if you're into sci-fi in ANYWAY i insist you get alastair reynolds revelation space series (revelation space, chasm city, redemption ark, absolution gap), its superb. its hard sci-fi as its written by a physicist so all the stuff in it is like, plausible but still v futuristic, and he explains a lot of how the stuff works, its v interesting even if ur not a physics geek like me. the characters and storyline are jst mindboggling how they all fit together when you finish the books. seriously, ive not read a book with a better plot yet. its jst too cool! im saving his newest book (absolution gap) for my holiday [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] then i can read it uninterrupted on my long plane and train journeys. so yeah, make sure if uve got a spare bit of cash you buy this book. it should be on amazon.co.uk so its available to all amazon sites!!!