Well, married life is more expensive than I imagined, especially since my wife is not allowed to work (yet) due to my immigration restrictions. We both love to travel and eat, so we do both of those a lot, and as you can imagine, it can get very costly. It is very fulfilling though.

I'd gotten to a point where I had lost the desire to do anything and practically drifted from day to day, but meeting her rekindled my traveler's spirit. While I never really lost my love for food, I stopped cooking because it felt meaningless to do it for myself. But now that someone gets to eat and tell me her impressions about what I make, I cook every single day. It's just that fulfilling.

We also cosplay together. In fact, we're flying to Anime Expo this July. I'm planning to go as Kiryu Kazuma from Yakuza and she's gonna do Unicorn from Azur Lane.

As for how we got together, the short version (100% true story):
I met her through her mother, who was my subordinate at work. She had an abusive boyfriend back then, so I helped her break up with him. We fell in love, but she was in a cult that did not allow getting into relationships with those outside of it. I even did a dogeza in front of her parents, saying I'd go into the cult if that's what it took, but was promptly rejected. We got separated by her parents and lived in different states for a while, but she ran away from them and the cult and began living with me. We got married soon after. Now we sorta made up with her family (most of them anyway), but they can't openly talk to her because the cult does not allow contact with anyone who broke away from them.