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Thread: Classroom of the Elite: Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e

  1. #121
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I imagine that will come after Kushida somehow messing with Horikita, because as we currently can surmise, this test will be a blowout for her unless Kushida has been hiding superior math skills since the beginning. I just hope that none of the three actually believe for a second this test/wager is about academic ability.

  2. #122
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Ep 9


    what a joke, she schemed like a toddler, yet the show still manages to lure me in with that ending scene.

    This is just so bad.... first of all, why would the teacher even listen to her in the first place, she didn't even "buy" her agreement using points or anything.
    What would've happened if Horikita turned in the "real" sheet after her and why would the teacher not ask herself or Horikita "didn't you send someone else to deliver them for you, why are you here again with different papers". After all, she is the flipping class rep.

    And this was such a one dimensional scheme, I can't believe how simple it was and that she didn't even have a failsafe or anything like that.
    She didn't even consider that someone else would do the same thing? Way before she did? Seriously?
    And why would the bully-dude even hand out the real papers. She had nothing on him. At most he would lose a spy in their class and first of all, is he even interested in *expelling* Horikita?
    And what reason did he have to believe that she was even capable of bringing in the correct questions from Class D.

    He had no reason to actually trust her.. and he didn't, call me surprised
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 08-30-2022 at 10:57 AM.

  3. #123
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Well, they said she "got her (the teacher) to agree to those two terms", which implies they used points or the like.

    Agree with the rest, its so dumb and juvenile, but I can't stop watching!

  4. #124
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    From literal pillow talk to literal waterboarding in a single episode.

    I'm surprised that they were able to make Koenji seem over capable and like the same flawed, 'hopeless' character he was introduced to us as in the very first episode. I honestly wasn't sure he could even hold his side of a conversation because his social autism/narcissisms seemed insurmountable. He wasn't on Ryuuen's list though, so the whole confrontation must have been some sort of 'bait'. Unfortunately, events and circumstances outside his possible knowledge may throw him off the trail he so desperately wants in the coming episodes.

  5. #125
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Yowza. That must be cathartic to long time anime watchers who don't buy into the 'infinite willpower' trope. If Ryuzen says he has never felt fear, he simply hasn't been beaten badly enough, Ayanokouji correctly surmises. I thought for a moment that he might disappear their entire group, because his little show will only cast more spotlight on him, unless he scared them into silence.

    I wonder (for the story it is a given) if this somehow will reverse his decision to abandon the class climb. Specifically, how will this lead to that conclusion, because this was simply fulfilling a promise.

  6. #126
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    He didn't go nearly far enough. He should've chopped their arms and legs off, then their tongue, gouged out their eyes, and then put them in a coma. Heck, might as well just kill them and hide their bodies. Leaving them alive is just a bunch of loose strings that need not be there. I bet his father wouldn't have been this half-assed. Involving the teacher and the school prez, so far as owing them favors now, is the peak of his naivete.

    I also wanted the Ryuen torture to go longer and in a more satisfying direction. Punching isn't exactly the best form of inflicting pain, especially because people lose consciousness. He should've started by pulling out all his teeth. Then he should have cut off his fingers and toes one by one while keeping him from bleeding out, and then flayed his skin until he fainted. And then poured alcohol all over him. And then burned him to death. That would've been nice.

    Unfortunately, these schmucks will still be around next episode causing trouble. Sigh.
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  7. #127
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    ...That's pretty extreme!

    I figure physical dismemberment would go beyond the top cover he was counting on the teacher and Stuco Prez to provide for. This was a simple 'fight', and we have seen the limp punishments this school has doled out for those in the past.

    As Ayanokoji said, this entire situation is so below his ability to handle, that he is willing to apply the absolute minimum force to get his point across. Ryuzen is a proud man, and him feeling fear alone will definitely have an affect on him and his ability to command Class C now that his own principles and self image have been shaken. Given how this show handles things, I expect he may actually become a housebroken dog, or at least a quiet one since he has come into contact with an immovable force.

    In a way, Ayanokoji lucked out in that they were too proud or thoughtless to use the girl as a hostage and assumed they could win with their on-prem strength.

  8. #128
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yeah, I think him going to the teacher and ex-prez was already naive of him. He should've handled everything by himself. With his clearly extremely superior abilities, he could just make these jokes disappear one by one.

    The funny thing is, Ayanokouji knew he could easily beat all 4 of them at the same time. You are right in that he did the bare minimum to get his desired effect, which is very in character for him. He did not get hit once during that fight, even when he was toying around with Ryuen to understand the crap the dude was saying about feelings and whatnot. Even when he was "pinned" to the wall, he blocked each and every strike with his hands and arms, which is the most insane part about that battle.

    That was a very well animated fight. I struggle to remember such good fight coordination, even in action shows, recently.
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  9. #129
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    There's something about the repetition of a very precise strike at precise intervals. It feels a bit like the water dripping torture.
    Add that to the fact Ryuen was unable to get a single emotion out of Ayanokoji in any situation, and Ryuen started to break as he found someone he can not manipulate the emotions at all.
    I also found the animation interresting. Lighting, some line/shadow/light blur, image shake on strikes. Nicely done.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  10. #130
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    The animation looked a little weak to me, but above what I'd expect from this show, so it worked just fine. Maybe its upper-body only choreography, but it looked kind of cheap. Conceptually, though it was pretty banger. I also noticed that he parried or blocked every single strike and made clowns of them (except the girl who got a merciful neck chop).

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Yeah, I think him going to the teacher and ex-prez was already naive of him. He should've handled everything by himself. With his clearly extremely superior abilities, he could just make these jokes disappear one by one.
    I think it was a good idea. It isn't unreasonable to assume sour grapes would lead to false accusations, especially if only one side had visible injuries. Making them disappear (and going through the trouble) would entail him having a level of animosity that I don't think he is capable of. Not having emotions doesn't automatically make everyone disposable, does it? If they pose no threat, he can leave them be, is how I see it.

  11. #131
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I really hope they aren't trying to redeem that waterboarding fucktard in any way whatsoever.

    Like seriously.

    Once more the show knows how to do cliffhangers though.
    The insight into MCs thoughts about the others is quite interesting as well.

    It's almost sad how Kei is being used like that.

  12. #132
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    "I've judged you as unworthy to smile for". Ouch. Glad he knew to think instead of say that zinger!

    So cane girl from class A has some connection with Ayanokoji's white room project. That's a natural way to ramp up the conflict with opponents closer to his 'level'.

    I like that Kei, while falling for the scheme and becoming a 'tool', never stopped being her own character and isn't resentful of Ayanokoji's personality.

    Looks like he is planning on getting rid of Kushida after all, which is a long time coming since she declared war on him. She also looks a little more haggard even in fake mode. The cracks are beginning to show. Looking forward to s3!

  13. #133
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    s3 ep1

    While a reminder of the characters and their relationships would have been a nice to have, the series in the long term will do well to just keep trucking with its dense narrative. They hit the ground running, and it seems Ayanokoji is going to have to pick and choose who to save in his class. I didn't expect old StuCo prez to ask for help with the new prez, though Ayanokoji is a convenient tool.

    I forgot when or how they advanced to class C, so that came as a semi-surprise to me. Strange that so many of the school events are essentially field trips with rules and grading?

  14. #134
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Shorter arc than I expected. The twist wasn't as severe as I expected, and no real damage was done (except economically to old stuco's class), but the foreshadowing of mass expulsion has me excited.

  15. #135
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    My best compliment I can levy at episodes that are so unfulfilling is that they feel absurdly short. I believe this setup will payout, but I could watch and analyze this for hours instead of 20 minutes.

    Interesting that the only dirt the a class crony had on cain girl was that she... shoplifts, too? I must have missed some subtext there.

  16. #136
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I'm surprised that a few message board 'rumors' have gotten to the class so easily. I mean, they were "D" class until recently, but they are just acting like dumb kids now, not the previous lowest ranked at a school of elites.

    I'm liking how this new stuco president is putting pressure on the A class and B class without revealing is hand too soon. That being said, please get to the conflict soon! Its getting harder and harder to track the details of what is happening without a central event to contextualize it around.

  17. #137
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Yes, I was hoping the expulsion of the fake girl was the long play here. B-class girl's sob story was so j-tragedy that I'm surprised the a-class girl really thought people wouldn't sympathize with her after hearing it. She just made herself look like a petty 'holier than thou' type. Its funny that this was the result of having to essentially practice the breakdown with AyanoK in private the night before, but the climax itself came off a bit less... dramatic than it may have been intended to.

  18. #138
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    A-Class girl thought that B-Class girl would just break down and not be able to survive the accusations. She would have too, if not for Ayanokouji prepping her beforehand for days.
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  19. #139
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    My slight gripe was that the whole "I... did a thing... a bad thing!..." is usually related to murder or manslaughter to justify the dramatic reveal. The supposed weight of the sin of shoplifting once a couple years ago doesn't seem like it was worthy of a public execution when students at this school constantly lie, cheat, bully, fight and buy each other off with points on the daily. Who's being fooled here, practiced resilience or not?

  20. #140
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    TBH, it's not the shoplifting that is bad. It's getting caught and getting it on her record since this is still set in Japan.

    BTW, her mom is insane.

    The slap, which was done in front of the little sister, traumatizing her too, is a worse crime both morally and legally than stealing a useless trinket from a huge store. That and the subsequent public shaming caused B-Girl to be a recluse for months just because the mom has a weird justice hard-on for a mostly victimless crime.

    If the mom had just harshly scolded B-Girl in private away from the sister and made her promise not to do it again, things would have ended up far better. B-Girl only resorted to theft because the mom was a financial wreck anyway, and as an adult, this "mess" is far more her responsibility than the teenage daughter's.
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