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  1. #1
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Posting Language

    I had an argument with Krayz in an anime thread which then trickled into PM. He sent me an eye-opening message that I will quote here. I haven't asked his permission, but I believe what he said was important and relevant enough in this forum to be seen by our small community:

    I'm not directly attacking you, but your way of writing things. As I said, you are wrting like "that 4chan dork" or "that guy on reddit" when you state your opinions and it's ridiculing for me to read that when I disagree.

    Your english skills are good enough to write like you actually know the person you are talking to (without being oversensitive of course) and I might say that we as the community here "know each other" long enough so that we don't have to write the way we currently do.

    This isn't even only about you right now - it's about 4/5 of Gotwoot and this is why we have this discussion in every anime thread ever whenever people are in disagreement, whether it's mfauli, ryll, kraco, you or me and it's starting to piss me off.
    I'm not outside of this loop but in the last months I noticed that I'm one of the few people that want to discuss certain shows so it doesn't end up being a "bash of the week"-thread even though the show itself isn't half bad and everyone watches it every week for some reason.

    Mfauli posts during Gate S2 was the most annoying thing I've read recently. Every single week he'd say how fucking stupid X and Y is and yet he would keep watching...and watching...and watching and it's fucking annoying when people bash on something when it's their opinion and they describe it as if you are stupid to believe otherwise

    Even if there wasn't alot to talk about, people would start nitpicking on stuff that gets ignored on what people consider a "good" show.
    It doesn't take much longer and people will complain that the MC didn't swing his sword from the left to the right, but from the right to the left and only because people don't use simple words and sentences to defuse the situation a bit

    "oh man, I'd have preferred it if he had used his sword to do a left -> right cut"
    is 1000x better than

    "Oh look at this idiot, why would he cut from right to left? The author clearly doesn't know *ANYTHING* about swordsmanship"

    When you read the second version, you'll feel stupid for disagreeing.

    It fucking sucks to read this every single week, especially when the show itself is decent (or at least not utterly horrible) and everyone knows it, because why would they keep watching if they disagree with this?

    end of message

    After reading that, I realized that he was right. I used to hate the exact same pedantic posts before, but after posting and reading in this forum for so long, I realize that I've become exactly the thing I despise. I could've put my nitpicks in a better manner, but instead, I used a very matter-of-fact arrogant way of phrasing when I'm fully aware what I'm writing is nothing but my opinion.

    I became obsessed with sounding right and smart that I've forgotten to consider the other person reading what I post. I believe many among us here have fallen into the same rut, with some praiseworthy exceptions (you know who you are).

    I ask that people consider what Krayz said and if possible, be nicer to each other when posting possibly volatile opinions. Why not? I, for one, will endeavor to do so starting now.

    With that, I'd like to apologize to Mfauli for my rather bully-like treatment of him recently. However, I would also like to ask him to tone down the weekly ranting. This isn't one side's fault. We keep triggering each other, resulting in a needlessly annoying exchange instead of a fun discussion between peers.

    Mfauli, I'll try to come up with a Megumin sig for you (unless you want something else) as consolation for my rude remarks and rather brutish abandonment play.

    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 04-10-2016 at 03:38 PM.
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