The doctor ran after the exceedingly shady stalker and got killed. That was so unnatural that I had to pause the video for a while and recall Ryll praising this series, to keep watching. I was wondering why the series had such a trash isekai quality setting for the MC, but then the last line (not including post-ed) "And now, I begin my revenge play" was from an edgelord revenge isekai. Makes sense.

Yeah, the various twists will allow me to keep watching. Especially Ai dying. I didn't see that coming. I also didn't foresee the Japanese police actually finding the apparent murderer. That was the biggest twist, knowing the world-famous incompetence of what goes for the police force in Japan. But then again, it was also a setting for Aqua's real revenge against the mastermind, presumably the biological father, so that much had to happen.

Ai was an interesting character. Narcissist sociopathy arises from not knowing any love in childhood and thus desiring it (and basically any attention, admiration, etc), selfishly, in adulthood, no matter the cost. Ironically such people can make great idols, actors, politicians, and so forth precisely because they stop at nothing to capture people's attention, but at the same time they couldn't care less about all of those people's own wishes or needs, which allows them to keep going and rise very high, never getting satisfied and always renewing their ambition. Ai certainly wasn't a dangerous example of the disorder, but she was an example nonetheless.