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Thread: Gundam Build Fighters

  1. #21
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Of course, Aila wins. How was that ever in question.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #22
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    I thought about making a thread for this in the Gundam forums, but I failed to update with Gundam Age so I figured I better not try.
    Does there even still need to BE a Gundam subforum then?

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Of course, Aila wins. How was that ever in question.
    It wasn't, I suppose. Kind of like how the story has all the main characters on the left side (save Meijin if you can even count him a main character), so that there would be meaningful fights before the final. I guess the real question, then, would be that why Aila will lose against Reiji & Iori. I hope she won't give up because Reiji isn't here really for the title of the champion like Iori, he's just in for the good fights. She might change her tactics, though, to something more fancy and lose because she's not used to it. Up until now her fights have been kind of unclimactic. I hope they will show the fight against Fellini, and whether she will defeat him like all the others before him or choose or need to do something more flashy.

    We, probably, still have a good number of eps left, so perhaps Reiji (& Iori) will make Aila like the game instead of hate it before the end.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Does there even still need to BE a Gundam subforum then?
    Unless this thread gets moved there, I would say probably not. The only other Gundam related thing to talk about these days is Gunpla and the supposed new series that they are supposed to be announcing in the future (which is probably going to be Gundam Origin, but who knows? ).

  5. #25
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I feel like that battle was extremely forced by what needed to happen plot-wise, not what would have been logical.

    That last attack of the Meijin against the twins´ main-mecha made me think "why didnt they just jump out of the way or dodge the attack any other way?!". Made no sense to me, having seen all those previous battles where everybody was evading laser gun shots with flashy maneuvers.

    Speaking of which, why didnt Kawaguchi just rush into the enemy and overpower them? No, suddenly there´s this sniper laser beam that´s super deadly. Okay.

    I enjoy this anime for what it is (and thanks to MILF-of-the-forever Rinko), but you definitely mustnt think to hard.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  6. #26
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I thought this fight was a lot better than I anticipated, considering the outcome was obvious, and at the same time one of the best fights in the show so far. Although I don't know why the hound was such a shock, but the man-models were pretty funny as a detail. The Renato brothers really were fighting a war rather than a simple Gundam duel.

    Above all it was good to see Meijin taken down a notch in a believable manner. I'm sure Yuuki's behavior is largely theater dictated by Kawaguchi's character, but it's still annoying.

    Mao's fate was pretty funny: He botched his own date and then happened upon the happy group date of Sei, China, Reiji, and Aila.

  7. #27
    Freakin' EXAM system. Did NOT expect that at all lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Above all it was good to see Meijin taken down a notch in a believable manner.
    Agreed. Ever since he took on that title he seems to be a lot less interesting. They still haven't really explained all that yet have they?

    Speaking of taken down a notch, I can't wait to see "samurai boy" get his next week.

  8. #28
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    Speaking of taken down a notch, I can't wait to see "samurai boy" get his next week.
    He's kind of an interesting case. While I consider the whole samurai and ninja stuff as stupid as Mr. Bushido in 00, it's still somewhat understandable considering Nielsen is still a kid (at least I think he is), despite being some prodigy physicist. What makes him interesting is that he's not so much into Gundam and the fights as he is interesting in the plasvky particles. He's just so fricking good he could create a highly competitive model and fight with it despite his real interest being elsewhere. He's a much better man than Meijin, who's nothing but a mannequin for the company running the games but still acts like he's the real thing. Meijin's kind of pitiful compared to everybody else, for whom it's a sport and hobby (Iori, Reiji, Mao mostly, Fellini, etc), an object for scientific study (Samurai boy), or simply a job (Aila).

    But yeah, it should be an interesting fight. Though I'm repeating myself, but I hope the Aila+Fellini fight will also get some screen time. Above all, I want Iori & Reiji to finally watch a single fight of Aila's, so that they could plan some bloody tactics. It would be their last chance before they face her themselves.

  9. #29
    I enjoyed Mr. Bushido, but I can see what you're saying. I do find their similarities very...amusing atleast.

    I don't know, Nielsen just irritates me for some reason. Maybe it's because he's not really interested in the Gunpla at all.

    Aila vs Fellini fight better be aired. I just wonder if Reiji will find out who she is during that fight or during his fight with her. DRAMA.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    Speaking of taken down a notch, I can't wait to see "samurai boy" get his next week.
    Well, we all know he will lose but I can't see them winning before he completely tears their Gundam apart. One thing for sure is that Nils will learn the true spirit of Beybl... I mean Gunpla before he loses. I find it sad that I care more about the other competitors than Sei and Reiji.

    As for this past battle, I would've preferred it if the brothers were later down the line in the fights. They clearly deserved a better loss then what was given to them. I really don't understand how he was even able to fit that gatling in that small container.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by FelixZeroAlastor View Post
    I find it sad that I care more about the other competitors than Sei and Reiji.
    Is it even more sad that I care more for the Gunpla than the competitors (except Aila. Delicious, delicious Aila).

    Strike will take quite a beating next week as seen in the preview. Looks like it will be about as bad as what Maou gave them.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    Is it even more sad that I care more for the Gunpla than the competitors (except Aila. Delicious, delicious Aila).
    Speaking of Gunpla, I'm still wondering how all of those other silhouetted suits the Chairman has will come into play.

  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelixZeroAlastor View Post
    I find it sad that I care more about the other competitors than Sei and Reiji.
    Sei and Reiji are among the purest Gunpla competitors, no doubt. Sei cares about the Gundam models more than anything, Reiji enjoys the Gunpla fights simply as fights and challenges. They have no ulterior motives, they want fair games, and they want to have fun. In other words, they are pretty boring. Quite a few of the other more prominent competitors have/had some other qualities affecting them. At least Reiji is made more interesting simply by associating with Aila.

  14. #34
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 19 - HS

    - - - - - - -

    It's sort of a pity the results of these fights are predestined. This fight was quite good as well, although not nearly as good as Meijin's, as this was almost all about the models' special attributes and next to no tactics. The glue part was almost the only surprise, but I suppose it was a decent explanation for allowing the fortune to favour Iori & Reiji. Considering how he likes to play ninja and do other useless shit, I'd have expected Nils to understand Iori & Reiji enough to realise they wouldn't want to win by default.

    Quite interesting the next ep preview actually shows Fellini damaging Aila's gunpla, which is something nobody has managed to pull of until now. Maybe they are even trying to make it look like Fellini has a chance? I surely hope Aila isn't on the verge of giving up, no matter how conflicted she is. The episode title is interesting, in any case.

  15. #35
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Is that Yajima Trade-girl the same blonde girl from Gin no Saji? God, how I hate characters like her. That hellish laughter. ugh

    The battle against Nielsen was surprisingly bad. No cleverness or special tactics at all, just one big power struggle. Disappointing after all the Nielsen-hype.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    The battle against Nielsen was surprisingly bad. No cleverness or special tactics at all, just one big power struggle. Disappointing after all the Nielsen-hype.
    Agreed. You would have figured after the first punch either side would have realized forever punching will only result in the loss of limbs. "Oh, I just loss a limb from that attack? I'll just do it again! It's sure to work this time!" Yeah, no.

    Also, what the hell was the point of Baker trying to sponsor Nielsen? He was already planning on winning anyways, there wasn't any need to talk with him directly. She didn't really do anything to rig the match this time either except suspend it for a few minutes. Her reaction to Sei and Reiji was classic though. I really need to have a sig made out of that.

    I guess Reiji/Sei vs Fellini battle a few episodes makes sense now as they probably wont be meeting anymore. I wonder how Aila is going to reveal herself. Walk up to Reiji and take off her helmet? Should be interesting. In the mean time, I will be racking my brain as to where I heard the last line of the preview before. "Tell us its a lie, Miss Aina!" If I had to guess, I'd say 0083 but its been too long.

  17. #37
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    Also, what the hell was the point of Baker trying to sponsor Nielsen?
    I doubt she was hired just to get rid of two players. She seems to be a long-time and trusted secretary or whatever of the scumbag company president. Maybe she was actually doing her real job for a change and tried to hire a famous (in those circles) person to advertise gunpla battles.

    In truth, she offered him a lab and resources. I guess she thought that if they could raise his model's attributes by 5%, it would bring the goal that much closer.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    In truth, she offered him a lab and resources. I guess she thought that if they could raise his model's attributes by 5%, it would bring the goal that much closer.
    Ah yes, I forgot about that part. Makes sense. Offer Sei/Reijis next opponent with near unlimited resources in order to beat them. I wonder what would have happened had she allowed him to investigate the truth behind the particles. Sad thing is, with this pace we may never get to find out that truth. I think this series is only 25 episodes (according to myanimelist anyways).

  19. #39
    Overall, this was a disappointing fight. Why is it that Nils forgot that his gundam had two extra arms? If he mastered chinese martial arts, then why was he using a single move over and over? You would think that he just would've flipped Reiji since he was flying at him fist first, but I guess that is the problem with knowing who is going to win. The loser has to be stupid before the end like the brothers last week. Guess the fights will just erupt into poor G-Gundam style brawls when Sei and Reiji fight.

    I am guessing Fellini will reveal Aila's secret next episode about her invisible funnels with the help of the snow. If he didn't, how else would Sei and Reiji win against her.

    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    Should be interesting. In the mean time, I will be racking my brain as to where I heard the last line of the preview before. "Tell us its a lie, Miss Aina!" If I had to guess, I'd say 0083 but its been too long.
    Pretty sure that was 08th MS team when Shiro found out Aina was in the Apsalus or after the hot spring thing.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by FelixZeroAlastor View Post
    Pretty sure that was 08th MS team when Shiro found out Aina was in the Apsalus or after the hot spring thing.
    Ah yes. I can't believe I got Aina confused with Nina Purpleton. I have shamed myself as a Gundam fan. 1000 lashings.

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