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Thread: Anime erotic subculture goes mainstream

  1. #61
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Honest in recognizing males, especially youths, are very interested in female bodies. And so they shamelessly exploit that interest in anime. Domestic animation expressly for people older than kids doesn't have a very strong mainstream tradition in the West and thus its understandable it can't be used as such a statistically relevant object of comparison to gauge the general opinion of our (animation) entertainment business.

    Well, I know I wouldn't want to watch some shows if some older people could be looking over my shoulder at the screen. They would hardly understand the need for needlessly scantily clad females...

  2. #62
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well, I think fanservice by definition is unnecessary. The Japanese use the word "service" in katakana (and yes, they use this word exactly when referring to fanservice) when giving extra or free things, like a bonus. They put it in for it's own sake (well, for the fans that like it) and it was never meant to develop the plot or anything.

    As for the reason they put it in, it is probably due to a number of factors. One is the practical reason of simple demand for it. Another may be the repression, or rather, the sudden lack of repression in Japan's youth population as of recent.

    I personally don't mind fanservice, unless it is done very cheaply (Rosario x Vampire) or if it is the only content of the show (Ikkitousen). Otherwise, I consider it an extra treat that I could do without and ignore if I want to.
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