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Thread: Shiroi Suna no Aquatope

  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Shiroi Suna no Aquatope


    One former idol goes to Okinawa and finds a new life helping a struggling aquarium from shutting down.

    Source: crunchyroll

    Genre(s): Slice of life, drama, fantasy


    This is so P.A. Works, it hurts. Simple at a glance character drama that will slowly unfold as the characters struggle to find themselves and grow with the help of new friends. Never skimping on the details, this should be a fun watch.

  2. #2
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    This is so P.A. Works, it hurts.
    For the good and the bad.

    In terms of characters it feels more like Hanasaku Iroha's coming of age stuff, but thematically more in line with Sakura Quest, except with adding hints of "island magic" stuff going on. It's not on either extreme like Shirobako or Nagi no Asakura, but something like a blend of everything P.A. Works has done.

    They've had a lot of misfires lately, basically since Sakura Quest, but this actually feels like a return to form.

    There's a bit of stumbling, but since most of their series are slow burns, I'm willing to give it an extended test run.

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    So far, the mystical elements have been all but relegated to alliteration, so we're back to (just) the formula that P.A. Works has been refining for the last 8 years. Still good just by virtue of being so different from typical moe anime.

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I think it is a little premature to say the mystical stuff has been placed aside.

    This is a 24 eps series...

    Nagi no Asakura took a seriously hard turn halfway through. Sakura Quest was their mundane "girls working on stuff" series since all the UMA stuff was a failed tourism campaign. I'm kind of expecting this one to be in the middle.

  5. #5
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    3 / 4

    I felt the third episode was really cliché and stale. Everything sort of happened in it exactly as you'd expect. Selfish desire brings in pregnant woman (well at least this time she was overdue instead of "baby came early from stressful event" cliché), who of course has her baby. It's also telegraphing that Kukuru's favorite penguin will not do so well over the course of the series due to her advanced age and onset of an illness. But the First Penguin theme is pretty good, considering that Fuuka is diving into a completely unknown lifestyle change, and Kukuru took the dive into the water before the series started surrounded by danger. But this episode does start to pry at Kukuru's complex about her family and the things she was obviously never told about.

    On the other hand, the fourth episode was really quite good. Fuuka's past is starting to catch up to her, but at the same time, she and Kukuru are both growing at a steady pace. This is the kind of stuff that P.A. Works excels at. Steady progression that feels very natural, instead of sputtering leaps triggered by orchestrated hamfisted events. Fuuka's presence is starting to make Kukuru a little more courageous about asking about that blank infant care book that shared her birthday. Fuuka has started to evoke what it must be like for Kukuru to have a sister, which keeps driving Kukuru's thoughts back to that book.

    On the other side, Fuuka has started to find a place of her own and move on a little from the pressure of being an idol, though it will likely start to blow up as word gets around that she'd fled here and is doing "unglamorous" work. She's moved back a single step from her earlier declaration of helping Kukuru achieve her dream as a way to make up for Fuuka giving up her own dream. Fuuka was actually enjoying entertaining the kids, and really got into how she might make the event she was in charge of more engaging and fulfilling. Using some of her old skillset, but all on her own instead of produced events. She's taking the first steps to finding herself. The red boots is also a cute callback. I thought she brought the red heels with her, but maybe she abandoned them at the airport at the beginning, as a visual sign to giving up. The boots represent her finding a new one, which is clever.

    I can't wait to see the fallout with Fuuka's mother.

    All in all, this is a pretty good series that I started with extremely low hopes. If anything, it's actually underrated.

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I'm not as oversaturated with 'pregnancy in anime' tropes to tell what is overplayed or not, but I thought it was handled well enough.

    Until you mentioned it, I forgot that there was a focus on the handbook. What is the significance of it? I'm not picking up on it.

    I also enjoyed her rolling with her skillset of showmanship to better serve the petting areas. I winced a bit at the celerity callouts but those mobs weren't too obnoxious and we had 'anime girls squad' to protect our little lass. It bounced back plenty fast enough to serve as a change of pace and some character development. The mom at the door cut was pretty cruel (to the viewer), but expected.

  7. #7
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Until you mentioned it, I forgot that there was a focus on the handbook. What is the significance of it? I'm not picking up on it.
    There's two pregnancy books, which Kukuru learned from the vet that they're given to mothers at the hospital when their child is born.

    One of them has Kukuru's name on it, with her birthday. The other has the same birthday, but the name is blank.

    The implication is that Kukuru had a twin. No telling the gender, identical or fraternal. Kukuru's twin was either stillborn or given up for adoption. Kukuru never knew about this until she found both of the books by chance recently. Her parents never brought it up to her before they died in an accident, and her grandparents have never spoken about it.

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Thank you much. That clears things up and makes this more interesting, as only one of those two possibilities will serve to enrich (or ruin) the story down the road...

  9. #9
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    6 / 7

    Udon-chan best girl. Even in Kuuya's episode, she outshines.

    But I like the growing big sister energy that Fuuka has going. She's finally starting to recover from her own depression, and using that to push Kukuru to keep her out of a much worse one brewing. If Fuuka can keep this going for the rest of the season, maybe whether or not they can save Gama Game won't matter. Kukuru will be able to overcome the loss.

  10. #10
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Eps 9

    This series has been getting progressively better, but it is definitely a slow burn. Even as it stands, it feels like one of PA Works most natural feeling series to date. There's less forced interpersonal drama than Hanasaku Iroha, it has a feel that you've gotten to know the characters and how they react in a subdued (for anime) manner that feels more like real people act around each other.

    The conflict evolve in a very natural way, and though there's desperation for the main problem of Gama Gama closing at the end of the summer, nothing ever feels set up. It bubbles up the way normal life problems simply do.

    So there's less of the staged feel across time that both Shirobako and Sakura Quest had. Things happened, but they happened because the series needed a low-stage crisis. Shirobako could hide it in the framework of anime productions having issues, but it was a bit of a damper on the "countryside tourism" central issue with Sakura Quest.

    Haebaru showing up was a good example of how Aquatope has been doing it differently, more in line with Nagi no Asukara. It's been set up for some time that another aquarium, fancy and new, is opening in the city. So naturally, they want to train their employees at other aquariums. Enter Haebaru. Ambitious, hungry for experience, and gets shoved to the failing aquarium and is of course in immediately conflict with Kukuru. She adds a low-key antagonist for Kukuru to have a deep personality clash with, and both should grow from the eventual de-escalation, probably with Fuuka as a mediator, who also happens to have another personal issue that she's been avoiding for days now.

    That visible clash pushes Fuuka to actually answer the phone, because she just saw a conflict brew from trying to avoid each other between Kukuru and Haebaru.

    It all feels really natural and keeps me engaged because it feels realistic, even with the occasional supernatural shit happening alongside the character development.

    Bonus seeing Ishikawa Yui playing an honest to goodness snarky bitch, and not an eternal saint or controlled cold stoic who occasionally cracks with rage.

  11. #11
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    To date the supernatural manifestations have been people seeing dead relatives, including pets.
    I do not know if the anime plans to really go deeper into the supernatural theme.
    My guess is they won't. And it's probably not supernatural at all. Only people placed in a very beautiful, serene atmosphere and they get that lucid dream/image.

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  12. #12
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episodes 10-12


    I guess it was inevitable that Gama Gama closed, so I'm guessing we'll be seeing a time skip in the next episode. How much of one is yet to be seen.

    I'm a little surprised that they've already gone wholesale down the "I'll be your big sister" angle, but they also couldn't have dragged it out for too much longer.

    Fuuka turning down the acting job came as another big surprise. I was sure that when Gama Gama closed, she'd take it, become more famous and then take another break to help Kukuru restore her own dream. But now I'm vastly more curious what Fuuka's future will hold. Marine biology degree? That would feel cliché, though they have already introduced the level of difficulty women take in the field with Haebaru (who we should see return soon enough). Then again, Karin is already taking that route, promising to quit her tourism bureau job.

    Overall, I'm still really liking this series. It's not as good as Nagi no Asukara, but better than Sakura Quest. It doesn't feel forced in any way, all the drama comes up very naturally and feels very realistic. As do all the portrayals. It's slow, but in a really good progressive way. You can feel the development from where it started months ago.

    I don't know the last time I've had as much anticipation for a future episode of a series in a while. Nevermind, 86 and Vivy both did...but before that, no idea.

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    If I hadn't seen promos for new characters (and Ryll's mention above), I would have sworn this was a 'bittersweet' ending for the show. Looking forward to what's next, though there isn't any real conflict per se any longer.

    I wonder what this significance of the twin sister actually is? If she's not going to be a character (I know- that would be contrived and soap-operaish), what purpose did her inclusion and resolution serve the show? Kukuru already 'found her resolve', so to speak and has gotten over her parent's deaths, it seems, so why bring up the sister illusion?

  14. #14
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'd assume the primary conflict in the second half is Kukuru vs Haebaru.

  15. #15
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Second half begins!
    Eps 13

    I found this episode to be a very promising time jump! Kukuru getting "stuck" with a job she doesn't want at Tingaara was a very interesting twist, that perhaps I should have expected. Caught be totally off-guard though. It's hard to tell the motivation behind the director, but with Kukuru being the previous assistant director who did her best to save a dying aquarium, maybe he's expecting her to come up with all the ideas that made Gama Gama such a beloved fixture of the community in their area.

    That seems to be the goal of Kukuru's boss as well. He wants enduring aquarium that can become a mainstay, which furthers their research and conservation goals.

    I did almost expect Umi to be told by the director that Kukuru's grandfather strongly suggested she be separated from the animal work in order for her to grow. To prevent same outcome when Haebara failed during her apprenticeship. Haebara is in the back, away from the guests. Sure, it's something she wants to do, but I wonder if her attitude from before will prevent her from ever being more than an animal caretaker. She doesn't engage with the guests, didn't want to, and didn't understand their mutual benfit.

    Kukuru doing what she doesn't want to do, integrating with the whole of the aquarium, may set her up for long term success. She already knows how to take care of the animals. Her first task, like her boss called her out on, seems like an assignment that ultimately puts Kukuru in a position to know the entire aquarium staff very quickly, coordinate with them, and put her as a bridge across the entire staff and out toward the guests. Maybe the director's goal the whole time?

    Overall, this feels like the exact opposite of Shirobako (and also Sakura Quest), and I'm really loving it so far. Instead of everyone getting along and driving through the complexities of a big project, we have conflicting or undermining personalities who get along very poorly. Outright arrogant and nasty in Haebara's case towards Kukuru, and the Chief Shimabukuro clashing with Umi-yan. More like Hanasakur Iroha, but better and more expansive in every way.

    It's so much more engaging.

    I did think they were going to hold off on bringing Fuuka back.

  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Very tasty, indeed. Shame on me for not believing in the (entertainment) power of strained workplace relationships. It hurts that Kukuru has to be one of those characters who 'learns everything the hard way', and I hope she has some successes sooner rather than later in this new environment, because they're really giving her both barrels at every opportunity.

    Cute that all of the GamaGama staff refuged at the new mega aquarium.

    I really don't see a place for Fuuka in the current story arc, except as a cheerleader? She's not really in a position to help Kukuru practically- unless she too will be working at this aquarium.

    Liking the new cast as well. Lots of potential here.

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    The intro scene I really was expecting to cut into a dream wake-up sequence. The timing of everything just felt a hair too contrived, and Fuuka still hasn't sold me on her sudden passion for marine biology. Not to say that this development is unwelcome- Kukuru needed some (more) allies adjusting to this strange new world.

  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    More friction brewing constantly. Department heads leading largely siloed off operations that don't consider other units in the org. I'm sure Kukuru's love for the sea will be what unites them in the end.

    Blonde guy not realizing their section chief was a wahmen was a bit of a stretch, but the comedic potential going forward is there, so I'll let it slide. I like that she referred to her spoils from the Gama Gama runoff crew as a mixed bag.

    I sure hope Kai doesn't try to court Kukuru by puffing out his sack, though fish-glasses is spot on and still a jolly character.

  19. #19
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Had to break out the insulin for this one. Those good ole' fashioned P.A. Works feels. So Haebaru is prickly, but she's a working single mom with a sick kid, and that makes her much more sympathetic, can you believe it? I'm glad that Kukuru, for once, got to grow in maturity without eating her own shoe(boot?).

    I want to call the whole situation and blatant heart-sting pulling clumsy, but it feels earnest enough to get a pass and just be what it is: light drama instead of contrivance. P.A Works shows do have an unmistakable air of positivity that is part of the brand, so it isn't unwelcome when things seem to just 'work out' after everyone gets to know each other.

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    An entire episode about a play date that had characters rotating in and out of Kukuru and Fuuka's apartments as they attempt to provide a modicum of relaxation and light interaction. P.A.Works excels at making low stakes episodes, and this was no exception. If you enjoy seeing these characters play off each other, I can imagine no greater treat, and I like that some restraint was exercised in keeping any romance far away from the party. This was higher effort than that.

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