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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1781
    ^ Wow, there are incredible theories in there! Some I never even would've thought of!

    I really enjoyed this anime but the ending is baffling. I thought MAYBE HE HAD CC'S CODE or MAYBE CC WAS TALKING TO HIM VIA PSYCHIC CONNECTION... And then I read wikipedia and apparently his creator confirmed his death. Who knows anymore.

    "Yeah, you get to kill me, its gonna be awesome......ya douche."
    I can just picture Lelouch whispering the 'ya douche' part to himself. XD

    I can't believe I missed Anya's uniform for the last episode...
    I kinda noticed it near the end because her whole butt is exposed at the back, at some point near the end of the show, you see her quickly from behind. I was like: "Wow...Loli service. This show has it all"

    ...I love C.C. D:

  2. #1782
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junior
    I really enjoyed this anime but the ending is baffling. I thought MAYBE HE HAD CC'S CODE or MAYBE CC WAS TALKING TO HIM VIA PSYCHIC CONNECTION... And then I read wikipedia and apparently his creator confirmed his death. Who knows anymore.
    They cited this:

    Ichiro, Okouchi (October 2008). "Lelouch dead!? Was it a good one or a bad one!?". Continue 42.

    Anyone read it, or can access it?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #1783
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    They cited this:

    Ichiro, Okouchi (October 2008). "Lelouch dead!? Was it a good one or a bad one!?". Continue 42.

    Anyone read it, or can access it?

    This is a translation of Lelouch's timeline from Continue 42 I found in a blog, but they didn't translate Okouchi's interview.

    Lelouch’s Lifetime
    October 26, 2008 at 8:22 pm | In CODE GEASS Lelouch of the Rebellion, CODE GEASS Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 | No Comments

    From Continue Vol.42, a translation of official information regarding the events in Lelouch’s life.

    Lelouch’s Lifetime

    - 1962 a.t.b/Britannia
    Emperor Charles vi [sic] Britannia of the Holy Empire of Britannia makes a promise with his older twin brother V.V.
    Knight of Honor, Marianne the Flash, becomes an imperial consort.

    - 2000 a.t.b/Britannia/Lelouch, Age 0
    Lelouch is born.
    He is the 11th Prince and 17th in line for throne succession. His father is Emperor Charles with Imperial Consort Marianne.

    - 2004 a.t.b/Britannia/Lelouch, Age 4
    Nunnally is born.
    She is Lelouch’s sister. Her father is Emperor Charles with Imperial Consort Marianne.

    - 2010 a.t.b/Britannia → Japan (Area 11)/Lelouch, Age 10
    Marianne is assassinated; Nunnally becomes blind, her legs are crippled.
    Lelouch and Nunnally are disinherited, banished; banished to Japan by Emperor Charles.
    They come to know Kururugi Suzaku.
    Occupation of Japan; Japan is occupied by the Holy Empire of Britannia.
    Suzaku and Lelouch vow rebellion.
    Lelouch is admitted to school; he goes to Ashford Academy with the last name of Lamperouge.

    - 2017 a.t.b/Area 11/Lelouch, Age 17
    Lelouch contracts with C.C.; the Shinjuku incident. He gains the ability (Geass) that can order around anyone for just once.
    Viceroy of Area 11 is assassinated; Using his Geass power, Lelouch murders 3rd Prince Clovis.
    Zero debuts; Lelouch dons a mask, takes on the name Zero, and rescues the suspect of the Viceroy assassination, Suzaku.
    Zero’s mask is stolen; the mask is stolen by Arthur the cat. Lelouch panics.
    Lelouch hoists the flag of the Black Knights; taking advantage of the terrorism at Lake Kawaguchi, Lelouch announces his own army.
    Battle for Narita; the Black Knights defeat Britannia’s army.
    Geass user Mao appears; Lelouch cooperates with Suzaku and defeats Mao.
    Using the Geass on Suzaku; Zero (Lelouch) puts the Geass of “Live” on Suzaku.
    Ruins are discovered on Kamine Island; V.V. guides Lelouch to the ruins.
    War at Kyushu; the Chinese Federation advances from Fukuoka Base. Suzaku of Britannia and Zero (Lelouch) of the Black Knights defeat it.
    Declaration at the School Festival; Lelouch participates in a school festival at Ashford Academy as a student.
    Establishment of Specially Administrated Zone of Japan; 3rd Princess Euphemia plans the restoration of the Japanese people.
    Euphemia massacre; Lelouch’s Geass suddenly goes out of control. Euphemia massacres Japanese people in the Specially Administrated Zone of Japan.
    Concept for United State of Japan; opposing the concept for Specially Administrated Zone of Japan, Zero advocates the creation of a new nation.
    Black Rebellion; Japanese people who are angered by the massacre advance to the Tokyo Settlement along side the Black Knights. With the disappearance of Zero (Lelouch), the Black Knights fall apart.
    Nunnally is kidnapped; right in the middle of the Black Rebellion, Nunnally is kidnapped. Lelouch reveals the true identity of Zero to Suzaku and seeks his cooperation. However, Suzaku rejects.
    Memory modified; With his memories rewritten by Emperor Charles, Lelouch returns to school at Ashford Academy as bait to capture C.C.

    - 2018 a.t.b/Area 11/Lelouch, Age 18
    Memories recovered; he reunites with C.C. Lelouch regains his memories.
    Recovering the Black Knights; Zero is revived. The Black Knights who were imprisoned after the Black Rebellion return.
    Knight of Seven welcome party; the celebration of Suzaku’s arrival at Area 11 is held at Ashford Academy. Lelouch participates as a student.
    Zero exiled; Zero cooperates with the condition of exile in Viceroy Nunnally’s inherited concept of Specially Administrated Zone of Japan. One million Japanese people masquerade as Zero and are exiled to the Chinese Federation.
    Tianzi’s wedding ceremony; The puppet ruler of the Chinese Federation, Tianzi, enters a strategic marriage with the 1st Prince of Britannia. Zero kidnaps Tianzi.
    Fortress Battle at the 88th Emperor’s Monument - Pursuing Tianzi, the Chinese Federation goes on full-on assault against the Black Knights. The Black Knights drive them back.
    Cupid Day; wearing a balloon hat on your head, you become a couple with the first person to take it off. Held at Ashford Academy.
    Shirley is murdered; jealous, Lelouch’s fake brother, Rolo, murders Lelouch’s female classmate Shirley.
    Geass hunt; the Geass Directorate, which researches and succeeds the Geass ability, is annihilated by Zero’s orders.
    United Federation of Nations Resolution Number One; by Zero’s suggestion, the United State of Japan and United State of China unite with 47 other countries and become the United Federation of Nations.
    The second decisive battle of Tokyo; as a resolution of the United Federation of Nations, the Black Knight dares to recover Japan. It is decimated by the explosion of F.L.E.I.J.A.
    The Black Knights surrender; learning the power of Geass and knowing that the true identity of Zero is Lelouch, the Black Knights revolt against him.
    The Ragnarök Connection; Emperor Charles and Marianne begin the Ragnarök Connection in C’s World. They are prevented by Lelouch.
    Lelouch assumes Emperor; Lelouch ascends the position of Emperor of Britannia.
    Imperial capital Pendragon vanishes; the imperial capital of Britannia vanishes with the F.L.E.I.J.A. that 2nd Prince Schneizel fired.
    Old emperor faction VS Britannian army; Schneizel rallies. Along side the Black Knights, he enters the final decisive battle against the Britannian army led by Lelouch.
    Zero Requiem; the Emperor of Britannia, Lelouch, is murdered by Zero. Zero becomes a hero

  4. #1784
    Wait, so one knows for sure whether he died or not? Or is it official?

    I mean the time line says 'Murdered' and I'm not sure whether it's serious as in YES DEAD or a DECIDE YOURSELF dead.

  5. #1785
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Apparently Okouchi confirmed Lelouch's death in 'Continue Vol 42' but I can't find a translation of such interview. The only thing I found from that magazine was the timeline I posted above.

  6. #1786
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Double posting... but I guess its worth it.


    Code Geass R2 Scan from Newtype November 2008
    October 11, 2008 at 2:17 am | In CODE GEASS Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 |

    The Code Geass spread from the November 2008 issue of Newtype caught my eye, specifically this one:

    Link to scan on Moe Imouto, credits to the user. I’ll try to get my own scan up sometime soon.

    The text reads:

    September 28th, ‘08. The story of “Code Geass”, spanning roughly two years—Lelouch’s rebellion met its finale.
    Lelouch, who plotted rebellion against his first love, friends, father, mother, and God, offered his own life to become a tyrant emperor.
    The mask of Zero that Lelouch wore was succeeded by his one and only friend, Suzaku, for him to become the world’s savior.
    His father yearned for the “past”, his brother insisted on “today”. However, Lelouch wished for “tomorrow”.
    Believing in not the past or today, but the “tomorrow” that has yet to be seen.
    Now that everything is over, has Lelouch fallen into deep slumber? In eternal rest that the ageless and immortal witch watches over.
    From the present to the future. From an instant to perpetuity. Will the story be passed down?

    The Resting Place of the Rebellion

    The tyrant emperor Lelouch gained F.L.E.I.J.A. and ruled the world. When the hatred and anger all over the world were focused on him, he played his final hand. It was the Zero Requiem. In a parade, just like a year ago, Zero, the masked man, appeared in front of the masses. Then he thrust a sword through Lelouch. The tyrant emperor fell and Zero became a hero again. Those who knew Lelouch and Zero’s thoughts shed tears and those who were ignorant cheered. The world is aiming for tomorrow. That was Lelouch’s final wish.

    Yep, rest in peace, Lelouch-kun…


  7. #1787
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm somewhat confused by that. Who said that?

    Good find there Ryouga. I'll still see if I can find that interview though.

    You'll need something as concrete as a quote from the writer saying "Yep, Lelouch is dead" to convince us fans (since that last line wasn't actually in the scan)

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #1788
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. That text reveals even less than the final episode itself. Besides, even if you found some "official" statement, it wouldn't be worth that much. If they wanted to make absolutely clear Lelouch is dead, they would have placed some old geezer or a woman to drive that cart, uncovered. But since they did what they did, it's obvious they wanted to leave a backdoor for those whose most earnest wish was to see Lelouch and C.C. live happily ever after. So, now that the story has a life of its own, any "official" statement would be only the opinion of the person giving the statement. Nothing more, nothing less.

  9. #1789
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    um, i think he's dead personally, but let me just step in and say that, nowhere in that article, is there anything truly confirming that he's dead.

    Let's break it down, shall we? I'm in (parenthesis!)

    Lelouch’s rebellion met its finale.
    (the rebellion led by Lelouch came to its end)

    Lelouch, who plotted rebellion against his first love, friends, father, mother, and God, offered his own life to become a tyrant emperor.
    (offered his own life to become a tyrant emperor, not to be 'remembered as a tyrant emperor', certainly not 'to die as a tyrant emperor'. Also, offering his life (to Suzaku, whose loyalty was necessary for his becoming emperor) isn't the same as dying.)

    The mask of Zero that Lelouch wore was succeeded by his one and only friend, Suzaku, for him to become the world’s savior.
    (Suzaku became Zero. This, as Area 11 emigration officials will tell us, does not mean much of anything, as apparently little children can become Zero also. More literally, Lelouch quit being Zero for good to let Suzaku do it.)

    His father yearned for the “past”, his brother insisted on “today”. However, Lelouch wished for “tomorrow”.
    (So, he wished for the future... Strange, that doesn't fall in line with accepting death at all...)

    Believing in not the past or today, but the “tomorrow” that has yet to be seen.
    Now that everything is over, has Lelouch fallen into deep slumber? In eternal rest that the ageless and immortal witch watches over.
    (Is he dead? Is he in a coma? "rest" from what? He's with C.C.? Watched over by C.C.? -Major counter point here that, if this is taken as talking about C.C., it's talking about C.C. with her code still in tact, meaning she couldn't have given it to Lelouch, meaning sword to the chest is the death-)

    From the present to the future. From an instant to perpetuity. Will the story be passed down?

    The Resting Place of the Rebellion

    The tyrant emperor Lelouch gained F.L.E.I.J.A. and ruled the world. When the hatred and anger all over the world were focused on him, he played his final hand. It was the Zero Requiem. In a parade, just like a year ago, Zero, the masked man, appeared in front of the masses. Then he thrust a sword through Lelouch. The tyrant emperor fell and Zero became a hero again. Those who knew Lelouch and Zero’s thoughts shed tears and those who were ignorant cheered. The world is aiming for tomorrow. That was Lelouch’s final wish.
    (He got stabbed, he fell. Nothing here about death. His final wish is also not a problem. There's no reason to say that he would die after making his final wish (or seeing it achieved).

    Let's use a parallel. A 60 year old man has a heart attack. Seeing his life clearly now that it's almost been taken, he reunites with his estranged son, who is engaged to be married. He makes a wish that will be his sole focus and goal for the rest of his life (his final wish), that he will live to see his grand children and help raise them to make up for his errors. Now, of course, he doesn't just flop dead. Quite the opposite. He gets in better shape, starts exercising, quits smoking, etc etc. Even when he gets his "final wish" that the grandchildren are born and he helps raise them for a few years, he doesn't just drop dead then either. He keeps on living because that's the best way he can fulfill his final wish.

    And, of course, if you think about one particular pizza-eating character who Lelouch was pretty close too and who was always focused on the past until she decided to make a future involving Lelouch her aim, then, well...

    finally, some lols
    The “Lelouch” who died was Sayoko, who was having a loyalty-off with Jeremiah and decided to tell him she was hardcore by 1-uping the storm of loyalty and dying for Lelouch.
    theory doesn’t really make sense since she was AT OUGI AND VILETTA’S WEDDING.
    That was Lelouch disguised as Sayoko, duh.
    Nunnally’s death was official for a time because for all intents and purposes, they intended on keeping her dead. However they ran into some un-foreseeable problems with the workings of R2 that basically messed the whole series up and they had to alter most of the plot, Nunnally’s death being part of that which had to be altered.
    Lol wat.…Fuck Lelouch, I just want to know how the hell Orenji hid a backup Siegfried in the original Siegfried.
    the more i think about this, the more I think about THIS
    Didn't somebody bring this up before? Also, we need us some Lelouch is Schroedinger's Cat themed demotivational posters...
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Tue, 10-28-2008 at 08:00 AM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #1790
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Bleh, so I guess not knowing Kanji had me fall for the 'translation'.

    I'll keep searching for Okuchi's interview though. But I won't mark it as official until someone who can read kanji confirms it.

    What did the scan say then? The text was supposedely from the side bar btw.

  11. #1791
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It was a translated version of the scan:

    The Code Geass spread from the November 2008 issue of Newtype caught my eye, specifically this one:

    Link to scan on Moe Imouto, credits to the user. I’ll try to get my own scan up sometime soon.

    The text reads:

    (top left text) September 28th, ‘08. The story of “Code Geass”, spanning roughly two years—Lelouch’s rebellion met its finale.
    Lelouch, who plotted rebellion against his first love, friends, father, mother, and God, offered his own life to become a tyrant emperor.
    The mask of Zero that Lelouch wore was succeeded by his one and only friend, Suzaku, for him to become the world’s savior.
    His father yearned for the “past”, his brother insisted on “today”. However, Lelouch wished for “tomorrow”.
    Believing in not the past or today, but the “tomorrow” that has yet to be seen.
    Now that everything is over, has Lelouch fallen into deep slumber? In eternal rest that the ageless and immortal witch watches over.
    From the present to the future. From an instant to perpetuity. Will the story be passed down?

    The Resting Place of the Rebellion

    (bottom right black bar text)
    The tyrant emperor Lelouch gained F.L.E.I.J.A. and ruled the world. When the hatred and anger all over the world were focused on him, he played his final hand. It was the Zero Requiem. In a parade, just like a year ago, Zero, the masked man, appeared in front of the masses. Then he thrust a sword through Lelouch. The tyrant emperor fell and Zero became a hero again. Those who knew Lelouch and Zero’s thoughts shed tears and those who were ignorant cheered. The world is aiming for tomorrow. That was Lelouch’s final wish.
    Yep, rest in peace, Lelouch-kun…
    Basically, the scan never said "Lelouch died".

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #1792
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Code Geass R2 Sound Episode 5

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #1793
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Who's character song is there this time?
    I liked Kallen's 'One More Chance' from Vol 4

  14. #1794
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Who's character song is there this time?
    I liked Kallen's 'One More Chance' from Vol 4
    I'm actually gonna download that one now and give it a shot. Have you heard all the character songs?

    I enjoyed C.C's songs. They felt...elegant and mysteriously creepy. Especially Reincarnation (which is my favourite mostly because of the lyrics and Yukana's sexy voice)

    oh...and Rollo's. It's cute. And caused everyone to think he's gay. Nice. *le sigh*

  15. #1795
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Just Kallen's One More Chance one of Lelouch's whose title I can't remember right now.

    I've actually download them all though, but until I update my ipod I don't think I'll listen to them.

  16. #1796
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I'm on episode 15 now

    Well i was kind of sad for Rolo at first but now i don't give a fuck, give me my shirley back

    Edit1: Post memory loss CC is even hotter than the original
    Last edited by Archangel; Wed, 11-12-2008 at 03:25 PM.

  17. #1797
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I loved her too, but then after a few episodes I started getting withdrawal symptoms (like I am now) because of the lack of the dry, sarcastic, and mysterious version.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  18. #1798
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Some interesting Info.

    New Novel:
    Code Geass - Knight of Rounds

    Marianne is Knight of Six
    Bismark is not Knight of One yet

    A screenshot of Picture Drama #4

  19. #1799
    Huh? Is that Rakshata? The mannerisms fit, but the look not quite so much.

  20. #1800
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It's not even her skin colour.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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