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Thread: Seraph of the End: Owari no Seraph

  1. #21
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Who are you guys kidding?

    It was a much weaker episode because of the lack of Shinoa smugface.
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  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Who are you guys kidding?

    It was a much weaker episode because of the lack of Shinoa smugface.
    I'm living in denial.

  3. #23
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Interestingly, Denyuuden's Kagami Takaya wrote (or at least was involved in writing) the manga source for this.
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  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Interestingly, Denyuuden's Kagami Takaya wrote (or at least was involved in writing) the manga source for this.
    Yep, by the looks of it he's the creator and main story writer. He's the author of the novel as well, though manga looks to have come first.

    Good catch. Maybe it puts into perspective the character Shinoa if he created her, considering Ferris from that series.

    Anyways here's episode 3:

    Still at the setting up stage, but really liked how the pieces are moving. Next couple of episodes should be action driven I think. Better than the 2nd episode at least, and still one of the few bright sides of this season.

  5. #25
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I actually like the non-action parts of this show the most. The dialogues about schemes and plots are really well executed. The use of subtext is nice, and the characters that are supposed to be intelligent sound intelligent.

    If only Yuu wasn't so gay... Shinoa needs some luvin'.
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  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I actually like the non-action parts of this show the most. The dialogues about schemes and plots are really well executed. The use of subtext is nice, and the characters that are supposed to be intelligent sound intelligent.

    If only Yuu wasn't so gay... Shinoa needs some luvin'.
    As much as I like action, I much prefer the political intrigues etc. Despite how I might rave about wanting action, it's the other aspects that interest me the most. The action though does allow to increase the entertainment quotient. Pure battle episodes don't do it for me either, like the latest Asterisk episode showed for example. At least it's not a given that it will.

    But at the same time when you have an action series at hand with characters meant for action, then it would be nice to see some of that more frequently. And of course, not all action need be battles. I very much enjoyed all the altercations in the first episode. We'll be four episodes in next week, so I think we're due for some serious fighting.

  7. #27
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This show has always moderately sucked in the action department. Everything else is pretty top notch, though.
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  8. #28
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    EP 16

    The mock battle was pretty cool, it was pretty weird that they didn't use their infernal arms though... Even Gurren did use his, while Yuu and DualSwords didn't bother being more than a swordsmen.

    Got to see more of Mito, that's always a plus.
    Action this time around was pretty good. Miss Smug kinda deserverd what was said about her considering what she did this time around. This was clearly not the time to fool around.
    Yuu seems to turn into the most reasonable person in their team, aside from Dualswords. Bow-kid is pretty usefull lately.

    And yes, I really remember Mito's name but not Dualswords and Bow-kid's. I can't help but dislike Dualswords for his weapons, they look ugly :/.
    That being said, I wonder why there is no Carbine/Assaulr Rifle-Demon Weapon and only Swords and other, rather old, weaponry like single shot rifles, spears and such.
    Would be cool to have some guys shooting demon enhanced bullets into Vampires while they move around the battlefield, possesed by demons with superspeed and strengths... preferably with some kind of modern-soldier outfit, but I guess that's just me wanting things to be tacticool / MGS-Skull soldiers.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 11-01-2015 at 02:33 PM.

  9. #29
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This episode was hilarious. Shinoa's trolling, which was absolutely brilliant, actually led to real consequences, though in the end no one died or anything. I really like how the comedy was integrated into the story development.

    Mika is like the most hypocritical bastard in this story. He doesn't want to drink human blood but easily watches other vampires chow down on kids. If his goal is to save Yuu, he should stop being so picky and drink so he can power up enough to wipe off the smug grin on Guren's face. Only cute semi-lolis can get away with smugface.
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  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    This episode was hilarious. Shinoa's trolling, which was absolutely brilliant, actually led to real consequences, though in the end no one died or anything. I really like how the comedy was integrated into the story development.

    Mika is like the most hypocritical bastard in this story. He doesn't want to drink human blood but easily watches other vampires chow down on kids. If his goal is to save Yuu, he should stop being so picky and drink so he can power up enough to wipe off the smug grin on Guren's face. Only cute semi-lolis can get away with smugface.
    Agree with most of this. I don't get Mika at all, trying to hold the moral high-ground by not drinking himself, but allowing everyone else to perpetrate countless atrocities.

  11. #31
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Episode 17

    They managed to get the action done properly, Yoichi's bow is really awesome, his Demonskills look amazing.
    Really dissapointed about Yuu and Dual-Swords not showing there demon weaponskills again.

    I'm not a fan of that sword/old western showdown scene in general and I wish they would stop using it in every fighting or combat anime ever.
    It's so boring, show us how he managed to beat superspeed noble with a quick block and slash or something, everything is cooler and more intense/entertaining than watching 2 guys passing each other and staying back to back until one of the two collapses.

    The noble they killed was probably one of the weaker ones, but it made the vampire faction look really weak imho. Yet as an enemy, he looked and acted pretty cool - I liked it.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 11-08-2015 at 05:49 PM.

  12. #32
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Parts of the fight were pretty stupid. Some off the top of my head:
    1) Chaining a vamp that has two swords sticking out of his chest. They should've had Yuu or someone who can injure the vamp just cut him instead of doing a chant.
    2) Chaining the arm. Why the hell not the neck or leg?
    3) This needs to be repeated: Dat stupid sword duel ender.
    4) All that fucking shouting about killing the enemy while fighting. Don't these guys know those are fail flags?
    5) Openly discussing strategy in front of the enemy in a loud voice.
    6) People standing around and gazing at each other during combat for no particular reason.
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  13. #33
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    When did 6) happen?

    Agree on 2) though I thought it probably because he can't really choose what to bind, or it's limited to the power of the opponent (shikamaru style).
    1) was probably so Yuu and Squadcaptain No.2 were actually able to get the hit in. Yuu's demon weapon was the only one strong enough to curse the vampire after all. The other ones didn't do much more than normal swords.
    4) was okay for me too because they never stopped moving while doing it. So it's wasn't like they wasted time announcing... well maybe the vampire did at first, but when he realized that they were dangerous, he stopped playing with them and got more serious.
    5) didn't really happen either. Luring him in worked because the taunt was effective enough (and reasonable too), the vampire knew what he was getting into. (see Sqd.Cpt.No.2's comment about how he would already be dead if the vampire would let them do that)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 11-09-2015 at 12:45 PM.

  14. #34
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You are too used to bad action anime if you missed any of those 6. I was being generous when I listed them.

    1) That's my point. If only black weapon users can kill a noble, then attack him with said weapon while he is skewered. Instead, they had a guy chant for 6 seconds (yeah, I checked) to tie up the enemy's hand. If Yuu could teleport to save Shinoa from friendly fire (13:49), he could slash the noble's chest in 6 friggin seconds.

    4) But Yuu did stop moving. He was literally standing still when he said it, and THEN attacked (13:06), but I'll let that slide because it was the start of the fight. What really made me cringe was what happened after.

    Shinoa attacked the enemy from behind while declaring her attack (13:33). WTF is the point? Then the leader of the other team did the exact same thing while saying "Checkmate," (13:43) AND THEN the vampire did the exact same thing to Yuu (13:53) but this time even going into lengthy explanation. Why the hell do they keep going behind the enemy if they are going to announce their attack before they actually do it?

    5) Happened and is directly related to 6) (14:56 to 15:43). The group was talking about what they will do next (Yuu even sheathed his blade for crying out loud) and the vampire conveniently watched them, instead of you know, taking advantage of their discussion time by attacking, fleeing or retrieving his arm.

    I bet vampires have enhanced hearing (like they have enhanced everything), but even if they didn't, the noble was close enough to hear the entire luring discussion. These guys were talking pretty loud while setting a trap for an enemy with pointy ears.

    I'm not saying this fight was especially bad by anime standards (some are worse), but after reading my elaboration above, you have to admit those parts are pretty damn stupid.

    My biggest problem with crap like this is that they are easily fixable. I can easily rewrite that entire fight to be more logical and believable.

    A simple example for items 5 and 6 would be to have some of the members distract the noble while they come up with a strategy, and to discuss said strategy with hushed voices.

    Another would be to skip the 6 second chant and go directly into the execution of the chain spell, thus eliminating the weird time lag where Yuu could've attacked the noble instead. A simple 2 second comment about the spell only being able to target the arm would've been a welcome addition too. They could do it when they were just standing around watching the vampire lop off his own arm, or right after that.

    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Mon, 11-09-2015 at 09:12 PM.
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  15. #35
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    4) But Yuu did stop moving. He was literally standing still when he said it, and THEN attacked (13:06), but I'll let that slide because it was the start of the fight. What really made me cringe was what happened after.
    13:06 is shinoa's scythe getting grabbed in my version

    but before that Yuu charged in saying "dieeeee"... he didn't stand still other than the exact moment where the noble appeared.

    Shinoa attacked the enemy from behind while declaring her attack (13:33). WTF is the point? Then the leader of the other team did the exact same thing while saying "Checkmate," (13:43) AND THEN the vampire did the exact same thing to Yuu (13:53) but this time even going into lengthy explanation. Why the hell do they keep going behind the enemy if they are going to announce their attack before they actually do it?
    thats such a small issue... when I'm playing paintball I sometimes catch myself doing it - it's cool and fun (mostly because shooting from that range fucking hurts and you shouldn't do it)
    they didn't stop and "talk", all they did is saying some cool line while charging/hitting him, mid-swing even.

    Sure thing, you could have everyone be quite and say "hnng, HAAA huuuu" but that's boring to watch (over a longer period of time). You gotta mix that up. Just like they did here... of course, too much talking is a no-go too.
    It's not like it's an "anime only" thing, this is common in bond, fantasy and superhero movies alike.

    And in Anime world. They say these things faster than it looks. record your voice and speed it up 4x... thats how fast they'd say it if it was real, unless they know how to float mid air or hover on the ground while sliding to the side.
    Same goes for the binding and shit.

    I mean, the only reason why you have an issue with this might be because the attacks didn't connect, but I doubt it had anything to do with them "announcing" their attacks - which is why I do not think it's a big deal, really. It was rather obvious to me that it all happened due to the difference in skill.

    A simple example for items 5 and 6 would be to have some of the members distract the noble while they come up with a strategy, and to discuss said strategy with hushed voices.
    I wouldn't like that, it's not a freaking football match. Orders are screamed during battle.

    edit: just to make sure my position is understood

    Do I prefer tag-team combos like in Yozakura Quartet Hana no Uta - 07 over this (after MC got stabbed)? Yes

    But I don't think it's that much of a big deal because it's not only that I've seen *much* worse, but also because it was done in a "reserved" way and manner, the flow wasn't interrupted and the fight choreography was smooth overall. All is fine... there is always a better way to do things, but this is clearly above average in (shounen) Anime, and decent enough to enjoy in general.
    The best way to describe it is when I'm looking at how he blocked/avoided Shinoa+Trident guy, I didn't think it was because they made too much noise/wasted too much time, but rather because the vampire is a lot stronger, experienced and faster than all of them.

    I small detail I enjoyed watching was how the Noble clashed swords and his stance while doing so, whether it's realistic or not doesn't matter too much for me, but it was really cool to look at.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 11-10-2015 at 05:01 PM.

  16. #36
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    About 5, I don't even understand what you are saying. They weren't ordering each other. They were clearly discussing and planning in secret.

    About 4, you missed my point. Don't declare your sneak attack, period.

    So basically, you're saying parts of it suck but I shouldn't pay too much attention to it.

    That's been my stance all along.
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  17. #37
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    5: The plan wasn't even discussed either, "You have a plan?" "Do it".
    He didn't say anything like "I am now going to taunt the vampire into our formation with this taunt of mine, watch out mr. vampire, you'll not be able to resist my super-taunts!" And even if he did, the result would've been the same, his life as a noble without a 2nd arm is probably not possible anyway.

    Before that, all they did was along the lines of "don't lose formation, stay sharp, remember your objective, it's not going to be easy". That's called communication imho.

    I'm not saying it sucks, you say it sucks. I'm fine with them announcing it, because it didn't matter plotwise and was purely for cinematic effects. Thats not the reason why the vampire was able to deflect their attacks. Whether you scream from swinging your huge sword or say something instead of grunting - what's the difference? The vampire knew it all along, he dodged 2-sword's sneak attack too after all.
    He even said so himself...or rather implied it when he told them that Yuu was his target from the beginning.

    As mentioned, absolutely not a big deal, because the flow of the fight was never interrupted, plot and screen/narrative duration was clearly distinguishable too.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 11-11-2015 at 12:01 PM.

  18. #38
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Before that, all they did was along the lines of "don't lose formation, stay sharp, remember your objective, it's not going to be easy". That's called communication imho.
    Except that's not all that was said. Shinoa even shouted that they should stop the noble there because he might join the other nobles who were also being attacked.

    Good job telling the enemy the entire plan.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I'm fine with them announcing it, because it didn't matter.
    How would you know this? What if they didn't shout, or grunt, or produce any tell tale sound when attacking? Maybe the vampire would've been hit, maybe not. The funny thing is, he got stabbed in the back by 2 people when they didn't announce it.

    But in the end, that isn't the point. You don't announce sneak attacks. Why the hell would you do so?

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    As mentioned, absolutely not a big deal, because the flow of the fight was never interrupted, plot and screen/narrative duration was clearly distinguishable too.
    When did I ever say it's a big deal? I just said those parts suck. It doesn't make this show bad or anything.

    EDIT: I noticed that your arguments are based on the results, like, "Even if they did change that part, it would've ended the same." I think that's why we are disagreeing. I couldn't care less how it would result. I'm talking about execution and avoiding odd sequences that will allow the viewer to question it. Proper execution makes it very hard to point out stuff like this. That fight made it very, very easy for me.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Wed, 11-11-2015 at 12:13 PM.
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  19. #39
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    But in the end, that isn't the point. You don't announce sneak attacks. Why the hell would you do so?
    Because when I do it while my sword/dagger is already on it's way into your back, there is no way you can react in time anyway and it raises my level of badassery beyond that of someone not looking at explosions.

    edit: if you want, we can also talk about why Yuu didn't run faster than cars during the fight even though he proved that he can, or why the noble didn't use his teleportation-speed to instagib anyone.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 11-11-2015 at 12:53 PM.

  20. #40
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I actually noticed those but didn't point them out. I just chalked it up to bad direction. Like I said, I don't really feel that strongly about these issues. I'm only talking about them because you are.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Because when I do it while my sword/dagger is already on it's way into your back, there is no way you can react in time anyway.
    An assumption, and in most cases, a wrong one. Even the fight we are talking about disproves your statement. Like I said, the vampire actually got stabbed in the back when they didn't announce it. That was really funny.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Wed, 11-11-2015 at 04:19 PM.
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