The sex scenes do exactly what they're supposed to do: Show that sex exists. It's not there to get you fapping nor is it supposed to be romantic, because it isn't.

And I'm not saying this is the best isekai anime, but with so much shit airing, this is definitely on the better side. Not that the bar for isekai anime is specially high, considering shit like Mushoku Tensei is being celebrated. It's like people forgot what actual great fantasy anime used to be like, be it Record of Lodoss, El Hazard or Vison of Escaflowne.

As for your content criticism, I agree. Too little happens and the hero is granted too much without effort. But it's still a smooth, easy watch, where the episode is over before I realize that 20 minutes have gone by, so that's a plus. What I wonder: They intro promised him getting a full party, and the very title, i mean, includes "harem". With only 5 episodes left, it doesn't look like the girls in the intro will actually join him. Could be an "all at once" situation, though, ofc.