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Thread: Seraph of the End: Owari no Seraph

  1. #1

    Seraph of the End: Owari no Seraph

    One day, a mysterious virus appeared on Earth which killed every infected human over the age of 13. At the same time, vampires emerged from the world's dark recesses and enslaved mankind. Enter Hyakuya Yuuichirou, a young boy, who along with the rest of the children from his orphanage, are treated as livestock by the vampires. Even in captivity, Yuuichirou dreams big. He dreams of killing vampires. He dreams of killing them all.

    Source: Population Go

    Genres/Themes: Action, Fantasy, Shounen, Vampire

    Episodes by Vivid

    This is a series from 2015 Spring, didn't seem to get much acceptance from what I've read around. Decided to give it a shot, and was more entertained by it than I thought I would. I'm three episodes in. Far from a perfect show given, but I like the violence so far, and the action hasn't been bad at all either. The animation is a bit hit and miss, but I got used to it. Will keep watching later on.

    Anyone here tried it or watched it?

    First part was 12 episodes long, and there'll be another this Fall from what I've seen.

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Watched it and it was fun, but the animation really took a huge hit in the later eps, especially when MC went berserk. (didn't we use to have spoiler tags?)

    Shinoa is a really awesome female lead and she's one of the reasons why I'll watch the 2nd half later

    that smug face.

    -------------------later eps----------------------

    Guren was really disappointing in terms of fighting capabilities... I wonder if the last few eps failed the manga really hard. The red haired fist-weapon girl looks promising as well, but I doubt she'll end up more than a minor side character. The arrows vs Attack chopper scene was poorly done as well, you know they arn't using normals bows, but it sure looked like they did... Can't believe that it was that "plain" in the manga and it's probably another budget/animation issue.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 07-26-2015 at 10:36 AM.

  3. #3
    There are no spoiler tags because there's no spoilers permitted in this forum period, but considering that this show already aired completely, what you mentioned is valid though I appreciate how you hid the spoiler knowing I'm not caught up.

    Anyways, yes Shinoa is quite awesome so far... I really like her.

  4. #4
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Shinoa is a goddess.
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  5. #5
    Here's my review of season 1:
    I thought this show was pretty bad, but still watchable.

    Animation quality all over the place, unexplained plot elements, weird character interactions, and the fight choreography.... That was probably what bothered me the most.
    So many times, they would cut to some people just crossing sword and watching other people fight, or have someone run in and attack a bunch of people while everyone stood around and watched. It was just nonsense and made the whole thing seem laughable.

    Hardly any of the characters are likable, especially not the main character. Nobody explains anything to anyone. People just believe everything the vampires tell them. There are just so many ridiculous elements to this show.

    The painted backgrounds, I'm undecided on. While they look nice by themselves, probably half the scenes just look weird with the drawn characters against the watercolor backgrounds. Other scenes look fine, though.

    I would have a hard time recommending this show to anyone.

  6. #6
    Just finished the first season, and overall I really enjoyed it. As you say, not something I would go recommending, but I think it's more entertaining than it's given credit.

    And just became a big fan of the VA Hayami Saori. I thought I'd watched animes with her before, but looking at her filmography, I haven't watched anything she's been a part in. Anyways, Shinoa + the voice of Hayami Saori where complete win in this series.

    Anyways, regarding the final episode of the first season...

    Seems like the vampire noble Ferid Bathory is working with an unknown players in all of this. I suspect it may be a human, and maybe it's Guren. If we go back to the first episode to when Yuichiro escaped, Guren was there waiting for him. Of course, he played it off as a prophecy, but who knows... maybe someone above him might be the partner also?

    Looking forward to the second season in October.

  7. #7
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Moar Shinoa, less everything else (especially shounen ai). Formula for success.
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  8. #8
    Seraph of the End: Battle in Nagoya

    Plot Summary: (Has spoilers of first season)

    Yuichiro has reunited with Mikaela at the Shinjuku Battle, but Mikaela was turned into a vampire. To save the "family," and to protect his fellow members, Yuichiro needed to gain knowledge and power. He searched for ways to bring back vampire to human beings, and at the same time, trained hard working on the Cursed Gear. Meanwhile, Kureto calls Guren and tells him a shocking truth: In one month, the main unit of the vampire will start attacking Tokyo. To get a head start against vampires, Kureto orders Guren to go to Nagoya. The noble extermination mission is about to open fire.

    Next season, Seraph of the End: Battle in Nagoya, starts in about 3 weeks. Seems like we'll get more into the politics and a looks like there'll be quite a bit of internal military fighting.

    But in the end, it's all about the return of Shinoa. Hope I'm not the only one following this when it returns.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sat, 10-10-2015 at 11:18 PM.

  9. #9
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Following Shinoa? I'm in.
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  10. #10
    Here's the season 2 episode 1:

    Will try watching it tomorrow.

  11. #11
    Well, just watched the first episode of season 2 and I have to say things started off in the right foot... with a Shinoa scene right off the bat.

    Anyways, I thought this was a strong episode overall, things looking interesting with the different factions and alliances. I think this will be better than the first series once it's all said and done. Though I know I might be setting up myself for disappointment.

  12. #12
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Shinoa stopped denying her feelings for the MC. I just hope it develops further.

    It's hilarious when I can remember Shinoa's name but nobody else's, including the protagonist. Oh I remember Mika for some reason, but that's because it's such an odd name for a guy in anime.
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  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Shinoa stopped denying her feelings for the MC. I just hope it develops further.

    It's hilarious when I can remember Shinoa's name but nobody else's, including the protagonist. Oh I remember Mika for some reason, but that's because it's such an odd name for a guy in anime.
    Exactly the same happens to me, Shinoa and Mika... don't know the rest of the names.

  14. #14
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Shi-no-a! Shi-no-a! Shi-no-a!

    I'm totally a fan, if you havn't noticed. Smuggest (is that a word?) of all smug-faces.

  15. #15
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Time to make a Shinoa sig set.
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  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    edit: ah f** it, how does this site's signature even work?

    I uploaded it and it's shown in the preview, but not here in the threads?

    edit2: First episode was rather strong, can't say I disliked anything in particular.
    I wish they'd focus more on the side characters at some point though. Would love to see more of the red-haired fistweapon girl and now that Hiiragi guard-girl that could be, by the looks, Mitsuba's sister.
    I guess that's what LN are for, darn.
    It's pretty cool that Yuu turned out to be more mature and calm lately, I like that kind of development.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 10-12-2015 at 03:45 PM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post

    edit: ah f** it, how does this site's signature even work?

    I uploaded it and it's shown in the preview, but not here in the threads?

    edit2: First episode was rather strong, can't say I disliked anything in particular.
    I wish they'd focus more on the side characters at some point though. Would love to see more of the red-haired fistweapon girl and now that Hiiragi guard-girl that could be, by the looks, Mitsuba's sister.
    I guess that's what LN are for, darn.
    It's pretty cool that Yuu turned out to be more mature and calm lately, I like that kind of development.
    First episode was more promising than almost everything that's coming out in Fall 2015, the season has been disappointingly underwhelming so far.

  18. #18
    Here's episode 2:

    I saw this in the first episode, but I think this is the first time I've noticed Universal's intro in an anime, so that has me a bit curious.

    Anyways, hope this episode continues what began with the previous one which looked promising.

  19. #19
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Ep2 was so much weaker

    close to horrible even.
    The demon submission stuff was so bad, they didn't even try (both, demons and the author/animator). It had zero impact... I still like the show and all but I'd like to express how boring that was and how easy it was for them to succeed. "Demons are cute girls too"

    Bow-dude, while annoying, had a really cool looking skill.
    And that sentence sums up this ep pretty well.

    Oh, Vampire nobles where there too, at least that was interesting.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 10-21-2015 at 03:20 PM.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Ep2 was so much weaker

    close to horrible even.
    The demon submission stuff was so bad, they didn't even try (both, demons and the author/animator). It had zero impact... I still like the show and all but I'd like to express how boring that was and how easy it was for them to succeed. "Demons are cute girls too"

    Bow-dude, while annoying, had a really cool looking skill.
    And that sentence sums up this ep pretty well.

    Oh, Vampire nobles where there too, at least that was interesting.
    Yeah, it was much weaker, but mostly because they're rehashing the whole dominating the demon thing we've already since once or twice now.

    That said, they're still increasing the stakes with the vampire infighting as well and clarifying more the human experimentation and the role vampires played in it. So on that regard, the episode was still a plus for me more importantly when considering how weak the rest of the Fall season has been anime wise, so I'll take what I can.

    I'm adopting my stance from a decade ago, not to overthink shit and just enjoy what I can. Else, there's nothing but shit to look forward to in anime when one starts to nitpick over every detail. So, after my hiatus, I'm just going to sit back and try to enjoy as much as I can and as much as I can tolerate.

    But yeah, the whole "re-dominating" demon crap was boring as fuck.

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