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Thread: Goblin Slayer

  1. #261
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Honestly, I watch a lot of "Gifs with sound" style compilations on youtube, and kept seeing clips of GS doing cool shit. Also found Gigguk's video hilarious. So I figured "Well, other people I like find that first episode problematic, so I'll just start at episode two."
    Personally I find it exceptionally strange to skip the first episode, but it's not like I wouldn't have met such people in my life who would be perfectly happy watching only the second movie of a trilogy with a continuous plot or sit down to watch a new movie despite having missed the first 45 minutes from the beginning.

  2. #262
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Darth - SJW is a valid term, not a random insult I just thought up or use all the time to label those I don't like. They (very specific people that fit into the definition of SJW) are the ones making a fuss over this, not the majority of those who actually watch anime or actually care about rape depictions in media.

    SJW used to be a positive word but has since become pejorative.

    I still find it strange that you watched the rest of the show though. The rest had about the same level of violence and nudity (i.e. meat shield, flashbacks of rape, brutal killing of humans and goblins). Maybe you are particularly sensitive to that type of scene, in which case I'd understand.

    EDIT: Just wanted to mention I'm as progressive as they come, which is why it irks me when people pretend to be for stupid reasons. Social awareness and justice are vital, but sometimes some people take it too far and overreact to everything, so when it is actually time to react violently, they get downplayed as "snowflakes" by those who disagree.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Wed, 01-02-2019 at 09:51 PM.
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  3. #263
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Honestly, I watch a lot of "Gifs with sound" style compilations on youtube, and kept seeing clips of GS doing cool shit. Also found Gigguk's video hilarious. So I figured "Well, other people I like find that first episode problematic, so I'll just start at episode two."
    These guys are kinda weird - borderline hypocritical if they had no (or even less) problems with the other episodes, since they had basically the same amount of violence in them.
    It's not like they've shown the rape scene in detail.
    The elf in the ruin was basically suffering from the same fate 1 or 2 episodes later - probably worse since that one has obviously already been used as a breeding machine for some time.
    Which should've triggered them really hard because the show basically told us that "women are only useful for breeding" during that moment - probably.... in their mind.

  4. #264
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Gigguk's video tried to point out the irony of the whole outrage. It was actually hilarious. He's basically trolling people who DIDN'T watch Goblin Slayer because of the whole first episode backlash.
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  5. #265
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post

    Well, see, here's the thing. Any advice that uses "SJW" as some kind of insult makes me disregard your opinion instead of theirs.

    Like, any argument that included the phrases "libtard" or "snowflake" as actual attempts at an argument just causes me to assume there's nothing of value to be found in there, and to just slooooowly slide it off the desk into the trash...
    Oh my ... you've already gone full-sjw :/
    Pro-tip: 'Sjw' describes a specific group of people, it's not necessarily an insult. Reacting like you do here is 100% irrational.

    It's also hilarious, because sjws have no issues calling anyone disagreeing with them 'alt-right' or 'incel' - and expect to be taken seriously.

    Edit: just saw shinta's posts. Agree 100%

  6. #266
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Personally I find it exceptionally strange to skip the first episode, but it's not like I wouldn't have met such people in my life who would be perfectly happy watching only the second movie of a trilogy with a continuous plot or sit down to watch a new movie despite having missed the first 45 minutes from the beginning.
    If I'd felt lost at any point, I might have gone back. But honestly, I never did. The plot of this show isn't exactly complex.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    SJW used to be a positive word but has since become pejorative.
    I never heard it until after it became a pejorative.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I still find it strange that you watched the rest of the show though. The rest had about the same level of violence and nudity (i.e. meat shield, flashbacks of rape, brutal killing of humans and goblins). Maybe you are particularly sensitive to that type of scene, in which case I'd understand.
    I don't have a problem with sex or violence. I just don't particularly care for them at the same time.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Gigguk's video tried to point out the irony of the whole outrage. It was actually hilarious. He's basically trolling people who DIDN'T watch Goblin Slayer because of the whole first episode backlash.
    No, I got the whole thing was being sarcastic. That's one of the reasons I started watching the show.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    It's also hilarious, because sjws have no issues calling anyone disagreeing with them 'alt-right' or 'incel' - and expect to be taken seriously.
    That's exactly the point.

    The people who want me to watch the episode are like "Fucking SJWs hate this episode! Watch it!"

    But the people that were suggesting I not watch this weren't like, "MRA incels love this episode! Don't fucking watch it!" If they had, I would have disregarded their arguments just as quickly.

    If your entire argument boils down to "You should watch this because liberals hate it!" You aren't actually arguing the value of the content, you just want me to spite-watch something for you.

  7. #267
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I find it funny you still think people only want you to watch the episode instead of taking the tidbit that you shouldn't judge something after just listening to others. You should judge something after seeing it yourself.

    I won't use the word SJW if you find it polarizing. I just used it because it's convenient and fits the people I was talking about. Let's do this over.

    Please don't let people who don't actually care or know about what they are talking about (edit: in this specific topic) form your opinion. Please form your opinion after actually seeing said episode. Then no one can complain no matter what you think about it. Not watching the first episode already counts as making a judgment towards it.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    The people who want me to watch the episode are like "Fucking SJWs hate this episode! Watch it!"

    If your entire argument boils down to "You should watch this because liberals hate it!" You aren't actually arguing the value of the content, you just want me to spite-watch something for you.
    I find this conclusion strange because no one actually said that. Several people actually pointed out that the content of the succeeding episodes are about as graphic (including rape) as the first one. It was also mentioned that the first episode wasn't as graphic as people make it out to be. Someone also said that the first episode was one of the best in the series because it portrayed the world really well. All that has nothing to do with spite watching. Using one word (i.e. SJW, incel, or whatever) doesn't make the entire argument "boil down to" anything.

    This is a bit terrifying because this is probably a US thing (and I live here). Sure people disagree about a lot of things, but they are more than their political leanings or the words they use. Just because someone used the term SJW doesn't immediately make their entire opinion worthless. The people you listened to might be right in saying the first episode was terrible, but the people who said otherwise but used one word you find off putting might also be correct. That's why I suggested that you don't just take people's words for granted and actually check and see before judging something.

    Take note that while I think the comments about GS episode 1 being too graphic are extremely exaggerated, I wouldn't say that everything the people who gave such comments say are nonsense. They likely have a lot of good things to say as well, which is why you like them. However, I wouldn't treat their words as gospel because that never ends well. I disagree with their opinion not because they are SJWs. I disagree because I watched the episode and found their claims too hyperbolic, so I used a suitable label to describe the people making such claims, which in hindsight wasn't a wise thing to do because such terms tend to incite anger. It's stupid to disagree with or hate something just because people you don't like like it.

    Finally, instead of trying to ignore someone, educating them might be a better approach. If you find the use of the word SJW offensive, it's better to explain that to the other party but still listen to what they have to say. If they are indeed reasonable, they will find a compromise. If you just outright ignore or dismiss them, you are contributing to the internet echo chambers that continues to divide people. We should instead find common ground with them, yes, even if they are incels, racists, snowflakes, Mfaulis, or whatever. You can't just wish them out of existence by ignoring them. It's best to talk with them, exchange information, and find common ground, where hopefully everyone is better off. This might not work all the time, but it's still better than not trying.

    I used to be quite divisive as well and ignored/dismissed anyone who didn't agree with my current views (which has changed gradually over the years, in retrospect), but 2016 proved that wasn't the right path.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Fri, 01-04-2019 at 01:30 PM. Reason: Elaboration
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  8. #268
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    The movie is available now.

    Didn't watch it yet, will post my thoughts after watching it tomorrow or something (no ones cares about them anyway, lulz )

  9. #269
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I care about your impressions!

    Not a fan of the original anime series, so I'm curious if that movie improves anything. Is it a new story, a continuation or a remake?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  10. #270
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I think it's a continuation, I think the anime basically ended at volume 4, and this movie is about a chapter in volume 5.
    But it's not like volume 5 means the chapters in there play out after volume 4.

    I'm pretty sure the stories/chapters are (mostly) designed in a way that they could play out basically anywhere.

    So it's a continuation, but you shouldn't expect the story to move on (a lot)

  11. #271
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Hm, I'll wait for your impressions. A proper continuation would have me definitely more interested, but if it'S just some side story, I'll pass

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  12. #272
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The first 25 minutes were fucking recap.

    If it wasn't for the constant rapings, this would probably be one of my favorite fantasy anime. As it's one of the most LotR/D&D-ass things ever.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 07-28-2020 at 10:49 PM.

  13. #273
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Do you mean rape?
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  14. #274
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    The first 25 minutes were fucking recap.

    If it wasn't for the constant rapings, this would probably be one of my favorite fantasy anime. As it's one of the most LotR/D&D-ass things ever.
    The "rapings" are the only reason I'm watching this otherwise crap anime, LOL.

    It really isn't "most LotR/D&D", it literally is a game-i-fied story and feels very unrealistic for it. I just finished rewatching The Vision of Escaflowne, THAT is a great fantasy anime.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #275
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Big meh from me, I actually expected some good animation - oh well.

    At least the D&D/Pen&Paper stuff is still strong and it feels great to actually see RPG elements play out in anime rather than just pointlessy refering to them at all times but never actually use them.

    But I can't/won't believe that the novel played out as poorly as this OVA at some points inside the castle, considering that the series did just fine when it came to combat and how to engage the whole situation/quest at hand.

    Funnily enough, it's almost like the DM in the series was actually good and prepared his adventures, and the DM in this OVA was just winging it and had to take over because the main guy was ill for 1-2 sessions.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 07-29-2020 at 12:39 PM.

  16. #276
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Goblins in an old Dwarf fortress? Doesn't get any more D&D than that!

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post

    Do you mean rape?

  17. #277
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Oh my, I just read the manga version of the movie, at least up until they were at the ramparts fighting the Goblins because chapter 51 doesn't seem to be translated yet.
    The movie/ova was a real mess and not well done at all.... you could already tell that from the movie animation alone, but it's kinda reassuring that the source material (or at least the manga version) wasn't that bad.

    I kinda love the manga drawings btw, especially the "silly" faces. And Cow Girl actually doesn't look as cheap as she does in the anime.
    And the guy who drew them really knows how to do dungeons/castles and such.

    I just love this series for the DnD stuff alone.... it's really unique in the anime world imho.
    All the other fantasy/mmo shows have a hard time using and staying true to the tropes.

    The characters in Goblin Slayer however remain true to what they are supposed to resemble.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 08-08-2020 at 09:57 AM.

  18. #278
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Just watched the movie, and it is pretty much another 1/2 season arc. Similar themes played out (loss of innocence, trauma from goblin exposure, aberration among goblins), but it went down smoothly. Though, as some mentioned, the actual combat scenes were devoid of the tactical nuance the series had up till now. I actually didn't notice until it was pointed out, so its more of a hindsight issue, and didn't bother me during the watch.

    ED was nice, too. If you want some more goblin slayer, no reason not to watch the grim dark goblin slayer.

  19. #279
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It wasn't so bad in my opinion. Some smartness, or all of it, was indeed removed, which is a pity. Without the long recap in the beginning, the movie could have included that stuff and been better for it. I guess it was a budget issue.

  20. #280
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Hm, I'll wait for your impressions. A proper continuation would have me definitely more interested, but if it'S just some side story, I'll pass
    I haven't watched the anime/movie, I read the light novels... but going by the description of the movie it seems like it's a volume 5 adaptation, and would be surprised if it wasn't fully adapted (not sure if it is, but would be surprised if it wasn't... though maybe rushed and cutting corners). So hard to call it a side story, when in essence all of Goblin Slayer are side stories, with each side story adding their bit of grain towards the plot.

    All this to say, it seems like the movie is precisely picking up from where the anime left off from what I've seen, and if another season would be released, this movie should have some content that shouldn't be missed.

    But, I may be talking out of my ass.

    In any case, I'll probably start watching the anime now. I think when I previously browsed the first episode, I thought I had spotted some changes from the LN, so didn't want to bother. But, I'm in the mood for it now.

    Edit: Looks like the 25 minute recap, was a special in the web only... the bluray doesn't have it from what I can see. I wonder if it was a separate feature that just got joined on the streaming portals.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sat, 10-10-2020 at 06:32 PM.

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