
"The story is set in a world where three schools of medicine are pervasive: Western medicine, Eastern medicine, and "vocal medicine". The healing of illness and injuries via songs is a special technique that not only improves the mental health of patients, but also the mental health of doctors. Such "Healers" strive to sing when called upon to respond to the health and anxiety of patients and doctors alike. The anime depicts the healer girls in training at the Karasuma Vocal Medical Institute.

Source: ANN"

Genre(s): Slice of Life, Musical(!!!)



Well I'll be. An actual musical, and I don't mean "one short token song per episode" musical, either, but full blown Dr. Quinn the Broadway show. I can't appreciate the phonetics of the music, but the melody has a very stage show vibe to it, not unlike Disney insert songs. The premise is actually played kind of tight with strict regulations curbing the main girl's ability to sing for treatment, as they are still in training. Very fun, and toes the line between lighthearted and serious business when the scene demands it. I am really digging this the more I watch of it. A quality product, so far.