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  1. #1
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    EDIT: REAL top3 in next posting :P

    1.) GATE: Jietai Kanochi Nite - I mentioned a lot of disappointment about this anime in its topic, but the overlying concept is still so interesting that it was my most looked forward to anime of the whole week. Thereīs so much potential, but so much mishandling. I hope the story can manage to find drastically needed focus when this show returns. And ffs, have Itami bang Rory.

    2.) Ore Monogatari - Another anime thatīs story went nowhere. But its characters ensured an enjoyable time. For as much as Iīd like to see how Sunagawa finds a gf, how the rest of Takeoīs friends get gfs, I donīt see any room left for the main pair to develop in an interesting way. Sure, sex, marriage, babies, etc., but thatīs not exactly exciting. And I also donīt want to see silly drama like splitting up et al.

    3.) Dragon Ball Super - Extremely shitty music, but damn, canon DB finally continues! Weīre now at the end of the movie re-telling, so Iīm excited to see the new stuff. Hope they can capture the feeling of danger and despair that the original DBZ had.
    Last edited by MFauli; Thu, 10-01-2015 at 09:14 AM.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #2
    I'm going to give 4, because I think they all deserve a mention.

    1.) Prison School - Outrageous cast of characters, outrageous situations. Easily competes for best comedy ever. Fantastic voice casting. When they talk about "serious comedy" in Bakuman, this is it.

    2.) GATE - Interesting concept, fun characters with Rory and Lelei. I really enjoy watching the cross-culture exchange and extremely weird politics between Japan and the fantasy world.

    3.) Symphogear GX - If you like battle heavy magical girls and are not watching Symphogear, you're missing out. This season started with a bang, perhaps the best episode 1 of any show this season. They continued to deliver up until a couple episodes ago where the writing took a bit of a nosedive. I'm hoping they can save it with the finale, but at least the singing and battles are still awesome.

    4.) Rokka no Yuusha - While I can't say the mystery was completely satisfying, Rokka entertained throughout all of its episodes and kept a nice pace of action and mystery combined with mostly good animation. It definitely left me wanting to see more of Adlet and crew.

    Honorable Mentions: Overlord, Shimoneta (OMG, craziest character ever in this show), Sore ga Seiyuu,

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    1. Overlord - The main character is a bloody badass Skeletor leading a host of monsters. To be honest I can't immediately remember any other show with a setting quite like that. It's a nice and fresh approach to the stuck in a game world setting after the likes of SAO.
    2. Akagami no Shirayukihime - The manga is one of my favourites and the anime adaptation was successful. A very slow and peaceful story, but I appreciate fantasy shoujo adventure genre wise, so it clicks well for me personally. Shirayuki is just so super cute as well.
    3. Gate - I wondered if I should list this or Classroom Crisis. If Classroom had had a better ending, it might have been here instead. But to be honest I was looking more forward to Gate during the weeks. It's a hilarious show with its nationalism that simply can't be taken seriously. The cast was varied with some jolly personalities. Mixing modern times with a fantasy world happens every now and then in fiction, and it's challenging, but this show isn't half bad as far as that goes.

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    In no particular order:

    Rokka no Yuusha: While I certainly have problems with the overall plotline, being a Locked Room Mystery of the worst kind, and the series was a little bit dragged out at times, this was definitely a must watch for the season. Good animation, excellent character design (with one exception at the very end), entertaining battles, and just brainy enough to get a viewer really engaged with the series. The CG remarkably manages to not feel out of place by having it appear frequently and with the main cast, instead of cutting to some other view.

    Non Non Biyori Repeat: It's like a store-bought cake. You know what to expect out of it, it's got a lot of stuff on it or in it, and while it won't disappoint you, it's not really going to surprise you either. But that's not a bad thing because it is so satisfying and well accomplished. The recurring gags are funny, the characters excellent, the backgrounds beautiful, and other moments make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. There are other "heartwarming" slice of life shows out there, which often get bogged down with "gentle" (read: incredibly slow) pacing, but not so with Non Non Biyori, it's wonderfully paced, with the slow moments coming it at exactly the right points but without going on too long. Non Non Biyori manages to make the seemingly very boring countryside very entertaining.

    Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou: Is it an niche fetish harem ecchi show? Absolutely. Is it much better than you thought it would be? Very much so.
    Why you should give this show a shot is about how well it is crafted underneath the veil of a niche fetish ecchi show. Ecchi shows are almost always full of bland stereotypes, clichés, and one-dimensional characters, all centered around a beta male who gets helplessly dragged from one scenario to the next. Monmusu seems like it is exactly that kind of show, and if you don't stop to think about it, it feels that way too. But what Monmusu manages to do is surpass the formula it deliberately went for. While the male lead does get dragged into things, it is at his own choosing and resolved with his own capabilities. Deceptively, he's really an alpha male character. The girls have a surprisingly depth to them. They play up the stereotypes, while consistently showing another side. The birdbrain harpy who is remarkably motherly. The jealous, predatory lamia who...wait the series didn't get that far yet.
    Excellent voice cast, fun plots, surprising character depth, and a male harem lead that is never passive to the shit he gets dragged into and maintains his composure in scenarios that all but the most alpha male characters would falter. You might want to wait for the blurays though.

    Honarable Mentions: Symphogear GX, Overlord, GATE, Shokugeki no Souma.

  5. #5
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Classroom Crisis - Well-rounded story with a nice harem end.
    Charlotte - If you come in expecting compressed drama, you'll be satisfied.
    Overlord - As opposed to Gate, this just got better as it progressed.

    Honorable Mentions:
    Himouto. Moe~
    Jitsu wa watashi wa - Cute shounen harem romance with a very nice BGM at the right moments.
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  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    1. Baby Steps S2 2nd half: There are some anime I watch leaning forward. This is one of them. Excellent technical matches and perfect pacing cement this as one of my favorite sports anime.

    2. Prison School: The hilarity was weapons-grade; theoretically.

    3. Joukamachi no Dandelion: This beat out Overlord on the sole merit of being a complete story, but I enjoyed both roughly equally.

  7. #7
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ok, lol, I have to make a re-done Top 3 now that Iīve watched some more :P Iīll also do away with my rule of only mentioning new anime franchises:

    1.) Overlord - Only discovered that a few days ago, now all caught up. Season 2 gotta come! Best realized, most fun MMORPG-anime. It just keeps getting better, no filler episodes at all. Great characters, great setup of things, and good hero, albeit a little gay atm.

    2.) Baby Steps - Iīll miss this one the most ... for now, as I hope. Always had me looking forward to Sunday. Thereīs just something about sports anime thatīs really drawing me in, especially if theyīre, ya know, good. The pace can be a bit slow at times, and the results of matches arenīt always what I d like to happen, but still, itīs super fun watching Maruo progress.

    3.) Shokugeki no Soma - VERY bad first episodes, focusing on shitty ecchi stuff. But it turned itself around. Iīm not sure itīs actually that great of a show, but it also had me looking forward to it each week, waiting to find out what dish Soma-kun cooks next. Sucks that heīs set on Erina-bitch, because Tadokoro is girl #1.

    Honorable mentions: GATE: Jietei no Kanochi Nite (unrealized potential), Ace of Diamond (itīs still fun watching, but the series lacks highlights. Game after game keeps happening, but thereīs no real tension any more), Dragon Ball Super (shitty music ruined the most epic moment, but I guess itīs only the start now)

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  8. #8
    Summer 2015

    1. Rokka no Yuusha - A bit up and down with the pacing and the mystery aspects, I really like the world, the animation, and action. I liked most of the characters in all honesty, and overall good production values. I hope we can get more in the future.

    2. Overlord - The series I enjoyed the most this season. At time ultra violent, and it was extremely fun. Awesome characters all around. An arc there that got a bit too slow, but Nabe and Ainz made the journey worth watching... and all the buffing.

    3. Classroom Crisis - Not a real standout, but had a lot more to offer than what it initially portrayed itself as. A good story from start to finish, and a very nice ending that is more satisfactory than 90% of what's found there... and certainly the most satisfactory ending of this season.

    Honorable mentions:

    Gangsta - abrupt ending (particularly I assume because of Manglobe bankruptcy) and messy story prevents it from being considered. I love Nic and the action, and that's usually good enough for me, but not this time.

    Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri- certainly would've made the list among the top ones, but since it's getting a continuation in January, I'll save reserve judgement until then.

    God Eater - I think this anime is better than most would give it credit for, and I know the CG puts some people off it. Seems like ufotable has had some problems with keeping their schedules, so it hasn't finished yet. As it is, it seems like it's doomed to an incomplete and unsatisfactory ending. It's been an unbalanced series so far also, but I think it's been better than most reactions I've seen around for it.

  9. #9
    While we're at it, any lists for Spring 2015?

  10. #10
    Spring 2015

    1) Unlimited Blade Works part 2 - You know what you're in for if you got this far.
    2) Hibike Euphonium - Very nicely animated band club, complete with drama and some fun characters.
    3) Knights of Sidonia part 2 - You may have watched the awesome sci-fi mecha from part 1, but part 2 is the best because of Tsugumi.

    Pretty slim pickings, really. The only other good shows were really Dungeon no Deai, Niseoki, Shokugeki, Yahari, and Yamada.
    Arslan started this season too, which was good. I wouldn't recommend anything else from Spring.

  11. #11
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Spring 2015

    Hibike Euphonium - Very nicely animated series, but the standout is the characters. From the rather nasty attitude of the lead character, the very focused and mature demeanor of the 'prodigies', to the saintly good natured club president...and everything in between. As far as character driven dramedies go, this one is rooted it a lot more natural personalities. Well written, well animated, and some really nice music pieces in there too.

    Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka: Familia Myth (aka Danmachi) - Quality humor, serviceable plot, but why this stands out is that this definitely had the best action sequences the entire season, which is quite odd when you think about it because...

    Honorable mention:
    Unlimited Blade Works part 2 - This series really dropped the ball from its first half in terms of well animated action sequences. It also suffers from very bad pacing. I honestly wouldn't even put this as a third series on the list since the Spring season was exceptionally poor, but it makes up for some very nice voice acting and good dramatic scenes. No surprises here if you're familiar with the game.

    Note: I don't officially list a third series because it was a bad season. Quite the step down from the season preceding it.

  12. #12
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Boku dake ga inai Machi
    Pretty much the go-to anime last season. Started strong, succeeded in making me feel both anxious and happy at times, and ended okay-ish. The twist was rather lame and the lack of an explanation for the supernatural abilities are annoying. This could have been better as a 2 cour-anime, fleshing out the childhood parts, maybe featuring several more jumps back and forth, interacting with the adult versions of Satoruīs friends and seeing how they change with everything Satoru changes in the past. Still, a high quality, emotional drama.

    Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans

    Iīm not yet done with it, but it has grabbed me so hard, itīs incredible. The show does an exceptional job at building up characters, even the smallest ones (quite literally). Instead of having a crew of faceless no-names, everybody is a unique person, as if truly existing. Thus, the feeling of danger is upped, because no matter who bites the dust, itīs tragic. The action is good, the fights so far a balanced, the hero isnīt an overwhelming force. Sure, he eventually prevails, but itīs never like "hereīs the superior Gundam, now I shoot my special weapon and youīre dead". Thereīs always a real fight going on. Orga is a great character, and this show even has a competent fat guy. Special mention needs to go to the music. The opening is great, but whatīs fantastic is how at the end of every episode, the ending music slowly fades in, akin to Hunter X Hunter 2011. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside every time.

    The last two arcs were great. Not only is Gintama the best comedy anime, it also excels when it decides to be serious. Unfortunately, due to a studio change, the animation quality wasnīt up to par with the amazing contents, which was a real bummer. Still, having a whole brigade of Yato attack at once is a breathtaking moment to behold ... even though they werenīt as strong as I expected them tobe. After well over 300 episodes, this is an anime that keeps deserving to be watched.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #13
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Winter 2016

    Boku dake ga inai Machi - A solid mystery series. Great characters you can get attached to, consistent continuity. The only downside is it never really gave me that "tug" feeling. It's a drama as much as it is a mystery, and there's never really a point that the series grabs you by the guts and twists and you feel a physical ache. At least for me.

    Oshiete! Galko-chan - This is an 8-minute gag series, but damn does it do a flawless job. From the gentle-voiced narrator up through the main cast, perfectly done. There's episodes that will make you chuckle, there's episodes that will get you all misty-eyed. Its main conceit that there's a gyaru-type girl who is utterly unlike the stereotype she exhibits holds up from start to finish. A series that never bothers to name a single character (all nicknames) while presenting the overall message that one should never judge another by their outward appearance. It's funny, it's sweet, it's endearing, and never failed to at least make me smile. Galko-chan might be the new Empress of gap moe.

    Koukaku no Pandora: Ghost Urn - This is the happy and energetic version of Ghost in the Shell. It has plenty of references to its inspiration for the fans out there, but overall, it takes the same premise, but puts a more optimistic spin to full-body cyborgs and androids that develop their own ghosts (sentience for non-fans). It's silly, even stupid at times, relying on plenty of jokes. But there's some serious depth to this series when you take a step back. Its best feature is that it takes the same explorations as a lot of cyberpunk series, but either parodies them, or shows the positive outcome instead of the bleak one. There's plenty of hints throughout the series that the world outside isn't anywhere near as rosy as what is shown in the series (quite the contrary), but they push it aside to take a brighter look at things. The 'twist' in the final episode is also worth it. Pays off completely. Downside? The art certainly sucks.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 03-30-2016 at 03:24 PM.

  14. #14
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    1) Iron Blooded Orphans - By far my favorite. If I wrote a Gundam show, it'd turn out like this.
    2) Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - Seinen story about Rakugo. Very classy. Rich characters. Simple but engaging story that spans years.
    3) Boku dake ga Inai Machi - Weak middle but strong start and finish. This is pretty weak as a mystery due to the obvious culprit and dumb protagonist, but it was a fairly good drama with lots of attention to detail.

    Honorable Mention:
    Konosuba - Would have beaten one of those on top if it had decent art. Instead, we got scribbles. Lalatina looks hideous 90% of the time.

    EDIT: Ajin was a good contender too, but it hasn't finished yet and the 3D is crap. The story and characters are a cut above, though.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Wed, 03-30-2016 at 05:22 PM.
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  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    3) Boku dake ga Inai Machi - Sidetracked from the mystery by a feel good sub-plot, but still delivered on a fun, light, complete story.

    2) Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku Wo! - A serviceable comedy that... served comedy. Well done and fun.

    1) Hai to Gensou no Grimgar - Slow or not, it would be she show I looked forward to the most each week this season.

    Honorable mention to Schwarzesmarken for being the best muv-luv anime (clearing a very low bar) yet.

  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    3. Bakuon - Planted firmly in the 'cute girls doing xxx' category, I found the comedy hit more often than not for me. Enjoyable cast and art cuter than the modest seeming budget would have me believe.

    2. Sansha Sanyou - I must have been in the mood for these shows this season, because this has even less substance than Bakuon, but I enjoyed it even more. Above average animation and excellent 'black hole' character brought this in at number 2.

    1. Boku Hero Academia - Not much competition, as shounen is my overall favorite genre of anime, and this one delivered. Both an excellent cour and creation of a franchise.

    *I do not include ongoing series like Jojo or Re: Zero in consideration until they end.

    And now, my special awards for spring 2016.

    "Best Op": Kiznaiver - Surprisingly, it did what most Ops never can. Every time I watched it, it actually got me in the mood to watch Kiznaiver. Catchy and well produced. Without it, I probably wouldn't have made it past episode 1.

    The "Shame on me" award: Joker Game - Something about the story telling in this one was so dry, yet I feel ashamed for not finishing it. After all, one chief complaint about anime is its reliance on formulaic settings to pander to the widest otaku crowd for post air blu ray sales. One is made about espionage in an oft neglected time period (in anime), and I find it boring and dreary after 10 episodes. Shame on me.

    The "Train Wreck" award: Mayoiga - For all of the suspense this one built, it did not cash any in for meaningful payoff. we are left with a generally un-fulfilling conclusion to what could have been a campy slasher-thon along the lines of "Another". Similar to "Charlotte", I was expecting something different from the tone the first episode set than what was delivered.

    The "Bridge" award: Haifuri - Mostly enjoyed the naval tactics depicted in the sea battles, so this one inspired me to try out Girls und Panzer.

  17. #17
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    1.) Re Zero

    Tbh this past season was generally disappointing. Which is why I feel the need to say that Re Zero was good, but it had some stinkers, too. Moreover, the series is at a crossroad and weīll see what happens from there.

    2.) Neto Ge

    Itīs not a must-see, god beware. But I jolly enjoyed the story. My only wish is that Rusian makes his intentions clear regarding Ako. It still feels as if she see their relationship as something superficial, something tied to the MMORPG. I want Rusian to get her to acknowledge a real life-relationship and I want them to finally kiss (at least. Come on, she was offering her virginity, kneeling naked in front of him, already!!!)

    3.) Jojo

    Iīm not a fan of the "monster of the week"-style that was introduced with Diamond Dust. But itīs now starting to get good.

    Biggest disappointment of the season by far: Kabaneri no Koutetsujou. Great animation, great production value ... and a boring story, boring enemies and flat characters. Ugh. Itīs sad all around.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  18. #18
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    As usual, the intent of this thread is to discuss finished series.

    Spring 2016

    Bakuon - While it looks like a "cute girls involved in xxx activity," series, it is perhaps more accurately described as, "idiot girls doing funny things." This was really a surprise comedy hit for me. The gags are accessible despite the highly-specific subject area because they're set up so well and pay off so cleanly. This isn't generic slapstick comedy set to the backdrop of a school band, it's actual motorcycle otaku humor. It ends up being a bit more of a Genshiken than a K-ON, though I may be giving it a little bit too much credit. The character designs are pretty good (big fan of puffy hair's retro design, same with her father).

    Flying Witch - Excellent slice of life. This series has a bluntness to it, where the fantastical world the witches live in is also surprisingly mundane. It's magic, but it's relaxed and understated most of the time. It's a very calming series to wind down to while watching. Love the voice cast, and the design captured the manga well.

    Kuma Miko - It was a cute gag series with an absurd premise. A touching story of friendship and co-dependence between a young girl and a bear. Loved the watercolor backgrounds.

  19. #19
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was such a lackluster season that I'm unable to enter more than two series. I don't want to put the rest in the same sentence with the word Top, not even in a relative manner.

    Flying Witch - An all-around wholesome package with diverse and good characters. A splendid example of a successful slice of life series.

    Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge - The most lethargic slice of life ever. A perfect thing to represent as lethargic a season as this spring season was.

  20. #20
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Kuma Miko - Loli getting harassed for comedy. Perfect.

    Flying Witch - The funniest, well-animated slice of life I've ever seen. It reminds me of ARIA, which I love, only without the super boring parts. The cooking parts are better executed than actual cooking shows (Souma, I'm looking at you).

    Boku no Hero Academia - This counts because the upcoming cour is another season. Though it has the flaws of most shounen stories, this one is executed very well and has one of the best soundtracks for a hero show ever made.

    Honorable Mention:
    Sakamoto Desu Ga - Some parts were comedy gold, while some just made no sense whatsoever. If only the good parts were included, this would've made it to the top 3.

    Kiznaiver - If it weren't for the ridiculous premise, this would've been a great romance drama love quadrangle that actually wraps up well.

    Macross Waki - For obvious reasons.
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