Why can't he have both Rem and Emilia? I'm pretty sure Rem would be okay with that (versus not being picked at all). Emilia is another matter, but Subaru has all the time in the world to get into her panties.

The Krusch (sp?) scene didn't redeem her at all in my eyes. First, if she could shoot those projectiles with no limitation, fucking use them like that from the start. Second, she doesn't get to act all nice now. She was a bitch when Subaru was a nobody. A person who is only nice to people they can use is the farthest from being kind. Third, she deserves to be ruler much more than Emilia. She's a conniving evil bitch, the perfect personality for a politician. I wish Rem was there when Subaru mentioned #1 and #2 and clocked Krusch right in the face, AND THEN taught Subaru the meaning of bondage.