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Thread: 86: Eighty-Six

  1. #41
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    After skimming through the recap episode for any extra scenes (and there is one visual segment at the very very end), it is definitely far more ambiguous whether or not they all died in the final scene of the 86ers. Did they die, or is it just Shin imagining it as he's passes out?

    - After taking down his brother, it's true that Shin didn't really have anything else he wanted to do, and was more concerned about saving his friends.
    - Their plan was to escape beyond the ruins of the country the Legion came from and see what's there, since they're not exactly abandoning their posts because the Alba sent them off on a suicide mission. Those five are just actually very good at survival and combat.
    - The five of them were actually pretty close to a border when Shin cut the rest of them off and tried to give the other four an opening to make it through.

    What the visual at the end represents really depends on what kind of series this really is.

    - Is it a post-apocalypse world where zombie robots have taken over the entire continent, and the Alba and the 86ers are the only humans left?
    - Is it one where the Republic is surrounded by the Legion, but the Legion focuses on the easy target of the 86ers who are outside any walls and are given no real support from their home country hoping to get at the Alba who are all but defenseless? The zombie processors are all full of spite for the Alba as well. There should be other countries out there, since the Legion can't fly (as far as we know).

  2. #42
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Eps 12

    That was both eye opening, though maybe expected to some degree.

    That Lena and Annette still getting along was especially surprising.

    So Giad, as an Empire at war with San Magnolia, created the Legion. Then when their war machines went out of control and turned on them, overthrew their own Emperor, and somehow managed to survive? Very interesting. The actual remaining Empress is tucked away as an adoptive daughter to the current President. But they're also isolated by their own rogue machine army, just like San Magnolia is. Lost a lot of their territory between the 86th district of San Magnolia, but otherwise still thriving and apparently more modern than their neighbor at this point. Starting to feel like some influence from another series where it opens in the one remaining city left...until it isn't. At least we know the author does love making thematic homages to the other franchises that have influenced her.

    The Giad president seems like a zealot to some degree, but in a positive way. He seems quite against sending children to war like San Magnolia, but he also has this air of shadiness about him. Why keep the deposed child Empress so close to him? The remainder of Spearhead makes more sense, they're an enormous source of intel into how the Legion has evolved.

    San Magnolia on the other hand, has continued to fester in the two months since the last season closed. There's a lot more crumbling things in the headquarters, more trash, etc. They must finally be starting to break from the strain as well. Seems like Lena's new superior has some knowledge of how bad the war is going.

    Lena's insubordination and her little gathering of allies setting the stage to fend off a very bad surge in Legion activity, I take it? The talk between Lena and her new squad leader Cyclops makes it sound like they're just continuing to build up around various points that lead to the other 85 districts, and the "20% of howitzers are still operational," made it sound like either the upper military has been lying to all their operators this whole time (and they do very much work and should have been used more), or that the city won't be in a position to defend itself when they run out of 86ers to throw at the Legion.

  3. #43
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    It's worrying how little inter entire empires/states have about the survival of other such entities. Isn't long distance communication possible, or is it only that squad with the ear bands? If the Legion's numbers have effectively cut other nations off from each other, I figure they would have won and finished picking off humanity by now.

    There's been enough cast death, but all five of the suicide soldiers making it feels like a wasted opportunity.

    Is it me, or does this new state seem somewhat less advanced, technologically speaking, than San Magnolia? Brick structures and older looking vehicles, it seems.

  4. #44
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    They were all amazed with the technology that Annette had completed for the Republic.

    I don't know if they've ever explained what the cloud of flying Legion do. I just assumed they were visual and radio jammers because that kind of stuff always is. A quick and very careful look (to avoid spoiling myself!) on the 86 Wikia says that the "Eintagsfliege" Legion are exactly that, electronic disruption that scrambles radar and all communication, allowing the Legion to fight disoriented and uncoordinated biological enemies. They also apparently serve the same purpose the Laser-class BETA do in Muv-Luv, preventing air combat units.

    Annette perfected extending psychic communication, so it works around the flying bugs.

    The Federation got torn apart by their own rogue AI army, so probably. But they also have aircraft and San Maganolia doesn't have anything more the helicopters that are extremely vulnerable outside the walls of the main districts.

    The Legion seems mostly directed at annihilating San Magnolia, who was at war with the Empire before they had their own civil war and the Legion went rogue.

  5. #45
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Eps 13

    Interesting that the childlike Empress has confirmed clairvoyance running in her family. That makes two hereditary families with esper abilities, including Shin's. It's a good way to continue that worldbuilding thread by keeping it limited and secretive. I don't really understand how she talks to intelligently given her apparent age, but it was a least hinted heavily by her embarrassment when she's acting (poorly) to pass as a child that she's older than she looks.

    It was also sweet that the five of them were basically waiting on Kurena to say she'd had enough. Especially she's the youngest in the entire squad (including those who have already died last season). They all knew each other well enough that they ultimately wanted to go back to the field despite the President's insistence.

    I'm guessing the first thing we'll see at officer's school is their criticism of the heavy slow tanks, in favor for the prototypes that the other woman wanted them to consult on anyway.

  6. #46
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm half expecting them to be idolised at officer school, and half expecting them to be discriminated against for gaining "easy entry". I have no idea what to expect of this place right now.

    As for the president, he seems a bit shady because of his facade, and also because he seems to have this clear idea of what "humanity" should be like. Right now it seems fair, but when it becomes twisted, he'd be the same as the Alba who denounce 86er's humanity because it doesn't suit theirs.

    (I just binge watched this show. Pretty nice. Not sure how redundant it would be watching Muv Luv Alternative though)

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  7. #47
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    (I just binge watched this show. Pretty nice. Not sure how redundant it would be watching Muv Luv Alternative though)
    It's one of the author's direct influences for this series (along with Geass Akito and Screamers). Now that we know more about the world outside of the Republic, I have strong suspicions she's made the series different enough.

    You can feel the references in the last arc, but it is definitely its own thing now.

  8. #48
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I never finished Geass Akito but I see the references there. This MC actually also fights a lot like the MC from Iron Blooded Orphans.

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  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Couldn't adjust to civilian life and only one of them bothered to get a job?

    Princess had me fooled in that I assumed she really was twelve (thanks, anime) and eye-rolled at her little speech, so I'm glad to be corrected. Is she saying one of her close friend/family is also a shepherd?

  10. #50
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, I mean for reference in the first arc last season (oldest to youngest):

    - Theo is 16
    - Shin is 16
    - Raiden is 16, he got a job
    - Anju is 16, she took cooking classes with adults!
    - Kurena is 15 (she was conscripted at 11), and she was sent to school in the Federacy

  11. #51
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 14


    Can't say I'm happy that we're getting Empress instead of Lena as "mascot/cute leader/Shin's confider" but it's probably better than anything else on the cards. I'm not sure exactly what her deal is, but she fits the cute but also smart/insightful mix well enough. I think she's actually a kid, but occasionally acts mature because of Clairvoyance and Royal Experience.

    I enjoyed the mecha fight. Good that the CG looks nice and not like complete ass, while Shin's Dulahan motif has a head to signify that his brother's brain has been accounted for. I'll take the multiple cuts over clunky animation any day (though of course slick animation/rendering would be best).

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #52
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It looks like the Federacy military isn't very competent either, though they do manage to take back some territory.

    It's a nice dichotomy from the Republic, who is vicious, brutal and uncaring to their soldiers, but achieve significant military success with some decent strategists like Lena, Shin, Anju, Cyclops (lLena's new Shin) and develops extremely competent operators like the previously mentioned as well as Kurena and Theoto. It doesn't make it right, but their Baptism by Fire methods have kept the Republic still alive long after they should have been destroyed.

    The Federacy does care for their soldiers deeply, and they're all volunteer rather than conscriptions, but they don't have the inherent recklessness they need to fight the Legion. Their tank-like mechs are too slow because they care about safety that ultimately ends up futile.

    So we end up with two contrasting forces that are equally not equipped or willing to take the correct level of risk involved to actually stop the Legion at this point.

    Kinda disappointed in the character development so far. They've been focusing heavily on Shin regaining some emotions, but I'm just as interested in Theo, Anju, Kurena, and Raiden. Most of them are still underdeveloped at this point. Eugene is killed off to early to make his death actual hurt. He showed up before, befriended Shin, then reappears and immediately starts throwing every death flag imaginable.

    Not a bad episode, their commitment to the horrors of war is impressive, but it wasn't a particularly good episode either.

  13. #53
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I don't have a clear idea (as with many shows airing right now) where this story is going, and am trying to put aside the default notion that 86 is treading water and does have some major paradigm shift coming to make things more interesting again. Stalemates are where war stories begin, but we should be past this by now.

  14. #54
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episode 16

    This was another really strong episode. I do like that this series tends to ramp up in each arc, starting from a relatively cliché series of events and character developments before diving into more complex takes on those tropes. It really lends to driving me further away from my initial impressions of the franchise. The series is derivative, but in a different definition of the word. It isn't lacking in originality, though it does build heavily on preconceived settings before goes in towards better, more nuanced directions. It is in no means shallow and redundant.

    Yes, the 86ers are all really good at piloting. Even better when properly equipped, maintained, and managed by decent commanders. They all have their specialized kits on their machines now to excel at their particularly unique strengths (or generic all rounder skills).

    But Shinei in particular isn't mentally any stronger than anyone else. Frederica's vision, and then freaking out that he was becoming eerily closer to the behavior of her bodyguard-retainer was quite touching. He was getting bloodthirsty and detached. Frederica doesn't want another monster to appear in front of her from the previous horror she has experienced.

    I guess the rot in San Magnolia has reached a critical point. They're done for. Hopefully Lena doesn't kill herself using a supercharged PARA-RAID.

    Quite the second cliffhanger though!

  15. #55
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Fredrica's dead dear-someone is the legion Shepheard orchestrating this massive attack, correct? And it also somehow sent an explosion into their position in the post credit scene?

    I think this is really well made, but for some reason, I find it really hard to follow the story, scene to scene sometimes.

    Their one little super squad bought enough time to let the other defenders get into better position, and the same attack time led to the 86 vanguard of the Magnolia finally giving it up (losing) and they got invaded?

    Uncle's determination to be racist to the bitter end was pretty funny, in a "I've heard that's how racism works" naïve kind of way. Not enough people hate others more than they love themselves, when given time to process, emotion subsides and pragmatism takes over. Maybe the show was suggesting, at this final scene, that he was actually resentful of his country for its policies, and I'm willing to buy that, but you kinda have to dig for it.

    Another small thing that throws me off is that they keep discussing cardinal attack directions, as if these countries were all little islands, which makes since if they have no communication with each other, but the dead space between them is hard to reconcile. If it is flooded with legion, how has anyone survived what should be a never ending assault? If it isn't, why don't the surviving countries have military caravans, exploration/scouting, or trade established with each other? Since the countries apparently aren't butting up against each other, I would like some accounting of that space.

    All of this complaining is in service to better visualizing the conflict, because that itself is interesting. This has the rare achievement of selling me on humanity versus a formidable foe without resorting to supernatural constrainments. I want to be fully on-board.

  16. #56
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Fredrica's dead dear-someone is the legion Shepheard orchestrating this massive attack, correct? And it also somehow sent an explosion into their position in the post credit scene?
    That is correct.

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  17. #57
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Another small thing that throws me off is that they keep discussing cardinal attack directions, as if these countries were all little islands, which makes since if they have no communication with each other, but the dead space between them is hard to reconcile. If it is flooded with legion, how has anyone survived what should be a never ending assault? If it isn't, why don't the surviving countries have military caravans, exploration/scouting, or trade established with each other? Since the countries apparently aren't butting up against each other, I would like some accounting of that space.
    My best guess is this:

    ________________-_______ -
    ___________Legion____________- Legion
    ____Legion - San Magnolia -- Legion Legion - Giad - (Wasteland/Ocean?)
    ___________Legion____________- Legion

    The Legion has eaten up a lot of San Magnolia and Giad's territory, with the area that used to be both countries occupied by the Legion to an overwhelming degree and to the point where no one has any idea how big they are. Giad has been trying to destroy their rogue robot army, and San Magnolia is still the primary attack target of the original war. Roa Gracia and Wald are involved because when Frederica's father/grandfather was on his last, he commanded the Legion to attack everyone.

    edit: Think I finally got it!
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 11-02-2021 at 02:57 PM. Reason: formatting!

  18. #58
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Thanks for the effort in the ascii map. I see three countries listed there, but weren't there at least one more being attacked in this latest wave? I thought I heard a couple country names I didn't recognize, which is why I began to question the topography of these countries all fighting the Legion at once.

  19. #59
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There's four.

    San Magnolia (Lena and Annette). Giad (all the surviving 86ers and Frederica). Wald which was mentioned at the beginning of the big assault because the Federacy keeps in touch with both. Roa Gracia (same), but I think San Magnolia knew about them too in the classrooms, so they're presumably way bigger.

    Key point is that San Magnolia and The Empire of Giad used to both be really quite big. San Magnolia we knew about, and the latter is implied by Frederica's retelling of her family and Kiriya's last stand.

  20. #60
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Eps 17

    Holy crap, my map accuracy was close! Roa Gracia a little bit smaller but still spanning all three, Wald further West a little, San Magnolia's capital a little more East and very slightly to the south. Everything a little more compressed. The nations are quite as big as I thought, if it is 100km to the railgun, it wouldn't be that far between Giad and San Magnolia really. These countries are honestly kinda tiny? (edit: Seriously, Tokyo and Kyoto are further apart than Giad and San Magnolia.)

    I do like that the 86ers basically don't give a shit that this is a suicide mission, they've pretty much expected nothing less since they re-entered the military. They're generally treated that way too by the Federacy's military leadership, except by Wenzel, who acts a lot like Lena used to with them.

    Next week is "Special Visual Commentary Episode"? Is that a new term for Recap?
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 11-06-2021 at 02:52 PM.

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