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Thread: Upcoming Anime Season Spring 2021

  1. #61
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Since Nagatoro discussion should probably go to its own thread, I'll flip this a little then to bring it back up to a higher level:

    Why do people like Uzaki-chan and hate Nagatoro-san? Why did people like Uzaki-chan at all?. I can't seem to find a good answer for the latter. Searching anywhere on other forums (since we don't have a thread) and youtube comments...the overwhelming majority of viewers seemed to say this:
    1) Uzaki-chan is set in a university setting.
    Oh wow, what a great reason. It's not a common setting, sure, but that's a terrible reason. There's better university rom-coms, there's really good high school ones, but there's good office ones too. They drink twice in the series. Oh wow. Love Hina was set in high school and university ronin ages, there's tons of underage drinking in the manga, and coincidentally, it is also a tsundere series and hasn't aged that well.

    But most people say this one (and I assume they're actually directly related):
    2) They see themselves in Shinichi "Blando McBlando" Sakurai, who's defining traits are: resting bitch face, introvert, and likes doing alone hobbies like playing video games. Slacker style clothing.
    Don't take a degree in literature to see why the anime watching demographic is drawn to the series when this is the explanation they give. Vicariously living through male lead.

    Like any dating-sim, a lot of viewers are putting themselves in the protagonist's place. One series, 'you' are an introvert that you immediately relate to because O.M.G "That's just like me!" who is being showered with attention from an annoying but attentive extrovert with big boobs. The other, 'you' are being bullied for being meek to the point that 'you' break down to tears.

    I don't insert myself in fiction characters. Ever. That's why Uzaki-chan is boring as fuck with no character development to speak of, and Nagatoro-san is actually interesting.
    I didn't watch Uzaki-chan. I watched Takagi-san. Takagi was always making kind-spritied jokes and the boy was confident enough to only see his losses as motivation to get back at her. The boy in Nagatoro is shy, introvert and after that first scene near-suicidal. If this wasn't comedy, but drama, he'd kill himself. Not so funny anymore.

    This first episode was infinitely more awful imo than anything seen in Redo of Healer. In that anime, all the cunts are known to be terrible beings and deserve what's coming to them. If you want to Nagatoro-ize Redo of Healer, imagine an anime where the hero just goes around raping women, but not in the sexy hentai-way, but with them crying ,struggling, no moans, just bitter, desperate cries. That's what Nagatoro was for bullying in this episode. It wasn't funny. It wasn't cute. It was just HYPER REALISTIC bullying like people irl experience it everyday and some of us did during their time in school. To reply with "man up" is just gross, imagine telling that a rape victim.

    I'm not saying this anime shouldn't exist. I'm anti-censorship. But I personally find it shit and won't be watching it, not when it's labeled as "comedy".

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #62
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    "Man up" - wow, pls never have children.
    Please don't talk to me about children or having children, you would be the last person I'd ask for advice.
    Senpai is a complete wreck. He had all the opportunities to show some balls but since he never gets out of his shell, he didn't do so.
    His whole upbringing was a colossal failure and not standing up for your interests is what gets you into the "bullied" position in the first place, especially when no physical harm is preventing you from doing it.
    No one bothers shitting on you or messing with you if you constantly keep fighting back.
    I'm not saying it's easy to do but that's what you need to do.
    For you, it's obviously easy to accept the victim roll, which is quite ironic considering the duality of it all with the bashful and despicable behavior you show when you dislike a show or disagree with something.

    "they are shit" - "it's bullshit" - "they don't deserve to live" Yada yada, etc. etc.

    oh great, thanks for delivering that redo of healer comparison - it's almost too easy...
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 04-11-2021 at 07:20 AM.

  3. #63
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Please don't talk to me about children or having children, you would be the last person I'd ask for advice.
    That guy is complete wreck. He had all the opportunities to show some balls but since he never gets out of his shell, he didn't do so.
    His whole upbringing was a colossal failure and not standing up for your interests is what gets you into the "bullied" position in the first place.
    No one bothers shitting on you or messing with you if you constantly keep fighting back. This is a fact.
    I'm not saying it's easy to do but that's what you need to do.
    For you, it's obviously easy to accept the victim roll, which is quite ironic considering the bashful behavior and despicable behavior you show when you dislike a show or disagree with something.

    "they are shit" - "it's bullshit" - "they don't deserve to live" Yada yada, etc. etc.
    Nobody should have to do something not to be bullied. wtf

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  4. #64
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I made a dedicated thread, let's move the discussion there.

  5. #65
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Nobody should have to do something not to be bullied. wtf
    So what?
    Nobody should starve either.

  6. #66
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    oh great, thanks for delivering that redo of healer comparison - it's almost too easy...
    It's really weird that that has become the new baseline comparison for basically any series.

    I wonder which website has an overly-detailed 10/10 review on it...

  7. #67
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Super Cub episode 1:

    Yeah, dropped. I didn't hate it, but there's laid back and then there's this. The episode could have been as well about her making breakfast and just showing in detail how she buys groceries, puts stuff on the table, cuts the bread, smears butter and marmelade on it, fills milk in a cup, and so on. There's an audience for this, I'm just not part of it.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  8. #68
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's an extended Honda ad. Just like One Off was.

    Bakuon!! was decent because it had more than one brand involved.

  9. #69
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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