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Thread: Bokutachi no Remake / Remake Our Life!

  1. #21
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ryll, what's your excuse for Kawasegawa ALSO working for that "black company" in the future? She went to art university by default, yet she also ended up there. I haven't seen you criticize her.

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  2. #22
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I do not need one because you're confused.

    Kyouya has had four jobs after college in the original timeline.
    1. Something straight out of business school. Which he quit after regretting not following his dream.
    2. The "black" game company that worked him to death and folded anyway (his former boss seen in his dream sequence in eps 1). He rode the night bus home.
    3. Something like job #1 again after that company flopped, but before he met Kawasegawa on the footbridge.
    4. SucceedSoft after being hired by Kawasegawa. When their division was laid off, he rode the night bus home again.

    Two different game companies. SucceedSoft isn't the "black" company.

    We don't know what she did between school and switching over to project manager of a visual novel branch of SucceedSoft instead of pursuing film, television, her sister's career path in general. At least not yet. But there certainly may be time to speculate on her if Kyouya's time jump ends. I'm a little less wary of their interplay now that her sister has mandated that Eiko work with Kyouya's team, drastically reducing the chance that he is "stealing" her place.

  3. #23
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Because you're so insistent on the word "stealing": Isn't that technically part of ANY time travel? Just looking at one of the most popular time travel movies, Back to the Future: Marty changes the future so that his dad is now a succesful scifi author, his mom is, afaik, a lawyer, and his two siblings have successful careers, too. The consequence of all that is that other people had their future stolen. Another scifi-author didn't get a publishing contract, other lawyer didn't get the job, other candidates didn't get to enroll at the same school, and so on.But I've never seen any widespread "Marty is a pathetic loser who stole others' future" complaints.

    Time travelling and changing ANYTHING could always boild down to "stealing". But nobody complains about it. You do, exclusively on this anime. Just find it weird. :>

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  4. #24
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Putting aside how much you're missing/forgetting in the introductory details and story beats of BttF 1&2, including Marty stealing his own father's place in the timeline...

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    But nobody complains about it. You do, exclusively on this anime. Just find it weird. :>
    I do exclusively here so far, because there aren't a lot of us commenting. Go elsewhere and you'll find other people making the same comments (who for the record are not me, I use the same name at those places).
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 07-18-2021 at 03:19 AM. Reason: Its shown in the first 10 min that Marty is also a bit of a failure due to confidence...and anyone he doubles for is a loser.

  5. #25
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    So the Gary Stu got a little strong here, but what sets Kyouya apart from, say SAO's Kirito (the OG wish fulfillment vessel) and his like, is that Kyouya still puts in effort and has some semblance of personality.

    Yes, the harem is quickly forming, and yes, the contrivances are cliché, but this is still a serviceable feel good watch. That being said, we need more speed bumps and tension before things veer into further worship of the main character.

  6. #26
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episode 4


    Are we finally starting to see some of the consequences of Kyouya's injection into the timeline? On the whole, it does seem like he is accelerating the Platinum Generation trio along their path, but at the same time, there's also some missteps.

    It's comes off pretty clear that Kawasegawa was meant to confront Nanako and drive her to singing. It's been a whole semester and Kyouya has been coddling Nanako to slowly improve her singing, but not actual do the painful things to actually improve. It seems like he stupidly hasn't realized she's N@NA though. Which is baffling to me at least. Voice actors can be good at obscuring who they are when they have really good range, but singing is tough. People lose those extra tones. Sometimes they lose their accents entirely. It's easy for me to recognize singers by their distinct voice.

    Either way, Kyouya undid all the potential damage he might have caused to the timeline, and pushed Nanako toward her dream with Kawasegawa lighting the fuse.

    As for the pink-haired senpai, perhaps this was how Kawasegawa got into game development instead of film?

    All in all, this episode was dense, but also seemed really fast.

  7. #27
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    God, I hate these prepubscent-looking "adult" characters in anime -____-

    Anyway. I found the last scene hilariously bad. "See, all it takes is computer-alteration, THEN your voice isn't that terrible!" LOL
    I honestly half-expected Nanako to open the door and slap him in the face, shouting "How dare you?!". But this anime isn't that serious of a drama for that, I guess.

    Tbh I find the whole anime kinda all-over-the-place atm. It just doesn't feel like Kyouya is benefitting from his time there other than, duh, getting a couple extra years to his lifetime and enjoying a different college life. But as for the premise of the show (failed producer gets to redo his life), I don't see how any of what's going on rn is gonna change his life, unless it's about making relations to these other people, which would be a scummy thing, lol. So, just looking at Kyouya as a producer who's trying to get better and more successful, I'm kinda lost plot-wise.

    I mean, we get to see how the "Platinum generation" started out - maybe seeing their beginnings will spark something in Kyouya later on?


    Also it must be mentioned: Did he see Kawasegawa's bare boobs or did he not? It's not entirely clear, because they cut away rather early. If he did, then this episode had WAY too little talk about it, lol :P My first though was "ok, that's the first flag for them to become a couple in the future, because only her future husband gets to see them" :P

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  8. #28
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I don't see how any of what's going on rn is gonna change his life, unless it's about making relations to these other people, which would be a scummy thing, lol.
    That's 90% of the reason people get and/or stay rich/famous/powerful.
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  9. #29
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    That's 90% of the reason people get and/or stay rich/famous/powerful.
    Sure, but I'd expect an anime about redoing your life to have deeper reasons than "LOL, gonna take advantage and meet influential people to improve my future". At that point he could just bet money on stuff he knows will happen.

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  10. #30
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Sure, but I'd expect an anime about redoing your life to have deeper reasons than "LOL, gonna take advantage and meet influential people to improve my future". At that point he could just bet money on stuff he knows will happen.
    Well, he could go: I know so much more about young women I'm going to have the time of my life...

    It might not be the best delivery/scenario. But it could be a lot worse.

    Watching for Kawasegawa for now.

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  11. #31
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I feel that this show is asking us to take its plot points at face value because it doesn't want to or can't take the time to build the proper progression of the story. Plenty of people are good and and get good at things they aren't passionate about- no need to tell her that she is wasting talent because she's trying something different. We're expected to take what Kawasegawa is saying at face value, but I disagree on a fundamental level. After all, the wholistic result of their team still beat out the better 'raw' acting for that one assignment. 'Perfection' is the enemy of 'good', as they say.

    This has sadly become a very fluffy, soft-ball show where drama exists seemingly to help MC build his harem and show off his time travel wisdom; not bad, but I was hoping for more. The animation is still looking sharp, at least.

  12. #32
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episode 5


    What a bullshit episode.

    The first half was largely rehash and fanservice which felt like filler (because it was), and the second half immediately broke suspension of disbelief.
    1) Why would the concert staff call Kyouya to resolve their no-show?!
    He's not in the music program. He wasn't involved with setting it up. His club senpai is in the music club, is standing right there, was part of the program from the start, and absolutely knows plenty of other students who could sing on short notice. Maybe even knows graduated senpai of his own who would be able to bring in a replacement act.

    2) This would have made sense the idea came from the music program staff, and they called Kyouya in order to find Nanako.
    But they didn't. They had to show Kyouya solving it. While he's known for being a problem solver in their own little Visual Arts Program group, he's not known as some management genius. The club members might know he's good at coming up with solutions, but this is completely out of his sphere of influence.

    3) Kyouya has no basis in music at all, at least known to his school peers.
    Nanako is honestly the only one aware that he knows how to do some sound mixing. Again, it would have made sense if Kyouya was working on the sound boards for the concert, but he's not. He was working the maid cafe.

    Honestly, the only good part of this episode was Nanako's realistic reaction to Kyouya putting her on the spot without her consent, while she's standing right there as if he's her idol manager. Seriously fuck this guy. I certainly see that he has a basis for doing it, and I even understand it. Doing things that make you uncomfortable and get over that initial fear when working on something creative or doing it in front of an audience for the first time is scary. Passing up and opportunity like this could very well be something Nanako regrets. But it's not Kyouya's call to make on her behalf. The club senpai saying she could be ready is better, but that still doesn't take away that Kyouya is making decisions for Nanako. He never looked at her once before he suggested she could fill in. He glances at her once. Fucking asshole.

    They also almost have an "oops, I uploaded videos without telling her" plot hole, but they hastily fill that in with Kawasegawa asking how he "tricked" her into it, then retroactively show the two of them reviewing comments from viewers with her technical notes from the music program. Which is poor writing. They should have showed that scene at the beginning of the episode, showing she was starting to make serious progress. They show him recording the video ffs, they could have inserted it there. Instead, it looks like the author tried to play up the whole thing as a surprise twist, which is absolutely isn't. Still baffles me that he had no clue who she was until very recently, even with the two of them practicing together.

    The other good part was the music. The BGM especially during Kyouya's miracle save in the concert tent. "God Knows" was super popular that year, as Haruhi's first season ended in July of 2006.

    I'm not even going to talk about the trash-tier "drama" during the credits. It does start to feel like Nanako and Tsurayuki are more romantically involved that Nanako's minor crush on Kyouya. Thankfully. He just implicitly has faith in her. Even if she punches him when he's randomly a dick.

  13. #33
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I guess some people thought they needed love triangles in that show... too bad.
    We probably are at a tipping point, it might get worse each ep from now.
    I liked the surprise though, had a little tear even.

    Back to before that ep:
    I still think the platinum trio and Kawasegawa were not at their full potential in the original timeline.
    Kawasegawa was not a film director
    For some reason Kyouya had that picture from very early Aki's art and it feels like in that original timeline Aki probably never explored the paths of creation behind that piece.

    But I'm only pushing the same idea again, I think I heard him saying something similar.

    But again the show probably will get worse.

    detail: I wonder if his loss of consciousness while trying to remember who that artist is will play a role later. I can't remember if we have had prior knowledge of that Yamashina Kazu

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  14. #34
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    First things first: I actually teared up a bit from the nostalgia. It's been a long time since I got to hear a maid sing that song ;P Nice homage.

    Nanako being a secret guest was dumb from the audience's pov. You'd expect someone famous with such an announcement. And then a random 1st year student sings. She did well, but I'd definitely react pissed at first as a viewer.

    But then: That last scene

    I already screamed "BS!" when their first kiss attempt got thwarted by a phone call. Didn't expect them to pick up that event and go through with it! Honestly? Getting some real nice "School Days" vibes from this now, LOL.

    Unfortunatel, I fully expect some lame-ass drama that won't reach any meaningful stages. Nanako will be sad for an episode. Shinoaki will say that it didn't mean anything. Kyouya will feel a bit sad about that lol. And then in 2-3 episodes at most we're back to "we're all friends, right?" and no character development will have occured, sigh. That's kinda what I expect.

    Ofc, what I want is some severe, dark drama, with lots of anger, tears, failing attempts to fix things, and a bittersweet resolution. Ah well.

    Although I commend this anime: The hero went for #bestgirl. Although I will admit that all 3 girls are alright.


    Ok, seems like I'm the only one enjoying the drama, lol. Honestly, as I said before: I just don't see the point in any of the school acitivies at this point. From Kyouya's pov, at best he'll learn some more things, but he already knows most of them. I guess you could argue with some flimsy "he learn about team work, trust" or some bs.But that plot line is just missing some tangible goal imo right now. I'd be more interested in Kyouya returning to present now and applying his new-found motivation there. Maybe even reconnecting with his old "friends". I mean, the plot writes itself: After Kyouya vanished in the past, the others all did their own thing, separately. Now Kyouya re-appears and asks them to re-unite. Together, with his producer skills, they go on to create the greatest game ever! Music from Nanako, art from Shinoaki and a story from whatshisname! And because a project with such high-caliber artists requires more handling than one producer is capable of, Kyouya calls Kawasegawa, too! Bamm! :P

    Maybe too predictable, but it'd be more fun to watch than the current plot imo. Oh well. I hope for som thick drama!
    Last edited by MFauli; Sun, 08-01-2021 at 02:49 PM.

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  15. #35
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Watched until episode 3 so far, and I think Ryll is crazy for perceiving things the way he did.

    Fuck me, the day when I agreed with Mfauli more than Ryll finally came...
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  16. #36
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I honestly think you all forgot this is anime. The plot tries to fool us into thinking Kyouya is an adult and will bring the story to a more mature and intricate scenario. But maid café and God knows maid singer But I prefered the bunny outfit and Haruhi's concert animation was better too.
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  17. #37
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Watched until episode 3 so far, and I think Ryll is crazy for perceiving things the way he did.

    Fuck me, the day when I agreed with Mfauli more than Ryll finally came...
    Keikaku doori ...

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  18. #38
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    I honestly think you all forgot this is anime.
    That cuts, but I needed it.

    Too bad anime college is shaping up to be alot like anime high school with fewer class scenes and co-ed dorms...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    1) Why would the concert staff call Kyouya to resolve their no-show?!
    He's not in the music program. He wasn't involved with setting it up. His club senpai is in the music club, is standing right there, was part of the program from the start, and absolutely knows plenty of other students who could sing on short notice. Maybe even knows graduated senpai of his own who would be able to bring in a replacement act.


    Honestly, the only good part of this episode was Nanako's realistic reaction to Kyouya putting her on the spot without her consent, while she's standing right there as if he's her idol manager.
    Yeah; I autopiloted right past that. Thanks for pointing it out. His street cred for producing should come second to the actual organizer's Plan B. Someone with a job didn't show up? Tell me it ain't so! Also agreed that putting her on the spot without any of the flashbacks being held for convincing her was dirty pool, mister.

    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    But maid café and God knows maid singer But I prefered the bunny outfit and Haruhi's concert animation was better too.
    Picking up on a quasi Haruhi reference is the kind of boomer commentary I visit gotwoot for.

  19. #39
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I feel older for some reason after reading you @neflight86

    The Haruhi reference was not hard to remember for anime fans that were already watching anime in 2006. Even though I admitt it's possible to forget most anime. But in my case I remember having chills and teary eyes when I first heard/watched that scene and had the guitar intro as a ringtone for a while. I even had a boomer customer frowning when he heard that ringtone, haha, he was not into rock music I tell you

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  20. #40
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Heh, I'm with you- To be clear, the boomer gag is apparently a dig at zoomers, who label anyone older than them as boomers (which I totally must be also).

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