NiaLand is an AI theme park that blends dreams with hope and science. Vivy was created as the world's first autonomous humanoid AI to work as a cast member in the theme park. She gets on stage every day to sing, but she is not very popular.
"I want my singing to bring happiness to everyone."
Vivy continues singing in hopes of achieving her goal of bringing her heartfelt performances to the theme park's main stage.

One day, an AI that calls himself Matsumoto appears to her.

Matsumoto claims that he is an AI from one hundred years in the future, and that his mission is to rewrite history with Vivy in order to stop the war between AI and humans that will happen a century later.

How will the meeting of these two AIs with such different missions change the course of the future?

This is a story of I(Vivi) destroying I(AI)...

The one hundred-year journey of an AI songstress named Vivy starts now.

Witness the unfolding of a sci-fi drama created by kindred spirits and masters of entertainment: WIT STUDIO, Tappei Nagatsuki, and Eiji Umehara.

Episode 6 already. I know I'm too lazy to create a thread even on anime I like.
But from Ghost in the Shell, Chobits, Plastic Memories to that show and many others, I remember being attracted to the concept of artificial intelligence and humanoid robots with conciousness and even feelings for quite a long time.

These concepts are explored once more in a quite flashy and some action anime. But not as violent and battle god expert as gits, though there's still some robot graphic gore and fast action scene (I tend to dislike as I age).

I felt from ep1 where doom might be coming from and last ep last scene probably goes that way, could be a red herring too as the season is still young though.

I hope some of you have fun watching that show too.