Both Bleach forums should be deleted, archived, or merged.

The posting in the Bleach manga and anime forums is extremely repetitive, with people literally making the same awful jokes and trite observations about the plot, in the same threads every week, for several years. To a certain extent, this isn't even the fault of the posters in each forum, as it's universally accepted that the quality of the writing and art in the comic has seriously suffered as of late. Interminable filler arcs in the anime and a general lack of interest from the author in expanding on characters or plots he has introduced leaves the series a creative wasteland. Bleach has been removed from Shounen Jump's "Big Three" status and replaced with Gintama. It's way past the time when these forums justified their existence. A single thread in the anime and manga forums, possibly comprised of merged posts from recent threads in the existing Bleach forums, would cover what needs to be said.