Well, don't forget that Kyouya's "original" concept was based on a short story that Tsurayuki apparently included later on in an anthology. The actual Platinum Generation scenario writer. Kyouya stole it on accident, and the anime is using that as a warning for Kyouya not to use his future-knowledge in his little transmigration here. In this specific instance, I would be justified, but thankfully, Kyouya isn't a shitbag as transmigrators go.

I've always assumed Kawasegawa is his destined love interest. They meet later on in life anyway. Their connection is built on respect in either timeline (which is cute), and they compliment each other well in terms of producer and project manager talents. I'm hoping David is right and Kyouya's influence is going to push the Platinum Generation trio to even higher levels. We didn't really get a sense of how they're doing in the future aside from they're all famous and Aki's art sells really well and N@NA's music is extremely well regarded. But we do know they haven't collaborated in a long time.

Obviously, I've never once felt he needed the timejump back. But what he can do is get an even broader education to understand how to manage those skillsets in others as time goes on, and more importantly, not work for the black company he wasted a lot of time at, since he retained all those skillsets.