Woo kitkat, GotWoot's resident seamstress in da house!

More of Kraco's curmudgeony antics =| lmao!

[10:31] <Sapphi> hay kraco, a bunch of old school ppl are on FB and forgot their passwords for forum lol
[10:31] <Sapphi> plz help them lol
[10:31] <Sapphi> wilik didnt even remember his username lol
[10:31] <%Kraco> Haha. That's something else, alright.
[10:32] <Sapphi> lol
[10:32] <%Kraco> How am I supposed to help them, though?
[10:32] <Sapphi> are u on fb? join the chat
[10:32] <Sapphi> we got saman, wilik, iridani and xan who dont know their pass lol
[10:32] <Sapphi> and prolly boc
[10:33] <%Kraco> No, I don't have an FB account.
[10:33] <Sapphi> D:
[10:33] <Sapphi> can u make one
[10:33] <%Kraco> Haha, no way.
[10:33] <Sapphi> wow
[10:33] <Sapphi> rudeee
[10:33] <%Kraco> I will try to live my life without having anything to do with FB.
[10:38] <Sapphi> :|
[10:41] <%Kraco> I'm not the greatest fan of the popular social media. I try to leave Zuckerberg's empire alone, and I wish Twitter went bankrupt.
So hopefully everyone else should make an appearance as soon as a nice admin shows up!
We need to find Ani and AA though.