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Thread: So I'm a Spider, So What? - Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?

  1. #481
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    i kinda hate the "know their death" ability, though. Does that mean everything that happens is already determined, as in, D has a file that shows everything? Or does D kill people at that time, no matter what? Either way, it takes away from our heroes accomplishing anything on their own, now it's just "how can we rewrite history". I'm sure this ability will be ignored for the most part, but actually this is now an entirely different show. Forget about "saving the world from destruction", it's now "fighting the future death of my students". And where does it even end? Once Oka avoids one death date, will it just change to another a little later on? Basically she'll fight it her whole life.

    Nah, not a fan of all that.
    That's kind of the implication here, her roster actually torments her, and in trying to save the students, she's both cursed to not talk about their deaths, or even the fact that she knows about it, and know she might be able to change their time of death.

    She's changed some, but its made those students she saved resent her. The class president used to be close to her, and now she hates Oka to the core. Last episode made it seem tragic, but this episode revealed that Oka was trying to be well-liked by her students to the point that she didn't even know if she was happy herself.

    Hugo is going to die in the elven forest attempting to invade it, basically. Katia's wasn't meant to be when she did die in the series, but was set for five years from now. We haven't seen if it has changed. Oka likely saved a number of them from premature deaths as children. So it isn't set in stone, and I would think of it more like the "current most likely outcome," rather than a defined fate. I wonder if Fei's used to say, "egg cracked open and eaten by a spider."

    My guess is that D doesn't like Oka very much, and definitely did this to her on purpose. She took her desire and twisted it all around like an evil djinn. D is a sadist, and maybe she even suspected that Oka was faking quite a bit of her true personality. The way Oka ended up using the roster produced the opposite outcome that Oka was hoping to accomplish. For all we know, D is lying to her through the roster to manipulate her and make her suffer. Or maybe not, because truth is always so much more painful than lies.

  2. #482
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I was really frustrated by Kumoko's stupidity here while talking to the dark knight guy.

    When he's asking her not to do things, and talking about his things, instead of being like, "Well, here are my reasons for doing this. Tell me your reasons." she's just like "Well, we both gotta do what we feel I guess! *shrug*"

  3. #483
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I was really frustrated by Kumoko's stupidity here while talking to the dark knight guy.

    When he's asking her not to do things, and talking about his things, instead of being like, "Well, here are my reasons for doing this. Tell me your reasons." she's just like "Well, we both gotta do what we feel I guess! *shrug*"
    You really shouldn't be frustrated about it. It's a consistent part of her character. She's simply not very smart. She does have a certain level of battle sense, that much is true, so she's not wrong when she's calling herself intelligent compared to the monkeys in the dungeon, for example, but compared to an average person (from Japan, not from some medieval place), she's definitely not too sharp.

    Killing the emissary, inside the mansion of the guy whose daughter she's trying to help, is a splendid example of Kumoko's lack of wits. She didn't spend a single second to think about even the simplest consequences of the action. It's understandable she immediately slew the actual group of people that attacked her, but it always should be an extra step to deal with the person possibly behind such an attack. Not for her, though. By doing this, she actually was played like a fiddle by Oht. Of course she can deal with the invading army, assuming the demon lord doesn't decide to appear right at the crucial moment to drive her away. Actually I hope the demon lord does exactly that, leading to Sophia losing her home. Maybe the elves will stick their pointy ears into the mess as well.

  4. #484
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Going off what happened this episode, my current thoughts are that Ariel is inhabited by Body Parrallel Mind, while Main-Body-Kumoko is somehow destroyed and currently regenerating... so yeah, maybe white hair lady is the main body.

    The scene today looked like they were using the small spiders as a communication device, but Kumoko looks like she already has some form of telepathy so.... I dunno. I assumed that Ariel was fighting high level stuff to level up in order to get a skill that helps resist psychic attacks.

    The entire Kumoko segment was gleeful to watch. How funny was it that she actually has spidey sense? I was quite sad when it flicked back to current timeline, but Oka's reveal was pretty interesting.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 05-29-2021 at 06:01 AM.

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  5. #485
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The scene today looked like they were using the small spiders as a communication device, but Kumoko looks like she already has some form of telepathy so.... I dunno. I assumed that Ariel was fighting high level stuff to level up in order to get a skill that helps resist psychic attacks.
    Gilly-Gilly has telepathy, not Kumoko. She stares blankly at people or forgets she can't communicate and starts thrashing around in her expressive "talking" manner. She's started to learn the local language to a degree by hearing supplicants beg for specific things, though she can't speak it without a tongue.

    And yes, she's too stupid to realize she could have learned telepathy like Oka did when she was a baby. Or however Fei got telepathy as well. Kumoko's solution is to get a humanshape, which is so much harder, haha.

  6. #486
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Speaking of Fei, it's still a mystery how she became this strong. Sure, she's a dragon, but we saw her obliterate other dragons, so that by itself is not the reason. Considering how hard Kumoko had to fight for reaching her level, I hope we'll get a flashback to how Fei grew up at some point.

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  7. #487
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Speaking of Fei, it's still a mystery how she became this strong. Sure, she's a dragon, but we saw her obliterate other dragons, so that by itself is not the reason. Considering how hard Kumoko had to fight for reaching her level, I hope we'll get a flashback to how Fei grew up at some point.
    Have we seen all of her stats? Maybe she has some broken 10x experience points effect going on.

  8. #488
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    You really shouldn't be frustrated about it. It's a consistent part of her character. She's simply not very smart.
    Right...she's consistently frustrating.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    And yes, she's too stupid to realize she could have learned telepathy like Oka did when she was a baby.
    Technically, we're not actually sure that she can. Different races have different skills available to them. And some skills have different requirements you have to meet to unlock them. Just cause it was an option for Oka doesn't mean it was for Kumoko.

    Kumoko has looked at her list of available skills before. So either she's not interested in telepathy, or it's not on her list.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sat, 05-29-2021 at 03:20 PM.

  9. #489
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 21:

    Man, that was a bad episode all around. No kumoko, shitty animation, and fuck Oka. Seriously, I'm angry that this bitch didn't get killed by Hugo at the end. She's so full of herself, thinks she knows everything, and thinks she can judge others, when she's just one bitter schemer.

    What I don't about the battle here: Where is Kumoko? If she was around, she could kill the entire enemy army with a literal blink of her eyes.

    Who's the guy at the end?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  10. #490
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mfauli
    Who's the guy at the end?
    He's Kyouya, the other reincarnated dude besides Kusama (ninja kid) who likely jointed the other team aside from Negishi and Natsume. They had a room discussion about this.

    As for Kumoko, she's allied with the demon lord who is attacking. Why would she be here?

    This animation sucked.

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  11. #491
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post

    As for Kumoko, she's allied with the demon lord who is attacking. Why would she be here?
    To support the attack and keep their own losses minmal?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  12. #492
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Ugh...all future episode. Fucking suuuuucks.

    I'm also getting real tired of this show treating the reveal of a new student like it's a big deal. It's not because WE DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCK THESE PEOPLE ARE!

    We spent all of, like, 2 minutes in the entire series on them back in their own world. So I don't know why the show thinks we're supposed to be like "OMG! THAT GUY?!" They're a bunch of Japanese schoolkids, they're all the fucking same!

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    She's so full of herself, thinks she knows everything
    In her defense, she literally has a future-telling power that tells her that Hugo is going to die in this battle. Her mistake is thinking that she's the one that kills him. Or that she doesn't die before he does.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Fri, 06-04-2021 at 01:10 PM.

  13. #493
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    In her defense, she literally has a future-telling power that tells her that Hugo is going to die in this battle. Her mistake is thinking that she's the one that kills him. Or that she doesn't die before he does.
    No, there's no defense for Oka.

    She's a huge hypocrite. And she's always been like this, even on Earth. She doesn't get to pass judgment on these students any more, as if she's their caretaker and entitled to tell them what is right and wrong. They all died, it's been years, and she single-handedly ruined the childhood of several, and who the hell knows what she finally did to piss off Sophia so bad. She's caused systemic evil the same ways that Hugo has caused chaotic evil.

    She's also just as indoctrinated by Potimas as Yuri is by the Church. Tells the students who still listen to her to protect each other, then goes off to solely pretend she gets to decide who to depower, and who to kill. Fuck her. She's no more trustworthy than Hugo.

    We know the Adminstrators kinda don't care, so she's wrong about that. I bet Potimas and the other elves told her it.

    D has shown zero interest in harvesting Kumoko as far as we can tell, unless that's a future twist, and I honestly kinda doubt it. She's been granting Kumoko extra power and the only return she's asked for is to be talked to and more importantly, entertained. D is a troll of an Administrator. She does things because it, "sounds fun." If she wanted to kill and harvest students, she would have reincarnated herself, and she didn't.

    Gilly-gilly seems invested in watching over the dragons and keeping the world somewhat stable. He told Kumoko she was dangerous, wanted to kill her the first time until D intervened, but then the second time, when she's considerably more powerful, he does nothing.

    D is the evil you can trust to a degree, Potimas and the Church are evil you can't trust, and who knows about Ariel. She seems to have a goal her that isn't Hugo's, which is why her forces are tagging along. Probably end the power triangle between her, the Church, and the elves, by joining with the Church to finally kill off the sneaking meddling elves.

  14. #494
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I find it hard to believe Potimas, being such a shady snake, would have blindly believed in the barrier and the elven supremacy like the nameless elves we saw. What is he up to right now?

    Though I have little respect for Oka, I'm still happy Hugo didn't get to kill her. After all, I have even less respect for Hugo.

    What I find interesting is that Kumoko doesn't seem to give a shit about the classmates killing each other. She saved and continued to save Sophia because she was a classmate, yet now she's actually helping student slaughter student. Did she lobotomise herself or what changed? Did she learn something that makes nothing matter anymore?

  15. #495
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    she single-handedly ruined the childhood of several
    Did she?

    I mean, the reason she went out and collected the ones she collected was because her power told her they were going to DIE.

    And yeah, being imprisoned by elves isn't great. But it's seems pretty nice, peaceful and safe. Beats being torn apart by monsters or starving in poverty or dying to a plague or whatever was going to kill them before.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    We know the Adminstrators kinda don't care, so she's wrong about that.
    We don't know SHIT about the Administrators or what they want. We've only met one and all we know about her is what she's told Kumoko, which could be 100% bullshit for all we know.

    And even if D was telling the truth, the one thing she did tell us is that this world's Hero and Demon Lord both hated her so much that they teamed up to try and kill her. Which, if your world's chief good guy and bad guy agree you had to go, you're probably fucking awful.

  16. #496
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Did she?

    I mean, the reason she went out and collected the ones she collected was because her power told her they were going to DIE.

    And yeah, being imprisoned by elves isn't great. But it's seems pretty nice, peaceful and safe. Beats being torn apart by monsters or starving in poverty or dying to a plague or whatever was going to kill them before.
    No, she knew SOME were going to die before they were 20, and that upset her. As an infant, she saw one name, the one she was personally just about to kill in the exact place and same time that she saw way back when she was an infant 15 years ago. And Katia, who wasn't supposed to die for a few more years from now back when Oka was an infant, already got killed once due to Oka's direct intervention with Hugo when she reset all his skills.

    We don't know shit about the ones she currently has imprisoned by kidnapping them when they were all kids, if they were going to die early or if they were going to have a pretty great life up until now like Asaka and Kunihiko. She and Potimas got them all bought as slaves or kidnapped them directly. Or wanted to murder their parents like Sophia. The only ones she left alone were allied with the demons, apparently Kumoko, royalty on the other continent...and poor Yuri, who she also just murdered.

    The only roster fates we've seen are what she had 15 years ago for Katia and Hugo.

    We don't know SHIT about the Administrators or what they want. We've only met one and all we know about her is what she's told Kumoko, which could be 100% bullshit for all we know.

    And even if D was telling the truth, the one thing she did tell us is that this world's Hero and Demon Lord both hated her so much that they teamed up to try and kill her. Which, if your world's chief good guy and bad guy agree you had to go, you're probably fucking awful.
    The previous Hero and Demon Lord, point of order. So whoever was before Ariel and whoever preceded Julius or a few people before. D made the point that whatever they were up to trying to kill her got them both killed in the process.

  17. #497
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    My understanding of it currently is:

    1. Her skill tells her when and where her students are going to die.
    2. Since it doesn't tell her their current location, the only reliable way to find them is to be around when they're scheduled to die.
    3. She tells her father, and he has them scooped up before they die.
    4. This is the reason there's a whole group of uncollected students at the start of the series. She didn't have them taken because they weren't in danger of dying.
    5. Oka 100% didn't "happen" upon Schlain and Hugo earlier on. Her power told her "Schlain gets murdered here." and she was expressly there to prevent his death.
    6. This is just my assumption, but I assume when she prevents a death, her list gets updated. Since she's able to check it again later.

  18. #498
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Hugo is to die in a forest. I understand the place inside the barrier is called the elves forest, but right now they are in an open area.
    I understand they can change places fast, but Hugo still has some time left before dying.

    How strange it would be if Sophia is the one that kills Hugo...

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  19. #499
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Assuming Oka is the elf reincarnated teacher, I'm also of the opinion that she is generally a decent person trying to help her students. I think that's kind of admirable that she is doing so fifteen years after they existed in a 'normal' student-teacher relationship. It can be called playing god by deciding who lives or not, but it seems like old fashioned vigilantism to me.

    What was the strategic importance of the Elf village, again? Are they in the way of the demon lord's army?

    To pile on just a bit, the animation was embarrassing this episode.

  20. #500
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Assuming Oka is the elf reincarnated teacher, I'm also of the opinion that she is generally a decent person trying to help her students.
    Like the old saying goes, some of the worst deeds are done with the best of intentions. Oka didn't spend a single second to consider how the reincarnated students would feel about being forcefully relocated into the elven domain, where the local population looks down on them and doesn't want anything to do with them. So, they are left to toil in the fields to grow their own food, I assume, instead of adventuring out there in the fantasy world. They are nothing more than prisoners.

    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    What was the strategic importance of the Elf village, again? Are they in the way of the demon lord's army?
    It's one of the scheming parties in the world, opposing the other ones, such as the church. I guess they are nominally friendly with some human nations but not with others. I doubt the place has other strategic importance. The attackers just want to remove a competitor. Considering how sneakily the elves generally behave, it's no wonder.

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