Quote Originally Posted by shinta
I'd gotten to a point where I had lost the desire to do anything and practically drifted from day to day, but meeting her rekindled my traveler's spirit. While I never really lost my love for food, I stopped cooking because it felt meaningless to do it for myself. But now that someone gets to eat and tell me her impressions about what I make, I cook every single day. It's just that fulfilling.

I'm at a stage while I'm just kinda working day in, day out, self indulging in games/anime/watches and other materials/consumables during my time off. It's a catch 22 between saying "I'll do something else (less selfish) when I meet someone I love enough." and "You won't meet someone like that without trying".

Do I feel like I need another person in my life? Not really, not now. Maybe that'll change one day.

I think now you get why I don't cook.

Your story is quite incredible.

Quote Originally Posted by DBZ
the irc thing is still going?
it sure is dude. irc://irc.rizon.net/gw