    In opening I think, Emperor with Geass spotted but brace yourself it last only for 70frames or so

  12. #112
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shinji Ikari
    I think Viletta has been the one scoping and recording Lelouch's movements. But that theory has one major fault, and that is the fact that she tried to stop him from going to his game where the whole thing was set to take place.
    I'm not sure Viletta even could play such a part normally. Her behavior in this episode was quite different compared to her old aloof and proud one. Actually her behavior in this episode was more similar to how she was while amnesiac, suggesting that might be the case now as well. That must be somebody's power, unless it's just performed with some clever brainwashing machine.

  13. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I'm not sure Viletta even could play such a part normally. Her behavior in this episode was quite different compared to her old aloof and proud one. Actually her behavior in this episode was more similar to how she was while amnesiac, suggesting that might be the case now as well. That must be somebody's power, unless it's just performed with some clever brainwashing machine.
    Well, an amnesiac person is closer to ones personality than a person filled with behavioral changing enviroments. While assuming that position it would be perfectly normal for her to act as herself if she is a spy infiltrating a school for example.

  14. #114
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Another "strange" thing I noticed in the episode.

    During the scene where Kallen is attempting to escape with Lelouch and Rollo amazingly knocks her down, they show chaos at the elevators. At 13:54 in Eclipse's subs, we see a woman's feet wearing one high heel.

    Initially, I assumed this was Kallen trying to get back to Lulu. But in the next scene Kallen appears in, she's got both shoes. I wondered if it was a continuity error so I went back to check. The woman with one shoe is not even wearing pantyhose, much less the fishnets Kallen has on. All the other bunnies had those on as well. So who is this mystery woman?

    I'm guessing Raksharta, since there are not many women in Geass who are classy enough to wear high heels.

    They did focus on it for several frames to bring it to our attention, so whoever it is must be important somehow.

    EDIT: ...Or I could also just be paranoid. Geass will do that to you. If that is the case, I still have to applaud the director's attention to small details like that.

  15. #115
    There is only one person I found who kind of fits the description on the frame at 10:43 in the upper middle. Shorter skirt and red heels. I checked around the house and couldn't find any other person who fits the description better than her. Not much to go on though, legs and a single shoe in the color red :P

  16. #116
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    But we don't see her face in that scene either...

    Maybe I'm on to something after all. Lelouch was still brainwashed, he wouldn't have recognized whoever it is, just like he did not for Kallen.

  17. #117
    I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say it's Cornelia.

  18. #118
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm going with the Raksharta idea, but that doesn't make too much sense for her to be down with all the action. If I know Geass, we'll know sooner or later. I don't understand why Cornelia would do it, but it's possible. Was was the skin tone like?

    The fact that C.C. dispelled Lelouch's brainwashing makes me think it's got something to do with the Emperor's Geass. It's not a strong point as of now, since we haven't seen her dispel the Geass on anyone since Lelouch's actions favour her cause. But if she's immune to it's effect, perhaps she can also dispel it? Consistency wise, she didn't do it to Lelouch when Mao was around, but then the first time she didn't get the opportunity, and the second time she thought he(Mao) was dead.

    It could also have been that instant she gave him his powers back too. Actually, that's one of the points that got me thinking. When she was talking to him, she said "We made a pact." Now depending on how you translate that, it could have easily been "We have a contract." Does that mean they're still by the contract and he's simply forgetting, or, as in the made a pact translation, could mean it was made and broken? It would make a difference whether he reacquired the Gease, or just reactivated the Geass.

  19. #119
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I will grant that Raksharta overseeing this little adventure does not make sense, Britannian forces would be on the lookout for her (though they were providing some leeway to lure CC in). The skin tone was more towards Cornelia since Raksharta is Indian, though it still wasn't really pale enough to be Cornelia (who is exceedingly pale now that I think about the beach special...*drools*).

  20. #120
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I too noticed the shoe-less girl and thought she was Kallen, but soon dismissed it upon seeing her with the Black Knights.

    What I want to know is what was with that Black Knight shooting at Lelouch... or rather maybe he was shooting at Rollo?

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