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Thread: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

  1. #21
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    they're indecisive......

    the thing that annoys me the most is the way they display subtitles in chunks while the person is talking instead of all at once.......SO DISTRACTING
    A-Keep's my favorite
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #22

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Which fansub displays subtitles in chunks?

    Edit: Lunar's been very inconsistent with the song lyrics as you said with the G-O- thing. They need to make up their mind.

  3. #23
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    i was referring to lunar both in the "indecisive" and in the "subtitle chunks"
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #24

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Originally posted by: Prof. Chaos
    Lunar. The only problem I have is so far in the intro song when they get to the G~O~D~WHY? part. I mean it was G~O~O~D~Y for like 10 episodes then it went G~O~~D WHY? and now it was G~O~O~D~BYE in 21.
    The first three were just different guesses, and the last change comes from the official lyrics. I don't really care about that though. The way Lunar does their timing, like Assertn said, can get annoying and distracts from the show. Also, they try way too hard to make the subs sound "cool." An example would be how they put in crap like "o'" rather than just using "of". I wouldn't mind if it only happened every once in a while, but they overdo it. Don't get me wrong, I still appreciate them doing it for free and all, but I just think there are better groups working on it. TW-Naisho has the highest quality version, followed by Anime-Keep, then Lunar, and Chihiro is the worst. The only problem is that as far as speed is concerned, it goes in the opposite order.

  5. #25

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I download whatever comes out first, but I only keep AKeep's releases. I like theirs the best. Now that GSD has been licensed, I'm sure they'll have more time to catch up on Bleach.

  6. #26

    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    lunar but i watch the chihiro first

  7. #27

    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    i like lunar as i can easily put them on dvd and thier subs do not get cutoff somewhat

  8. #28

    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I really don't like TW's font that much. I much rather prefer A-Keep's. But TW's quality is somewhat better than A-Keep's so bleh.

  9. #29

    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    A-Keep, all the way. Haven't seen Chihiro yet, but Lunar's episodes are just unwatchable, IMHO. TW is very good as well.

  10. #30

    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Obake why would you say Lunar episodes are unwatchable? Just wondering. TW and A-Keep need to catch up. A-Keep does a crap load of projects though so bleh.

  11. #31

    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    i don't know why he says it, but I've always thought that Lunar was crap and i think they are still crap with Bleach...

    now would i label them unwatchable? no... i watch them....

    for reasons, i have a problem with their translation choices, specifically thier editing... aside from that their timing method sucks ass, i don't know why they keep doing it... it is simply horrible...

  12. #32

    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Lunar gets me vote all the time

  13. #33

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Originally posted by: Black ops
    Obake why would you say Lunar episodes are unwatchable? Just wondering. TW and A-Keep need to catch up. A-Keep does a crap load of projects though so bleh.
    It's more an aesthetics thing than anything. The format of the subs and the usage of "death god" is just distracting to the point of me not wanting to watch the episode. I remember some of the translations being off (although I could be wrong), and the presentation is just bad. That said, I know that it takes a lot of work to subtitle a show, so I don't want to come off as some unappreciative prick.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, Bleach 15 is out by AKeep. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  14. #34

    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    TW has always been a favorite of mine but they never fisnih any series it seems.. One thing I hate about Lunar is they use very bad grammer like ain't and other redneck like sayings..I know for a fact japanese really don't have those type of words..

  15. #35
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Lunar tries to make the speech in anime more..... informal, which is how many people these days are starting to talk like. Still, I agree that it can be extremely annoying at many times during the episodes.

  16. #36

    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I much rather prefer A-Keep translations. Like kooshi said about Lunar making translations using informal and slang like aint and other things. I believe that it takes alot of work but I really don't like the translations for them.

  17. #37
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I have no problems with Lunar's translations at all. I like the fact that they have personality and style in their work. I'm glad I'm nto as anal as the guy above, who was mad at Lunar for using the literal English translation for a Japanese word. Oh, gee, how distracting - words in my native language instead of romanji! [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]

  18. #38

    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Who would this be? Me or kooshi?

  19. #39
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    while it wasn't me who said that, i also vote for shinigami over death god (or god of death) anyday...
    soul repear\grim reaper comes in 2nd.

    death god and god of death create a feeling of a singular being who's in charge of death, which doesn't portray the essence of thier jobs...
    angel of death would be acceptable, but it sounds too bombstic, it's like how fox kids changed Amidamaru harusame (spring rain) to sword of light in Shaman king, completly inappriopiate and doesn't convey the feeling well.

    and Y, would you want Sasuke's sharingan to be called 'copy eye ball' or Sasuke to be called 'Genius clan Sasuke'?
    and if we're at it, lets call Kakashi 'scarecrow', Naruto will now be 'spriail whirpool' and Shikamaru is now 'deerson'.

    sure, i've been going overboard with the changing of their names, but jutsu changing won't be anybetter, could sasuke's 'lightning cutter' beat whirpools 'spinning sphare'?
    and what about the hokage, should he be called 'shadowflame'? it sure is a cool name, if you're 12.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  20. #40

    RE: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Whoa. Um nice examples of how Japanese words get translated really crappy into English. For the Naruto examples is that really going to happen? The translations for that I mean.

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