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Thread: Attack on Titan: Shingeki no Kyojin

  1. #941
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Nice that they explain the mechanics of his survival, and it doesn't conflict with what we've been shown so far. It looks like the explosion at the end was maybe part of what he was about to "resort to". I think be breathed flame once back in season one after breaking the interior wall, as a steam release or the like...

    Thunder spears. AT rockets. I'm jazzed. Erin's turned into a little MMA monster.

    I'm also surprised that they decided that 'having trouble with 3-4 meters' was somehow beneath them. I don't recall the scout squad outside of team Levi ever being titan butchers...

  2. #942
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    The scouts are the only ones that are actual experts at titan slaying.
    You might have a bad impression about them because they had to fight the female titan. But even against her, they did fairly well and made her back up again and again. She had to use tricks and suprise attacks to really get the better of them.

    But the scouts are not the same as the dudes that lost the human settlement, which were mostly guards and recruits in season 1, they've always been somewhat of an elite group.

  3. #943
    Only watching Bluray versions, so just finished watching the first half of season 3.

    One particular thing that has bothered me is Reiss' explanation that only their bloodline can use the Founding Titan's power, despite Eren having previously used it (and no one called Reiss on that particular bullshit).

    Or were they talking about memory manipulation specifically? From what I understood, the Reiss family seemed to have that power inherent in their bloodline, not an actual Titan power in itself.

    So as I understood it, Reiss family can manipulate memory, but with the Founding Titan's Scream, they can do a mass AOE manipulation.

    Anyways, enjoy the second half.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 05-12-2019 at 03:14 PM.

  4. #944
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    To be honest I had forgotten all about the memory wiping thing till now. I guess that's what they mean - that memory wiping was only within the Reiss family.

    HS - S3 Episode 52


    So short but so good. Every new piece of information on Annie (either from the OVAs or other) just makes her more human and much less "cold" than what we typically see of her. I don't know if making her hesitate like this is going to far to give her emotions, but it's certainly interesting to watch.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #945
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I swear I'll break something if Reiner and Bertholt get away AGAIN. Ugh. When they stand around Reiner and just watch. Fucking slash his human body to pieces!

    Also: Bertholt blocking Mikasa's first attack was bs. He's not that capable, come in.

    And also: when was it established that bertholt's transformation causes a nuke going off?! Unti now it was just hot steam.

  6. #946
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    And also: when was it established that bertholt's transformation causes a nuke going off?! Unti now it was just hot steam.
    Mid season two when they transformed on the wall after their low-key identity reveal. There were whole scenes of it blowing everyone and thing away (when he reached out to grab Ymir's, stretcher). This episode they just suggested that he has the greatest titan power of them all.

    Facing off against Mikasa, not being wavered by Armin's head tactics, It's almost like Bertholt has developed his own shounen growth spurt; too bad its being pointed against our heroes(?).

    It was disheartening to have valuable episode minutes occupied by the Marco flashback (bad way to go), but I'm certain the show will benefit from it in the long run and repeat viewings: characterization has always been one of my favorite things about AoT. Waiting weekly for my dose has never been so hard.

  7. #947
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Also: Bertholt blocking Mikasa's first attack was bs. He's not that capable, come in.
    You're right, he's not. It's also clearly intentional since even Mikasa was like "How the hell was HE able to fight me?"

  8. #948
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 53:

    Rainer is fully healed again ...
    God, i hate this anime now. That's Boruto-levels of bad :/

  9. #949
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Calm down,

    you made your point clear that for some reason you don't like Rainer, and want him dead, a while ago - we got it.

  10. #950
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Speaking of Reiner, I thought it was interesting that they it more clear that Reiner seems like he actually has two distinct/compartmentalized personalities.

    Which kinda explains that weird scene where he and Berholdt first outed themselves. Because Titan Warrior Reiner doesn't seem to understand the concept of not talking about his plans out loud.

  11. #951
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Calm down,

    you made your point clear that for some reason you don't like Rainer, and want him dead, a while ago - we got it.
    I've got nothing against Rainer.

    I have a lot against bad writing and the same enemy popping up 4-5 times. It's as if Link fought Ganon 4-5 times in a single Zelda-game.

  12. #952
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Him not dying has nothing to do with bad writing. (so far)

    Btw guys, did we get any information on where Ymir went? Wasn't she with Berthold and Rainer?
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 05-20-2019 at 01:00 PM.

  13. #953
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Him not dying has nothing to do with bad writing. (so far)
    That's your opinion.

    For a series that's all about consequences, it's bad. Also it's simply frustrating how the show never makes any progress because of it.

    Season 1: an armored titan! But we can't kill it. Let's kill the female titan instead - oh, we can't, either.

    Season 2: yay, we got him-ah, so close! But let's try again-AH, he got away again. And he also took away Ymir, our just found new titan ally.

    Season 3: we've got new anti-armor spears! Yay, he's dead! Oh wait, he's alive. But he's as good as dead, let's deal with Bertholt first- oh snap, Rainer is fully healed again.

    That's where we're at. Just how many seasons will it take to make meaningful progress aka killing Rainer?! At this point in time I'd be half-satisfied if Levi really manages to kill the beast titan, but I'm not convinced that'll happen either 💁

  14. #954
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    But we don't WANT Reiner to die, because then we can't have a good guy eat him and steal his powers.

    We got Annie all nice and packaged up for when Mikasa becomes a titan. Reiner can't die till after someone else becomes a titan.

  15. #955
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    That's your opinion.
    Oh.. so yours isn't?
    Uhm... no.

    And it seems like you really didn't pay any attention to what has happened in this show.
    Your pathetic way of describing what supposedly happened in this show isn't even remotely the truth or even similar to what actually happened and how it was portrayed.

    Season 1: an armored titan! But we can't kill it. Let's kill the female titan instead - oh, we can't, either.
    So? The female titan is defeated.

    Season 2: yay, we got him-ah, so close! But let's try again-AH, he got away again. And he also took away Ymir, our just found new titan ally.
    Tough right? Considering the amount of losses they suffer for the smallest gain, just to lose it again in a twist is what keeps this show interesting and the reason why despair actually works in this one, compared to most other shows.

    Season 3: we've got new anti-armor spears! Yay, he's dead! Oh wait, he's alive. But he's as good as dead, let's deal with Bertholt first- oh snap, Rainer is fully healed again.
    Seems like the enemies are actually powerful and not trash?
    What's your problem? That the enemy is fighting back and not easy to beat?
    It's almost as if they are characters in this story as well, how fascinating... not just dead meat to beat the shit out of.

    They don't half ass this. They are throwing their lives at them and each loss actualy means something. They don't get things done with sheer willpower alone, everytime they go all out, they lose something. They gain very little, they suffer the consequences. Not because they aren't trying, but because the enemy is that much more powerful and their situation is getting worse with each soldier lost.

    Just because you can't see all the progress they've made, doesn't mean it didn't exist.
    Just because you aren't able to understand it, doesn't mean it's wrong.
    Pay attention.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 05-20-2019 at 04:20 PM.

  16. #956
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Season 1: an armored titan! But we can't kill it. Let's kill the female titan instead - oh, we can't, either.

    Season 2: yay, we got him-ah, so close! But let's try again-AH, he got away again. And he also took away Ymir, our just found new titan ally.

    Season 3: we've got new anti-armor spears! Yay, he's dead! Oh wait, he's alive. But he's as good as dead, let's deal with Bertholt first- oh snap, Rainer is fully healed again.

    That's where we're at. Just how many seasons will it take to make meaningful progress aka killing Rainer?!
    I remember you giving Boku no Hero a fair amount of guff a few seasons back for having 'ineffectual villains who weren't a legitimate threat'... Is this too far in the opposite direction?

    Titan artillery is pretty cool. Fire for effect. Sad to see the scouts have to talk themselves into a suicide charge for the slimmest chance of victory.

    This show is great, and I love how it explores the fatalistic mindset, but the anticipation of what's going to happen makes its pacing actually painful, in a way I won't properly appreciate until repeat viewings. Why do we do this to ourselves?

  17. #957
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    I remember you giving Boku no Hero a fair amount of guff a few seasons back for having 'ineffectual villains who weren't a legitimate threat'... Is this too far in the opposite direction?

    Titan artillery is pretty cool. Fire for effect. Sad to see the scouts have to talk themselves into a suicide charge for the slimmest chance of victory.

    This show is great, and I love how it explores the fatalistic mindset, but the anticipation of what's going to happen makes its pacing actually painful, in a way I won't properly appreciate until repeat viewings. Why do we do this to ourselves?
    Yes, thank you. This is indeed the opposite of Hero Academia. There, villains are a joke, because they don't accomplish a thing. Here, heroes are a joke (or rather: frustrating) for the same reason.

    People shouldn't pretend that SnK is *not* about mystery first and foremost: the anticipation over finding answers. Rainer's repeat survivals simply stall progression and thus the way towards more answers. If all you care about are dramatic battles, then I guess you're ok with this bs. Buy some of us want answers. And I don't need a FOURTH fight against Rainer .... -_-

  18. #958
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    People shouldn't pretend that SnK is *not* about mystery first and foremost: the anticipation over finding answers. Rainer's repeat survivals simply stall progression and thus the way towards more answers. If all you care about are dramatic battles, then I guess you're ok with this bs. Buy some of us want answers. And I don't need a FOURTH fight against Rainer .... -_- .
    That's such a huge contradiction though

    If it's about mystery, Rainer survival doesn't matter. Whether it's Rainer who stops them, or Titanwarrior No. 500, doesn't change a thing.
    On top of that, they already revealed a lot of the mystery - so your talk about them not accomplishing anything so far is wrong too.

    The whole situation could've been written without Rainer and Berthold, but with the Ape and some new Titanform (like the Cart-titan). And they still wouldn't be one inch closer to the basement.

    If they reach the basement, the whole story/mystery is basically over - if it's about that, as you pointed out, why would the author have them reach it any faster than now.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 05-21-2019 at 10:42 AM.

  19. #959
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    A moment of silence for Armin...

    I expect a prisoner to get eaten next episode. Is it possible for someone to get regenerated? Like Erwin or Sasha? Doubtful, but who knows...

    This episode felt blisteringly fast, yet full of content. One of the greats, and filled with my favorite thing about this show: setting up hardship into extremely gratifying payoff.

  20. #960
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    And wtf Levi! That's what happens when you carry them around! Just slash him to bits fuck!

    I swear, if Rainer and Bertholt still manage to get away ...

    And Armin's death was the most pointless death ever. As if the plan wouldn't have succeeded if he had let lose befoee burning crisp. That's bad writing, like someone deactivating a bomb and stopping it ONE second before it goes off.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 05-27-2019 at 10:46 AM.

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