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Thread: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun

  1. #101
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Direct esper and magical attacks don't cause damage to Touma's imagine breaker, but physical ones that alter or affect the environment around him do. That's why the overwhelming majority of Steyr and Misaka's attacks have little effect, but Kanzaki and Accelerator's do.
    He can still be hurt my magic and esper abilities, aside from his right hand he's a normal human

  2. #102
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    True, but if he tried to block Kanzaki's magically empowered swordplay, or block one of Accelerator's projectiles, his arm would be cut/smashed to bits.

  3. #103
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    True, but if he tried to block Kanzaki's magically empowered swordplay, or block one of Accelerator's projectiles, his arm would be cut/smashed to bits.
    Actually he would indeed by killed by Kanzaki's swordplay, but only because the sword itself would be enough to kill him

    As for projectiles... i can't prove you wrong without spoilers

    As i've said, the only magic attack to even come close to breaking Imagine Breaker has been a spell that was chosen out of millions as the one who would stand the best chance against it.

    If i had to guess i don't think it would be so crazy to predict Touma as the mythical level 6

  4. #104
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    He can still be hurt my magic and esper abilities, aside from his right hand he's a normal human
    His right hand is permanently attached to his body, though, meaning he's not entirely normal, ever. If the hand nullifies any magical or scientific effects in an object it touches, it will also do that with his body, at least partially. I'm not saying 100% or anywhere near that as we have seen multiple times.

    Otherwise only his right hand would be knocking over coffee cups and that would be the whole extent of his unluckiness.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    If i had to guess i don't think it would be so crazy to predict Touma as the mythical level 6
    You mean level -6?

  5. #105
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    His right hand is permanently attached to his body, though, meaning he's not entirely normal, ever. If the hand nullifies any magical or scientific effects in an object it touches, it will also do that with his body, at least partially. I'm not saying 100% or anywhere near that as we have seen multiple times.

    Otherwise only his right hand would be knocking over coffee cups and that would be the whole extent of his unluckiness.
    Well i'll give your theory some credit since Kuroko might have been unable to teleport him for that very reason, or because by trying to do it to his whole body the hand got in the way

    I think these discussions where we try to make reason of esper powers and magic are half the reason why i love this series

  6. #106
    I was horribly mistaken. I thought Misaka was one of the few level 7's, and Accelerator was trying to get to level 8. I guess i just got the numbers mixed up.

    Regardless, there's still some conflicting material here. In Index, Misaka met Touma for the first time on that bridge the night before he met Index. In Railgun, she met him for the first time in that back alley. It would only make sense for that to be their first meeting in the "Railgun universe," since she wouldn't attack him otherwise.

  7. #107
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    But Touma knew exactly who she was in the first episode of Index. He notes that he wasn't protecting her, he was protecting the hoodlums from her. So Touma was quite well aware of exactly who she was.

    Considering that Saten didn't know her, and Uiharu didn't know her face either, it gave off the impression that they've met before. Nor did Misaka sound all that surprised that he was completely unharmed from her attack.

    I'll admit the times don't seem to add up, but it isn't clear whether or not the time on the bridge was their first meeting.

  8. #108
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Actually it adds up perfectly
    What about Misaka's personality tells you that she would shoot a railgun at a defenseless level 0? At that distance she would kill any normal human being, no question about it after we saw what she did to that car.

    She's a tsundere, not a yandere.

  9. #109
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure the meeting on the bridge wasn't their first meeting, as Ryll has explained already.

    I'm not sure why you guys say the timeline doesn't match. Here, Touma's run into a bit of trouble with Mikoto, and in Index, you start off with Touma rescuing some guys from her wrath. None of these two cases indicate they had to be the first encounter.

    Quote Originally Posted by BoC
    It would only make sense for that to be their first meeting in the "Railgun universe," since she wouldn't attack him otherwise.

    As for Esper powers, I think Touma will always be Level 0. Based how they tested subjects in the episode before, it's all about what the esper can do. In Touma's case, nothing.

    He can survive, but nullifying other's powers doesn't automatically mean he's absorbing, or doing an equal and opposite reaction.

    -Misaka's electricity just doesn't zap him. He's not counter-zapping, or putting up an interferring electromagnetic field to nullify it.

    -Kuroko can't teleport him. He's not counter-teleporting or anything.

    -Accelerator's the same case, no vector manipulation, just a straight punch.

    If I had to describe Touma's powers, it's like he holds an "All attack/defence powers are reduced to zero" card. When measuring the effect of that card...really it's still zero, based on the scientists measuring, what I saw, was the power/control of esper abilities.

    Calling it a "good card" is an understatement, but I wouldn't classify it as anything other than Zero. Not -5/6 neither.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #110
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Actually it's been mentioned before that the reason why he is considered level 0 is because the methods normally used to gauge abilities aren't compatible with Imagine Breaker

  11. #111
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    Actually it's been mentioned before that the reason why he is considered level 0 is because the methods normally used to gauge abilities aren't compatible with Imagine Breaker
    Really? Where and why?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #112
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Really? Where and why?
    Dam that was fast!! O_o

    I believe it was the loli pink teacher in episode... something. Still during the first opening

    Edit: Just noticed, 3 posts on the same page starting with "Actually...". Way to sound like a pretentious douche O_o
    Last edited by Archangel; Sun, 10-18-2009 at 06:24 PM.

  13. #113
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Cool. I'll dig that out later to revisit that Mikoto-bridge scene too.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #114
    There's a lot of evidence indicating that their meeting on the bridge in Index was their first encounter. Just because Touma knew about her doesn't mean they've met before. Misaka was one of the strongest espers in the city, so it shouldn't be out of the question for people to know her.

    Misaka was totally surprised that her attack was nullified. If she encountered his power beforehand, then she'd have no reason to be so surprised by him.

    Actually... I just watched that scene in Railgun again, and it seemed like that was not their first meeting, which would make the encounter in Index the first meeting after all. She was chasing him around like she did slightly later on in Index. This would put Railgun's timeline, at the very least, after the vending machine incident in Index.

  15. #115
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    Dam that was fast!! O_o

    I believe it was the loli pink teacher in episode... something. Still during the first opening

    Edit: Just noticed, 3 posts on the same page starting with "Actually...". Way to sound like a pretentious douche O_o

    Actually... shouldn't I be the one here? LOL.

    If memory doesn't fail me... Touma mentioned, in his inner monologue, that Mikoto was a Level 5 during the bridge scene. So it does fit, that he knew her from before (Railgun). How and when this took place? Who knows...

  16. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    If memory doesn't fail me... Touma mentioned, in his inner monologue, that Mikoto was a Level 5 during the bridge scene. So it does fit, that he knew her from before (Railgun). How and when this took place? Who knows...
    It should be the other way around. Index was the first encounter, and the Railgun scene came after that. You don't need to meet people to know about them. Mikoto clearly didn't know him at the time.

  17. #117
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    As for Esper powers, I think Touma will always be Level 0. Based how they tested subjects in the episode before, it's all about what the esper can do. In Touma's case, nothing.
    Please don't ever get in contact with any armor or bulletproof vest designers. You would depress them. It's like saying the shielding level of a bulletproof vest will always be the same, regardless of the fact whether it can only stop a measly .22 pistol bullet or even a 7.62mm rifle bullet. Or because the vest does nothing but stop a bullet, it's not actually doing anything at all!

    If Touma's power level is set at zero, it's only because the way of measuring sucks. Honestly, those levels were anyway measured at the school backyard... How reliable and scientific is that? They were even doubting the recorded level of the fade girl in this latest episode.

    There are definite limits to the usefulness of the ability as well, so it should be possible to measure it if anybody was at all interested in it (or even knew about it).

  18. #118
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think Buff is merely saying that with the current system of measurement, Touma will always be level 0, and I agree.

    Yes, that simply means that the system sucks.

    If it does get revised, then Touma's power is definitely measurable, assuming they actually find something that he cannot negate. It would be impossible to measure something when a limit hasn't even been reached.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  19. #119
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    If it does get revised, then Touma's power is definitely measurable, assuming they actually find something that he cannot negate. It would be impossible to measure something when a limit hasn't even been reached.
    Since the series keeps calling it science, there definitely is a limit. However, we don't actually even know what Touma's hand does. It might not simply negate the power but the intended effect. For example transmutate it into something harmless; a process that potentially would require a lot less power, or power tolerance, than absorbing the whole energy involved. For anybody studying Touma's level, it would thus be of utmost importance to figure out what he actually does because without knowing that it could be futile to try to gauge his exact power level.

  20. #120
    I seem to remember someone mentioning a theory in Index that Touma's power had to do with removing the 'quantum uncertainty' that ESPers create/manipulate in order to manifest abilities that should otherwise be impossible for a person?

    If this is indeed the case then there may not be an upper limit on his power as the power would just be forcing the the universe around his hand to have its 'natural' uncertain state as opposed to any 'unnatural' uncertain state any ESPer powers (and maybe magic too) induced to produce their effects. The only limitation I can think of in this scenario would be a time delay between an unnatural effect entering the area of influence of Touma's hand and the uncertainty state that makes up the effect being returned to 'normal'. That being said as long as the time delay is less than the distance light would have to travel between the edge of the area of effect and Touma's hand he shouldn't have anything to worry about.

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