Whatever, I think that when they finally reach the elf island, it´s going to be different than what we´re expecting right now. I mean, you´d naturally expect some kind of bright paradise, elves flying around everywhere. But not only would it be kinda boring, we also already got that near the beginning of the Berserk-manga. Remember, these children that turned into fake-elves.

Maybe they reach the island and the elf king is dead and Puk becomes the new one? Or the Elf king is one of the God hand. Something like that. Either way, I expect a surprise.

As for Guts, he really needs a proper "upgrade", though I cannot think of anything that I wouldn´t hate. What made Guts so likeable of a hero was that he was always fighting with human powers. The black armor already kinda put a dent into that concept, but it manages to just slightly bend it, not completely change it. But how can you give Guts more power without saying goodbye to that former concept? Actually, instead of healing Guts´ body or altering the effects of the armor, I could see it getting worse for him. Like, totally abandoning his body and deciding to always stay inside the armor.