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Thread: Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 09

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Ali still kicks more ass as an individual pilot than any other in the series. His (stolen) Throne seems to have got lots of upgrades and so it's hard to say how good it actually is compared to other suits, but considering how lean it is it's a safe bet its armour rating is much lower than for most latest generation suits. So, it needs an extraordinary pilot, but probably is far more agile in return.

    I'm getting a little worried about Soma/Marie. Is her future role limited to looking pretty in a sad way and wait for Allelujah to return home from missions? She's a super soldier as well, so you would think they could come up with something worthwhile for her to do.

  3. #3
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't know about Marie/Soma being just attractive eye candy. I was thinking that before as well, but there was something very interesting in this episode. As the Ptolemy was shot into the atmosphere, and in particular where Setsuna killed the A-LAWS warship, Maire showed a flash of sorrow. Not for CB, not for Al, but for her former comrades. Her friends, her long-time HRL fellow patriots, slain. It is possible that she will start feeling guilty again. Marie may start to feel that she doesn't deserve to be happy at the cost of the lives of those she once called friends. She is still Soma too, in the end.

    Marina has already monopolized the role of being worthless and weepy, and looking pretty in a sad way.

    I'm not a fan of the way the Throne looks still. It is way too spindly. I just can't believe that arms that thin have remotely the ability to handle the stresses of tossing a sword that size around. The 00 has about twice the cross-sectional area, and wields a sword half the size. Setsuna's frame is just more powerful for close combat. I like the Serevee's tricks though. Very cool, much more interesting than the old fatty Gundam. It was totally lame that the Throne had the same trick.

    I wonder if Nena will see footage of that, and get pissed off herself. She was there when Ali killed her brothers. She should be just as angry at Ali as Louise should be at Nena.

    Speaking of Louise, the Alexei side of this love triangle just gets weirder and weirder. Not so much the ideas behind it, but certainly the way he says it. "The kind of girl who should spend her time in cute dresses" (paraphrasing)? Really creepy. Louise looked confused about learning Setsuna was in CB. Not angry like she should have been. Perhaps because he gave her news of Saji. Interesting to see that Setsuna confronted Saji on his lack of contact...

    On to the Innovators, the most interesting topic of the episode. I thought it was extremely interesting that the young version of Kati (mole and all) looks a great deal like Teiria/Regene. The genetic material had to have come from somewhere, and where better to take it but from an attractive, genius strategist? Revival's absurdly overpowered mobile suit (and annoying confidence) aside, they will indeed be the biggest obstacle.

    On the other hand, the Liu Mei issue becomes even more confusing. Who's side is she truly on? The obvious answer is her own, but here it seemed that the small amount of dialogue she had in this episode indicated that she might actually be a step ahead of the Innovators. Is this because of Nena's extra-curricular activity? Or something else entirely?

    We also got more confirmation that there are masculine and feminine counterparts to each pair of Innovators. We assumed that Tieria was the masculine one between him and Regene, but I wonder (especially from that one shot in the preview) if that is truly the case anymore.

  4. #4
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    watched the raw broadcast while i was sick as a dog yesterday, and i liked some of the things, but not most of the episode. it really does seem like Soma/Marie is sticking around as another sad girl who can only watch and hope for the best while the battle goes on. pretty bad end for that character to face this early in the show, but maybe they'll surprise us.

    yes, Ali is the bomb. I was actually more surprised at the Seravee having leg swords than his Throne. And, sure, his mech does look a little funny, but, still, it's ALI inside of there! he could be in a Ball for all it matters...

    Wang Liu Mei... fuck if I know what's going on with her. I'm still banking that she pulls the "if humanity can't move on / improve, it deserves to die" bit toward the end and goes for a doomsday scenario involving the orbital elevators.

    Katie being the basis for Tieria and Regene? I think that's more about the narrow set of character models they have in this show. but, yeah, they would have to get some part of the DNA from someone, you'd think...

    I'm still banking on most of the Innovators being sexless, but that new one who was talking with Ribbons and Regene did seem to be a girl. I don't know. I don't think it really matters.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #5
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    This episode brought out a the difference between Neil and Lyle a bit more again. Lyle, while being more "rational", or objective, still respects his brother's, you could say, impulsiveness, and acting on gut feeling. In a way, it's similar to Tieria's respect/love for him being more "human".

    About Tieria, mention of the proper "future" again throws him off balance. I initially marveled at his loyalty to CB, but that would be boring. This is definitely more interesting.

    Ali kicks ass? Yes he does! Mr Bushido made me lose confidence in the "I want to fight!"-type characters. Ali shows just how they should be. In addition to what Ryll said, could I mention that his daddy-long-legs Throne held off the combined force of 3 GN drives in a lateral direction (ie, not using his own)? Or is it 5, since Twin-Drive's supposed to be squared?

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  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I'm not a fan of the way the Throne looks still. It is way too spindly. I just can't believe that arms that thin have remotely the ability to handle the stresses of tossing a sword that size around. The 00 has about twice the cross-sectional area, and wields a sword half the size. Setsuna's frame is just more powerful for close combat. I like the Serevee's tricks though. Very cool, much more interesting than the old fatty Gundam. It was totally lame that the Throne had the same trick.
    We don't know what material those swords are made of. For all we know, Ali's could even be lighter if it's mostly made of less dense material. Also, if you think of the fighters or tanks or APCs of today, it's not like there are huge fundamental differences as such between them, so why should there be between mobile suits? They are all made for the same purpose, except those purely underwater ones, which were, then, quite different. Moreover, being human shaped it makes sense they would be able to kick and it doesn't take anymore a genius designer then to place some extra effect in for those kicks. Shoes with (poisonous) blades are old fare in stories.

  7. #7
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Ali having the same trick makes it feel like there's a lack of variety on Sunrise's part. Like they couldn't think of two different tricks, so they had Seravee steal Ali's or vice versa.

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  8. #8
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    When Regene had explained everything to Tieria, I got the impression that Tieria would eventually leave CB and Marie would take over as pilot of Seravee.</random theory>

  9. #9
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    About Tieria, they said he and all the other Innovators have quantum brain waves and nanomachines in their bodies too, just like the HRL Super soldiers. So are they a superior version of Alllelujah without the psychotic side effects? Ultra-fast reaction certainly hasn't been a pronounced strength of Tieria's.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #10
    Nah, I dont think that gonna happen. If anything Tieria has softened up to his comrades this season and probably has stronger ties to this time around. As much as I miss Christina from the series I would like to see Soma/Marie get out of that chair and pilot a suit, shes definitely much more useful to everyone there as a pilot. As for Saji he can turn into another Licty guy for all i care. Ali was a crazy awesome pilot again, though it annoys me how both Tieria AND Setsuna seem to suddenly just suck at piloting when facing him. I mean i expected much more of a fight.

    I am thoroughly dissappointed in Wang Lu Mei this season, she was the "interesting character" at the beginning of last season, but has progressed to being the "completely random person" for me. Ah well we still have 16 episodes.

    The Kati-Tieria DNA connection theory interests me far more then the Sumargi-Kati connection, the whole back story between them seemed a little half-assed. Oh and it seems that Sumaragi has had some "work" done since her college days:
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  11. #11
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Theories about Sumeragi:
    1) Late bloomer?
    2) She was actually younger than the others then. Kati comes off like she's 35-40 now. Sumeragi is only 31.
    3) She let Billy rub them too much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    We don't know what material those swords are made of. For all we know, Ali's could even be lighter if it's mostly made of less dense material.
    While this is a sunrise series, and moreover Gundam, wherein physics don't apply, unless Ali's Throne is that much more technologically advanced in terms of material science, that would make it worse. If his sword is less dense, Setsuna's should have cut through it like a beam sword through butter. That's why we use depleted uranium rounds as tank busters. But it isnt't the sword that bothered me, it is the weak as hell looking frame.

    While it might just be limited character models, it is strange how much alike girl-Tieria looks to young Kati. Hey, I'm just hoping this means Tieria turns into a girl so his Lockon-Love can move away from yaoi doujin material and onto normal doujin material. Though I should know that that won't happen anytime soon, especially with all of Tieria's awkward comments about dead-Lockon this episode. Poor Feldt has some serious competition.

    New Lockon may be a bit of an asshole, and he's still a double agent, but damn, he's way cooler than the old one.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 12-01-2008 at 04:50 AM.

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
    though it annoys me how both Tieria AND Setsuna seem to suddenly just suck at piloting when facing him. I mean i expected much more of a fight.
    You speak as if you considered the Gundam pilots good. They aren't good pilots, at most decent. They just have had superior machines and have relied on that superiority for good effect. Besides, while Ali was doing good work keeping them both at defensive, it's not like they were absolutely losing yet. They might have, and probably would have, if the other meisters hadn't appeared, but that's what you get in a battle where the enemy sets the pace and you perfectly fall into that pace.

    I think that's Ali's strong point anyway: How in the distant past he got all the rabble to become terrorists, how he got nice mobile suits from the AEU, how he stole the Throne suit. He has a single-minded purpose and belief in his own skills to achieve that purpose, which lets him control others towards that same goal (fighting, destruction).

  13. #13
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    when i saw that third hand come out of seravee. i imagine that seravee will transform into a gundam with a giant head with arms and legs, like a ganmen

    ty psj for this sig

  14. #14
    Missing Nin
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    I'm almost positive Seravee splits into to Gundam's at this point the two faces and extra limbs all seem to point at that being the case.

    Soma/Marie I get the feeling will eventually pilot a Gundam with Alleluia at some point or possible a support Mecha for his suit or the one for the 00. I simply can't see her never piloting anything again.

    I can't say I'm a fan of having Ali and Graham around in this season. I just want one of the two to die preferably Mr Bushido. They just come off as WAY to similar to me in both actions and role in the story. Except NOBODY cares about Mr Bushido on either side he's just a dick who fights when he feels like it while at least Ali has both the skills and the grudges against him to be a major force in the plot.

  15. #15
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Theories about Sumeragi:

    While it might just be limited character models, it is strange how much alike girl-Tieria looks to young Kati. Hey, I'm just hoping this means Tieria turns into a girl so his Lockon-Love can move away from yaoi doujin material and onto normal doujin material. Though I should know that that won't happen anytime soon, especially with all of Tieria's awkward comments about dead-Lockon this episode.

    That would still be VERY weird.

    Anyways, I do wonder why Setsuna just felt the need to blurt that out to Lyle. Like, he's kind of a masochist; which I suppose is normal for someone that feels as much guilt as he does for his childhood actions. And yea, it seems like Billy has a LOT of authority, if he can just give away MSs like that; and also to use them to enact his grudge against CB for taking his little drunk sex toy (Hmm, I guess he can't pick up women that easily...although you would think he can with that cush job and long luxurious hair).

    And you all are right about Soma. She needs to do something instead of follow Al around and look sad. That's a waste of human resources there!

  16. #16
    Marie will most likely end up piloting the support unit for Arios (Archer), which leaves, most likely, Lasse in the support unit for the 00 (0-Raizer)...

    unless, of course, Lasse sticks to the bridge and we see Saji end up piloting the 0-Raizer. might make more sense that way, since the new Ptolomy seems to have a wide array of offensive capabilities... hence requiring a more combat-seasoned operator... whichever.

    and, of course... let's not overlook the awesomeness that is Mr. Bushido's black Shogun/Flag suit... or whatever that is... it's got a Samurai helmet looking head and is all black. bound to look cooler than that stupid custom Ahead.

  17. #17
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    From GSS I thought it was called "0-Riser", well it doesn't matter. Also isn't the 0-Riser supposed to connect with the 00? Thought it was a support machine.

    But yeah Kati Mannequin looks just looks a bit like Tiera, kinda reminds me of Coordinators mixed in with Naturals, either way im still waiting for an all out battle like last season .
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  18. #18
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I believe Setsuna telling Lyle his past self was the correct way to go about it. Firstly, it establishes what kind of person Lyle is, and gives some sort of insight into Lyle's beliefs and values, something the pilots really have no info about. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, it establishes trust between them. If their teamwork breaks down because of Lyle's reaction, then better now than on the battlefield (most likely disclosed by Ali).

    From GSS I thought it was called "0-Riser", well it doesn't matter. Also isn't the 0-Riser supposed to connect with the 00? Thought it was a support machine.
    I'd imagine the 0-Riser is as much a separate machine and an attachment as the previous GN Armour add-on.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #19
    Actually, from what I've heard, the 0-Riser is supposed to be an unmanned support unit, though I don't have valid sources at this time to prove it. I've got to find out where this bit of info comes from.

    In any case, I enjoyed this episode, one of which is due to the Seravee's latest feature of hidden arms. It seems like they're making a Gundam version of Zeta Gundam's The O, except more awesome due to the massive amount of beam cannons. The other reason is from the Trans-Am Ptolemy. That was just awesome, along with the strategy of deploying the 00 Gundam to take out the enemy.

    On another note...FIRST POST GET!!!

  20. #20
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Gundam 00 S2 ED Single - Prototype [Ishikawa Chiaki]

    I swear we had some sort of music release thread. Oh well, never mind, here's the full ending PROTOTYPE by Ishikawa Chiaki:

    [Nipponsei] Gundam 00 S2 ED Single - Prototype [Ishikawa Chiaki].zip

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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