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Thread: Attack on Titan: Shingeki no Kyojin

  1. #1101
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post

    For that matter, where's Reiner? Logically he should be dead, but I doubt it.
    That one should be easy: partial transformation to protect Falco

  2. #1102
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Ah, that would make sense.

  3. #1103
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The Warhammer Titan technically shouldn't be safe to eat in its current state.

    If you think about it, from the crystalised form came the movable titan, the giant spear that skewered Eren as well as the multiple ground spikes that locked his feet in place.

    What's stopping Eren taking a bite, then BAM - spikes everywhere, goodbye head+nape+throat+whatever sits above your shoulder.

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  4. #1104
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    If you grind her up in your teeth before she can do so.
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  5. #1105
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The Warhammer Titan technically shouldn't be safe to eat in its current state.

    If you think about it, from the crystalised form came the movable titan, the giant spear that skewered Eren as well as the multiple ground spikes that locked his feet in place.

    What's stopping Eren taking a bite, then BAM - spikes everywhere, goodbye head+nape+throat+whatever sits above your shoulder.
    I'd assume Eren's teeth will be crystal-reinforced. Otherwise it'd be very dumb, yeah. ALTHOUGH: Maybe Eren knows it'll work because he ate Anny? 🤔

  6. #1106
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I'd assume Eren's teeth will be crystal-reinforced. Otherwise it'd be very dumb, yeah. ALTHOUGH: Maybe Eren knows it'll work because he ate Anny?
    I don't see no titties on the Attack Titan!

    While watching this, I was thinking "Oh, I guess the Female Titan looking female really IS, like, part of it's powers, since this other Titan Shifter is female and her Titan doesn't look female at all". But then realized, "Wait, that Titan is fake, so she coulda literally made it look like anything."

  7. #1107
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    If the female titan was female even with a male Eldian, then I'd really like to know: What's it's spend?! Being sexy? Producing breast milk? Being able to bear titan children?!

    Really odd, lol

  8. #1108
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 66:

    Ugh, every time one of the Paradis guys is killed, I felt huge frustration. There aren't THAT many of them here. Meanwhile ... they managed to kill one of the enemies :/

    Honestly, that feels to shounen right now. Pieck surviving. The beast titan also surely not being dead yet. Now Reiner turning against them, too. Can we PLEASE just have Team Eren win for ONCE?!

    Eren could have at least quickly eaten the jaw titan, he had the time. But nah, he sees a light so he must look there in awe ... sigh.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  9. #1109
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Episode 66:

    Ugh, every time one of the Paradis guys is killed, I felt huge frustration. There aren't THAT many of them here. Meanwhile ... they managed to kill one of the enemies :/

    Honestly, that feels to shounen right now. Pieck surviving. The beast titan also surely not being dead yet. Now Reiner turning against them, too. Can we PLEASE just have Team Eren win for ONCE?!

    Eren could have at least quickly eaten the jaw titan, he had the time. But nah, he sees a light so he must look there in awe ... sigh.
    Eren and squad aren't out yet but I would say the damage inflicted in this episode is a MASSIVE W for Paradis. Not sure if you wanted them to execute an operation with zero casualties...which would definitely be shounen or if somehow you think those Paradis soldiers weren't worth 1) the acquisition of the Warhammer Titan 2.) Elimination of Marley's Navy 3.) Elimination of Marley's command structure 4.) Wiped out most of the solider candidates

    I am disappointed (to your point) that we didn't get some enemy deaths paid off as I think they are owed (beast titan especially, please let Levi fulfil his mission to Erwin!) but even with a few more casualties on the Paradis side assuming they don't lose a titan the operation will still be a huge win imo.

  10. #1110
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Oh, btw I still don't get why the big titan that Armin is now controlling has this nuclear bomb ability now. It never looked that strong when the anime began in episode 1. Even in that other town where Erwin died, Bertholt didn't have such destructive power. But here? Armin is walking Nagasaki hell :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  11. #1111
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I was worried this was all going to be a waste for a minute.

    But they got their target, and the Beast and Pack Titans MIGHT be dead(Pieck looked dead, not unconcious). If corpses still work though, they'll probably just make Gabby and Falco the Pack and Beast Titans.

    I do hope they're at least able to get Jaw as well, because that will give them access to Annie.

    They should have Armin do it. He needs to eat someone with more mobility. And Erin's got 3 already.

    Kinda curious why Erin wanted Hammer so bad. It's powers don't seem like that big a deal honestly. Jaw and Beast seem more important.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Oh, btw I still don't get why the big titan that Armin is now controlling has this nuclear bomb ability now. It never looked that strong when the anime began in episode 1. Even in that other town where Erwin died, Bertholt didn't have such destructive power. But here? Armin is walking Nagasaki hell
    It's probably because he's in the water. The Colossal Titan lets out massive amounts of heat. If you superheat water rapidly, it will vaporize with explosive force. That's literally how nuclear power plants operate.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Mon, 01-25-2021 at 12:10 AM.

  12. #1112
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Maybe Eren wants the jackhammer for its enormous crystal control? He could create a wall that no titan would ever be able to penetrate back home on Paradis. Maybe that's why he was surprised about the jaw titan being able to bite crystal to pieces - it puts a damper in his plans when there is a titan that can destroy the crystals.

    Although the counter argument to that theory is that Marlayans can just use airships to attack paradis ...

  13. #1113
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post

    They should have Armin do it. He needs to eat someone with more mobility. And Erin's got 3 already.

    Kinda curious why Erin wanted Hammer so bad. It's powers don't seem like that big a deal honestly. Jaw and Beast seem more important.

    It's probably because he's in the water. The Colossal Titan lets out massive amounts of heat. If you superheat water rapidly, it will vaporize with explosive force. That's literally how nuclear power plants operate.
    Agree they should have Armin eat the jaw titan but logistically that seems impossible given the airship is a 1 chance operation, Armin going colossal could significantly affect the airship. Eren might of already lost his chance.

    On the Warhammer titan...they likely assumed (and rightfully) that it would be the most useful in titan on titan combat, easily able to take out beast and cart titan. The issue is they underestimated jaw by assuming its max abilities were that of Yimir, where clearly with training the jaw's ability are S tier in titan combat. I bet if they had this information beforehand they may have switched priorities but the fact Warhammer was a relatively unknown titan they may have just assumed it was the strongest.

    Armin's water detonation makes a lot of sense now, props to the anime team for thinking that through.

  14. #1114
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I wasn't surprised by the explosion in the least. It has been shown three times to have that effect: On the wall in season 2 (mini 1/2 transform version, but everyone went flying), season 3 (Bert was literally tossed into Shiganshina as a bomb in a barrel and Hange had to be pushed into in a well to survive the blast), and during the titan roll call scene earlier this season it showed them (Marley) using it as effectively a bomb. If the water made it more powerful, so be it, but it always had that transform impact; the only times people were spared the blast were when it transformed on the other side of a wall.

    Zeke didn't get the rematch he wanted; not that I expect he would fare any better this time.

    So Ackerman's are a thing referenced by name? Sasha is a bit scary is an emotionless sniper, same for Armin, but time can do that to you, I guess.

    This season is too wild.

  15. #1115
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    These latest few episodes have been kickass.

    Colossal titan transformation was fine. We've already learned that different people inheretting titans give slightly different potential. If Armin is suited, so be it.

    Eren analysing his way through a battle is so OP in such an enjoyable way. I don't know if the Assault titan having such transformation stamina is its perk, or whether it's just now an Eren thing but whatever.. good shit.

    As for the next fight, well Eren should be able to build a lance against that armour now. Along with the fact that he already kicked its ass last time by busting his joints, the only thing not working in his favour this time would be:

    1) sudden attack by beast titan.
    2) Jaw growing its legs out and fighting again
    3) lack of stamina after fighting for so long

    Action aside, I think my favourite thing about this episode was that there WAS a plan that was more than just "We eat Warhammer Titan, we win", and they had the intel and plans to take out every single titan if possible. Fucking Armin man..

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #1116
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I just love how Eren is, to all these pieces of shit, what the Colossal Titan was to him when he was a kid.

    Jaw Titan is such a dipshit too. I kinda really savored his horror at realizing they were going to use him to kill the Hammer Titan.

    I will say this. Now that we know all 9 of the Titans' powers, there's not actually a ton of variety there.

    Like, 4 of their powers are just variants on hardening. 3 of them are variants on lower Titan control. And the rest is basically just "Well, this one is bigger" or "this one is more mobile".

    At the end of the day, the Shifters only really have, like, 3 different powers that just manifest in different ways.

  17. #1117
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post

    I will say this. Now that we know all 9 of the Titans' powers, there's not actually a ton of variety there.

    Like, 4 of their powers are just variants on hardening. 3 of them are variants on lower Titan control. And the rest is basically just "Well, this one is bigger" or "this one is more mobile".

    At the end of the day, the Shifters only really have, like, 3 different powers that just manifest in different ways.
    Hmmm is this too be expected though? The 9 titan powers were once 1 titan that was op as hell. It would make sense their powers were all related in some way. I guess they could of gone a route similar to the tailed beasts but I don't think I am disappointed with the titan powers / variety overall. Weakest one being a the female titan...that logic never really held up for me.

  18. #1118
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    Hmmm is this too be expected though? The 9 titan powers were once 1 titan that was op as hell.
    Did they tell us that and I forgot?

    I know the Titans are all children of Ymir, but did they say that she had the powers of all the Shifters?

    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    Weakest one being a the female titan...that logic never really held up for me.
    Actually, their description that the Female Titan's power is versatility holds up really well to me.

    She has crystalization, but not on the same level as the Hammer Titan. She has lesser Titan control, but not on the same level as Founder or Beast. She has enhanced mobility, but not on the same level as Jaw.

    She's the Jack-of-all-trades Titan, and I think that has value too. And why I desperately want to see Mikasa become it.

    Honestly, the Attack Titan seems like the weakest to me. As it seems to have NO powers beyond just being a Shifter. If Eren wasn't also the Founder and took a needle full of Armor Titan, he'd have no special powers at all.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 01-26-2021 at 07:24 PM.

  19. #1119
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEX
    Honestly, the Attack Titan seems like the weakest to me. As it seems to have NO powers beyond just being a Shifter. If Eren wasn't also the Founder and took a needle full of Armor Titan, he'd have no special powers at all.
    Unless it's bloody Endurance. No other titan thus far has transformed in succession like he has.

    I've rewatched the episode twice this week, which is kinda rare for me. I realised that this episode gave EVA vibes in all the good ways -

    -3rd impact level of destruction.
    -Large humanoids battling in city areas, ripping arms off and looking like a berserk mode etc.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #1120
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 67


    Well, I would have never thought that Zeke would side with Eren.

    So he was after inheriting the Beast Titan and reclaiming the the Founding Titan for a violent revolt this whole time? Guess we're in for more flashbacks.

    Pieck's whole "I remember (Armin) because she's a devout follower of Zeke" doesn't quite make sense to me. ?mistranslation.
    EDIT: Oh wait!! That tall fellow WASN'T Armin?!

    Sasha dying was more or less foreshadowed. You'll kind of be missed - you're a funny character, but all the main cast is now so grown up and different that I just feel disconnected with them. I think I'd only personally care if the main 3 died.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 01-31-2021 at 04:49 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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