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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #1661
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Killua isn't going to own Youpi. If you watched the preview,

    No, i do NOT watch the previev anymore due to its overly spoilerific nature. But thanks :/

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  2. #1662
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You're welcome. I'm always glad to help.
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  3. #1663
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Electricity seemed to work splendidly against Youpi, and Killua has plenty more to share. If Youpi gets shocked for half a second, it's already enough for somebody with the Zoldyck speed. Killua could attack with impunity as long as he sets the pace of the fight.

  4. #1664
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The annoying thing about these ants is their durability. Even if you can trump them in every other aspect, if you can't hurt them, it is pretty pointless.
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  5. #1665
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    In that respect Killua is lucky: His hits look more like cutting than punches. Unlike the chitinous ants, Youpi is soft, which is naturally a requirement for his intensive morphing ability, including tentacles and whatnot. He seems to suffer less from blunt force trauma, not shattering like a hard exoskeleton would, but against slicing, penetrating attacks it's a weakness. Killua can dice him up.

  6. #1666
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    He blows himself up yet is perfectly fine after.

    I would not be surprised if he can regenerate cuts or reattach lost limbs. You know, like the Youmapi that he is.
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  7. #1667
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Assuming heīs going to win, I want it to be a super close, super hard fight and I want it to be made possible only thanks to what Knuckle did to Youpi with his interest-ability.
    I keep trying to figure out how that TINY little spot that Shoot used his power on is going to come into play somehow.

    Because if it doesn't, all the fighting to stay conscious that Shoot is doing is just pointless.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Killua isn't going to own Youpi. If you watched the preview, Killua is likely going to do hit and run tactics using the invi dude.
    Dick move.

  8. #1668
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I actually hope that Shoot's efforts are pointless. It's more realistic that way. Just because you tried doesn't mean things will work out.

    I thought that most watchers actually watched the previews. Complaining because you didn't watch it and got "spoiled" in a forum that allows discussion about it makes no sense. It's like not watching the latest episode, coming in here, and saying, "you jerks, why are you discussing something that I have chosen not to watch (yet)."

    The previews are part of the released episodes.
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  9. #1669
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I actually hope that Shoot's efforts are pointless. It's more realistic that way. Just because you tried doesn't mean things will work out.
    It made more sense when Youpi was covered in eyeballs. It hinted that maybe Shoot had created a single tiny blind spot that could be exploited.

    Now that Youpi isn't even bothering with that anymore, it seems pointless.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I thought that most watchers actually watched the previews. Complaining because you didn't watch it and got "spoiled" in a forum that allows discussion about it makes no sense. It's like not watching the latest episode, coming in here, and saying, "you jerks, why are you discussing something that I have chosen not to watch (yet)."
    One could make the same argument about coming to a forum that allows discussion that's full of people that have already read the manga.

    You know, if one were a complete ass.

    I also don't watch the previous most of the time because, you know, avoiding spoilers is avoiding spoilers. If I don't read the manga because I don't want to know what happens before I see it in it's full animated context, why the hell would I watch the episode previews?

    I get pissed off enough when the openings or episode titles have spoilers in them.

  10. #1670
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The manga analogy does not work. They are different mediums. The preview is part of the episode. If you don't watch it, that's fine. But that does not mean you should stop or complain against people who have seen it and want to discuss it from doing so. Stopping me from doing just that is a dick move and being an ass something I cannot agree with, because you are preventing me from discussing something I want to talk about that is well within forum rules just because you don't want to listen to it.

    Discussing previews is also another way of enjoying anime. The preview does not completely spoil the content, and allows for speculation which is also a fun way to appreciate the show. The previews sometimes even fakes out the audience, making you think one thing will happen when it will go a different route.

    This does not mean that I am not willing to stop discussing previews. It just takes a simple polite request. Calling a perfectly valid post a dick move and being sarcastic about it isn't swaying me to your side. I never had the intention of spoiling content to anyone, since I thought most people watched the previews, like I previously stated.
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  11. #1671
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't hesitate to discuss previews. I just usually talk more about the ep. The hit and run tactic can only work if Killua can control the battle really well. Meleoron has to be close enough to get him but stay away from Youpi's hits.

    The preview isn't necessarily in chronological order either.

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  12. #1672
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The hit and run tactic can only work if Killua can control the battle really well.
    He has to be able to control the battle really well if he wants to get anything done at all and survive. Youpi is a monster, after all. But that's why I listed earlier the two details that look really promising for Killua at the moment. The third is the fact Killua is a lot faster, but that goes without saying. Youpi couldn't catch even Knuckle.

    I talk previews when the episode itself doesn't really have anything worth discussing or the preview looks super promising. It's not really such an issue with HxH most of the time, seeing how it follows the manga and isn't stretching it all the way to hell and back.

  13. #1673
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The manga analogy does not work. They are different mediums. The preview is part of the episode. If you don't watch it, that's fine. But that does not mean you should stop or complain against people who have seen it and want to discuss it from doing so. Stopping me from doing just that is a dick move and being an ass something I cannot agree with, because you are preventing me from discussing something I want to talk about that is well within forum rules just because you don't want to listen to it.
    I'm certainly not suggesting that it's against the forum rules.

    But I'm saying it should be.

    No offense. I just don't agree with your position on this at all. Your saying that if I want to avoid any spoilers for something that hasn't come out yet, I can't come to the forums at all. I don't get to participate in any discussion, because you just have to talk about the 15 seconds at the end that you could just as easily discuss the next week after it's actually happened.

  14. #1674
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You should not complain to me if you have problems with the rules. Complain to the mods.

    If you don't want me to talk about those 15 seconds, just ask. Being rude is not the right way to convince someone.
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  15. #1675
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    You should not complain to me if you have problems with the rules. Complain to the mods.
    Hey mods. I don't like how it's okay to talk about episode previews in anime threads.

  16. #1676
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Sorry, but this is going to be my last off topic post. I think it would be better to place that in the suggestions thread, so it can be treated as a valid proposal and evaluated properly.

    Honestly I am fine either way.
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  17. #1677
    This is not the Naruto forum, and no, discussing the previews that are aired and in the episodes you download is perfectly fine. Enough we do around here to restrict discussion and spoilers as it is to be bothering about someone mentioning something that he found in the previews, that more often than not are misleading rather than spoilerific.

    That said, it was completely bush league by shinta|hikari to mention content from the previews when replying directly to an anime watcher who had clearly refrained from watching the previews... it lacks a certain etiquette, not that I care all that much about those. But it is what it is. But other than that, nothing wrong was done here other than being a bit of a prick even if unintended.

    And that's all that is going to be said on this matter and on this thread, take it elsewhere. Now get back on topic, next posts that are not discussing Hunter X Hunter will be removed... probably with a warning too.

  18. #1678
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I just want to point out why Iīm unusually sensitive about HXH-previews: I stopped watching them ever since one preview spoiled the entrance of Netero and Zeno. That was just bullshit on the anime-production teamīs side. And I feel like there is hardly another anime-story that has ever been this exciting AND compact at the same time. Do not forget, each episode that weīre watching contains only a few seconds of real time-events - and then the next episode will actually jump back half a minute to tell what happened in the meantime.

    Obviously, I cannot forbid you from talking about spoilers, especially now that a moderator officially deemed it okay. So all I will do here now is to actually sincerely ask you not to do it. Or use spoiler-tags (we donīt have these here, eh? Maybe an admin should think about including those, would be nice).
    Iīd hate not to be able to talk about HXH in this thread anymore, but I also donīt want myself to be ruined any awesome scenes, just because a 10 second-preview spoils us that Hisoka suddenly joins the Chimera-king, so he can fight Gon. Or that the Chimera ants actually win and the whole world of HXH is spun upside down. Or that Kurapika comes to help. Or whatever. (None of these are spoilers, lol, itīs made up bs, just to be clear)
    So, thatīs that.
    Do what you need to do, but please tell me now about your future intentions, so Iīm not running into spoilers. Thanks

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  19. #1679
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    No problem. I'll stop talking about previews. I never intended to spoil you in the first place, unlike Munsu mistakenly believes. I repeated this several times now, but I thought you (and others) watched the preview, but just missed or did not consider that specific scene in it.

    See, all you had to do was ask.
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  20. #1680
    There you go, hugs and kisses all around in the GotWoot family...

    In any case, really enjoyed this episode... even the portions I recall being boring while reading the manga had a nice level of suspense and execution when animated which was cool.

    Killua was certainly awesome with his arrival, but the internal monologue with Knuckle was great... his self awareness that he's being an idiot, and how he's about to die, etc. But more awesome of all was his celebration when he was running for his life after he got saved and managed a few hits in. Main character events aside, this might have been the highlight of the ARC for me so far (yes I have short memory at the moment).

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