As usual, the intent of this thread is to discuss finished series.

Spring 2016

Bakuon - While it looks like a "cute girls involved in xxx activity," series, it is perhaps more accurately described as, "idiot girls doing funny things." This was really a surprise comedy hit for me. The gags are accessible despite the highly-specific subject area because they're set up so well and pay off so cleanly. This isn't generic slapstick comedy set to the backdrop of a school band, it's actual motorcycle otaku humor. It ends up being a bit more of a Genshiken than a K-ON, though I may be giving it a little bit too much credit. The character designs are pretty good (big fan of puffy hair's retro design, same with her father).

Flying Witch - Excellent slice of life. This series has a bluntness to it, where the fantastical world the witches live in is also surprisingly mundane. It's magic, but it's relaxed and understated most of the time. It's a very calming series to wind down to while watching. Love the voice cast, and the design captured the manga well.

Kuma Miko - It was a cute gag series with an absurd premise. A touching story of friendship and co-dependence between a young girl and a bear. Loved the watercolor backgrounds.